RE: (ENG/SPA) Sailor Moon Cosmos Part 1 The Rise of The Sailor Guardians

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Ufff Sailor Mars is a beauty, I remember as a child how much I liked her and even today physically I look for her attributes in women hahahaha they have a lot of hair and the hair is black 😍 and I add the part that came out in red heels hahahahaha pol gave santi 😅, you could see with your daughter, sailor moon is a good anime that left good memories in the girls of the 90's, this in netflix

Ufff Sailor Mars es una belleza, yo recuerdo de niño cuanto me agradaba y aun hoy fisicamente busco sus atributos en las mujeres jajajaja que tengan mucho cabello y que el cabello sea de color negro 😍 y añado la parte que salia en tacones rojos jajajaj pol dio santi 😅, pudieras ver junto a tu hija, sailor moon es un buen anime que dejo buenos recuerdos en las niñas de los 90, esta en netflix
