Mr. Yujiro Hanma you are The Monster


One knows that an anime or animation has potential when its antagonist has presence, personalities can vary in those that tend more towards the serious but if you can play with humorous traits that humiliate the rest of the characters then I think it's better because it makes the character interaction more appealing to an audience.

Yujiro Hanma is a Monster of character, he is a wild beast with a personality that eats the screen, it provokes to see him, one wants to see how he humiliates his rivals, he is the one who is said to be the strongest and visual, sound and demonic aesthetics give him support to all the previous in the Baki sagas and the incredible thing is that he still has a lot to give.



If you still do not know him, I recommend you with all my being to see the Baki Saga from the beginning to see the whole sequence and how this character with a striking personality is established, I can not say serious because it is not at all, the boy is playful cat and mouse style in all the splendor of the phrase.

The following are the most striking aspects of the character:

  • The Gift of a Monster:

I really don't know what they fed Yujiro when he was born but whatever it was it had all the protein needed to mold a Monster, even jokingly I wonder if he was born fighting the doctor. The anime itself is known for exaggerating the muscles of the characters to the extreme but Yujiro keeps it balanced which I think is the right thing to do to avoid falling into the funny and grotesque that could be counterproductive.

His physical presence is not one of the most overwhelming in the anime except for a muscular trait that tells us he was born to fight, this is important because each person has skills and flaws that can develop over a lifetime but we always have something in which by nature we excel more than what we are usually born with, it is a gift.

For example many of us are content creators, then a gift we are born with is the imagination that with the tools we can shape it to convey an idea, not everyone is capable of this naturally, the same happens with Yujiro, his gift is to fight and make the most of the martial arts, the detail then is in what are his flaws because I do not see that this monster has any.



  • A Personality that Humiliates the rest:

What I consider most attractive of the character is this, the way he humiliates the rest and he does it with basis, sincerely I have seen too many braggarts in the anime but we cannot label Yujiro like that because he proves he is the strongest humiliating not only rivals, but also pulverizes with his words his martial arts.

The above is used very well by the author to generate funny moments, in fact that way of behaving so mocking born of the author's intention to make the viewer laugh, is what I notice because for me is a wonder those moments, I have laughed to no end with the jocosities of Yujiro that in fact is often right with what I think about those scenes, this I will mention in more detail in the area with spoilers.



  • He is not a braggart:

The fact that he humiliates many does not mean he is a braggart because I see shows he is the best BUT if he sees a category rival he will let him know, only of course there are so few who could get to this point that in the anime this trait in his personality could go unnoticed but the man when it is his turn to respect well he does and can even get to slight points of admiration for another fighter.

  • Part of the Review with Spoilers:

He's not a Showoff because of the respect he shows to Muhammad Ali, a good dialogue scene because boy does Baki have boring and eternal dialogue scenes but in this one Yujiro maintains his power while admiring his opponent and that's a point to recognize that at least in my case comes because that one scene alone had my full positive attention.

It humiliates with all propriety to several of the characters including the author of this story because there is an imaginary training between Baki and a Mantis, those chapters the author struggles to give coherence to what he raises to get the idea to the viewer, with all my soul I did not see neither coherence, I didn't see any sense or logic to that absurd training and Yujiro agrees with me because when he laughs at the imaginary mantis, I laugh with him because LORD YUJIRO YOU ARE FUCKING RIGHT and let's laugh together at the stupid things your son Baki does hahahah.

I dedicate each and every one of my posts and videos to my little dog named princess, we called her chiquito, she is no longer with us but from heaven she will see that her existence was valuable and the most beautiful thing that will exist in my heart and soul.




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You're so right!!! Yujiro is easily the best character of the anime, his presence is so big and captivating that makes him the best antagonist ever. I hate him because of his personality but I love because of it too 😅 his supposed to be the bad guy and he does it veeery well


Muchachonaaa have you seen this anime, what a pleasant surprise, tell me how far have you seen it? I want to know haha, if it is a character that I see him eccentric but his actions support the sober behavior that manifests, has many points in favor and in fact is one of the characters that keep me in the anime with the greatest curiosity to know the maximum of its potential 😀


I watched a long time ago, I think until the Raitai tournament. I watched the first anime series ever and the Netflix one, although I think I'm missing a season and the OVA. The thing is that I like Kengan Ashura way more hahaha

But I totally agree with you, Yujiro is definitely the best character and the one that makes you stay. It's the best develop character of them all


i just have on my list to watch kengan ashura, hey but how nice if you don't mind talking to me about baki on video? because i would really like to debate a bit about that anime 😀

justo tengo en lista ver kengan ashura, oye pero que bien no se si te animas a hablar conmigo sobre baki en video? porque vaya que me gustaría debatir un poco sobre ese anime 😀


If you liked Baki then surely you'll like Kengan. And the animation is so good...

Sure, we can schedule a video call someday. Maybe not this week because college is killing me 😅 but we can figure it out. Text me on telegram, you can find me by the same username.

Si te gustó Baki seguramente te gustará Kengan. Y la animación es buenísima.

Claro, podemos cuadrar una videollamada un día. Quizá no esta semana porque la universidad me está matando 😅 pero ahí vemos. Escríbeme por telegram, me encuentras con el mismo usuario.


I think I've seen a scene in the anime of him and Baki, and yes, you're right, his presence is very well clear. He's just too powerful! I also can't imagine how he was when he was young, probably he's also a monster back then.


the big boy yujiro is noticeable and in the last seasons he is more unleashed and quirky haha, he is a show man who supports his actions with actions because he is the strongest, the author has really cooked this character well.

what I don't like is that he stretches too much the gum in the story and that's delicate, I hope he knows how to play well with that so that the climax is satisfactorily and leaves the fans with a battle to remember for eternity 😀


When I started watching Baki, I thought there were too many rivals for one main protagonist, but the moment I saw Yujiro Hanma I knew he was the one I should focus on as the main villain.

Personally I have only watched the first season of Baki and I must watch the others before watching in August what seems to be the final episodes and with your post, I know that I have a lot to see of that character that you describe well in your post.


haaanlame nameless boy 😀, I loved much of the story, a good good anime and power character that supports his acting with power actions, I hope you can catch up and boy do I want to see the end of this story in which the cherry on the cake will be the good boy Yujiro Hanma