RE: Stranger Things (2016-2025)


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I'm right in the frrostera you just crossed, the one to start watching this series that I really want to see by the emtion I see in all those who tell me that Stranger Things is great to which I also add your opinion 😃 but I'm held back by the number of seasons and the time to see them 😵, I have it listed on Netflix since last year and nothing I start to start watching it haha 😅 but this reminds me to get the strength and finally start watching this good series that incidentally I mistakenly thought it had ended and it turns out that it is cooking season 5 😱

wow rewatch the two seasons, I did not think the plot had some depth, I thought it was lighter with things of mystery and horror etc, that I consider a good plus because I like the series with complexity because they give me a lot to talk about and analyze, for example I saw Dune Prophecy and the large number of complex concepts to me I loved it

I'm so sorry for those who don't have stomach because I would still make them watch it Muajajaj 🤣, as always in the reviews I've read here on hive about this series are only praise in virtually all aspects to Stranger Things and the best thing is that my .... if I love violence and Gore

I'll do the same as you... I'll just give it play... and enjoy the roller coaster of Stranger Things \😎/

Estoy justo en la frostera que acabas de cruzar, la de empezar a ver esta serie que tengo muchas ganas de ver por la emoción que veo en todos los que me cuentan que Stranger Things es genial a la que también añado tu opinion 😃 pero me frena la cantidad de temporadas y el tiempo para verlas 😵, la tengo en lista en Netflix desde el año pasado y nada que arranco para empezar a verla jaja 😅 pero esto me recuerda para sacar las fuerzas y empezar al fin a ver esta buena serie que de paso pensé erroneamente que habia finalizado y resulta que se esta cocinando la 5 temporada 😱

wow volver a ver las dos temporadas, no pensé que la trama tuviera cierta profundidad, pensé era mas ligera con cosas de misterio y terror etc, eso lo considero un buen plus porque me agradan las series con complejidad ya que me dan mucho de que hablar y analizar, por ejemplo vi Dune Prophecy y la gran cantidad de conceptos complejos a mi me encanto

ajajaj pobres de los que no tengan estomago porque yo igual se los haria verla Muajaj 🤣, como siempre en las reseñas que he leido aqui en hive sobre esta serie solo son elogios en practicamente todos los aspectos a Stranger Things y lo mejor es que a mi.... si que me encanta la violencia y el Gore

A su momento hare igual que tu... solo le dare play... y a disfrutar de la montaña rusa de Stranger Things \😎/


Well at the beginning, stranger things begin lighthearted. Just a few scary scenes here and there but as they progress it becomes more gruesome and filled with twists and turns. You will enjoy it should you give it the chance.