RE: Jia Lingโ€™s YOLO (2024) A Tale of Struggle, Perseverance, and Hope

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The war with the mind, yes I have a war and I'm losing the conflict because I always tell myself to start exercising and I don't do it ๐Ÿ˜…, I want to lose about ten kilos, let's see if I can beat the mind in the next months, movies like this are always good because you just need motivation to start that journey and this kind of movies can give it.

But it is a battle because the society that surrounds us, not only China, all of them, consumes people and we have almost no time to see what is good for us because it is not only exercise and lose weight, beyond that is to nourish ourselves well and the world in which we live has us ignorant and away from that which is the most vital for the rest of things like exercise can work.

I like this boxing approach that I notice, because it is a battle to feel and be well physically, I stopped eating so many french fries and I have noticed a radical change, it is a small step ๐Ÿ˜…. What the actress director achieved to gain weight and lose it adds value to her intention because it shows that it can be a 100% natural body interpretation so to speak ๐Ÿ˜ƒ


actually french fries isn't the culprit unless you eat like 500gr of them haha. I'll be back for more comment. I am also on weight loss but still eat fries too haha


I didn't eat 500 gr.... I ate 250 gr Muajajajjaaajja, here they sell portions like that for hot dogs and I did that twice a week for several weeks and I did notice how I started to sweat more and like a certain change in the metabolism.

I'm starting to get informed, and when I feel comfortable with my daily food, I will exercise to get beautiful and precious....
