(ENG/SPA) Netflix's Twilights of The Gods is Sex and Mythology in all its Glare


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Thumbnail Edited with Paint

The various mythologies in different parts of the world that have managed to leave their legacy have become stories for the book, television and film industry because they have a lot of soul, one that I think is able to adapt to the times because each person, writer who is inspired by them molds their thinking to make them of interest to current audiences.

Twilights of The Gods is a series inspired by Norse mythology in animation style directed by Zack Snyder for Netflix that just fits with the idea I wrote, a person who sees much of the inspiration in several of his works in those ancient cultures that left myths, legends and songs of epic battles and a production company with the money and interest to give life again to those ancient stories and Gods who refuse to die.

Las variadas mitologías en distintas partes del mundo que han logrado dejar su legado se han convertido en historias para la industria de los libros, televisión y cine porque tienen mucha alma, una que pienso es capaz de adaptarse a las épocas porque cada persona, escritor que se inspira en ellas moldea su pensamiento para hacerlas de interés a las audiencias actuales.

Twilights of The Gods es una serie inspirada en la mitología nórdica en estilo animación dirigida por Zack Snyder para Netflix que justo engrana con la idea que escribí, una persona que se ve mucha de la inspiración en variados de sus trabajos en esas culturas antiguas que dejaron mitos, leyendas y cantos de batallas épicas y una productora con el dinero y el interés de dar vida nuevamente a esas antiguas historias y Dioses que se resisten a morir.


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Loki the God of Lies, Source of Image

Zack Snyder is a Director with great influence in the audience that loves him, he is like a God of SLow Motion for them and his products always generate great controversy and discord in the audience at a general level because you either hate him or love him, there seems to be no middle ground. This product called Twilights of The Gods I think is a success in his career and a breath of fresh air that takes him out of Live Action keeping his style and inspiration of stories with Choral Heroes acting as a team to achieve the impossible.

  • Loki The God of Whispers

Loki is a villain of that mythology and I do not know if it remains so in the animation, just that attracts, I liked what I saw of the story and that is why I recommend it, I am a fan of The Gods and Netflix is giving them many opportunities because it is not only this animation, there are others like KAOS and The Blood of Zeus that have pleased me, now the detail to highlight is that in this one I see a better structured villain, with a presence that dominates, the great Loki.

I consider impressive how characters of these mythologies have forged a huge respect, every story that involves them, you can see the effort of their authors to make them shine and I think this product has a powerful glow accompanied by a voice that gives life and whispers suffering and desolation.

Zack Snyder es un Director con gran influencia en la audiencia que le ama, es como un Dios del SLow Motion para ellos y siempre sus productos generan gran controversia y discordia en la audiencia a nivel general porque lo odias o lo amas, pareciera no haber término medio. Este producto llamado Twilights of The Gods pienso es un acierto en su carrera y un respiro que lo saca del Live Action manteniendo su estilo e inspiración de historias con Héroes Corales que actúan como un equipo para lograr lo imposible.

  • Loki El Dios de Los Susurros

Loki es un villano de esa mitología y no sé si se mantiene así en la animación, justo eso atrae, me ha agradado lo que vi de la historia y por eso la recomiendo, soy fan de Los Dioses y Netflix les está dando muchas oportunidades porque no es solo esta animación, hay otras como KAOS y The Blood of Zeus que me han agradado, ahora el detalle a resaltar es que en esta veo un villano mejor estructurado, con una presencia que domina, el gran Loki.

Considero impresionante como personajes de esas mitologías han forjado un respeto enorme, toda historia que les involucra, se ve el esfuerzo de sus autores por hacerlos brillar y pienso en este producto tiene un fulgor potente acompañado de una voz que le da vida y susurra sufrimiento y desolación.


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Thor the God of Cruelty, Source of Image

  • Thor The God of Cruelty

I think Gods have always been cruel because at the same time they are very human and just that happens in this story, if you have loved the representation of this God in other franchises where he is shown kind and heroic, I believe that in this installment you will meet a more real Thor, one who really loves battles and beyond that, loves to slaughter.

  • The Exquisite Gore

A big plus for Twilights of The Gods is its level of violence that spills out like guts through an open wound in the abdomen.

  • Unbridled Sex

Zack Snyder loves to depict sex in his work, it's a tribute to the Olympian bodies of those Heroes and Gods he always wants to depict in his stories, only that from one story to another what they change are the names but he will always show us their way of having sex. The point is that I like in this animation format the good Zack can show more of that unbridled and vulgar sex, this is something that in cinema could not show us in all its splendor but in animation yes and I invite you to enjoy it.

  • Thor El Dios de las Crueldades

Los Dioses opino que siempre han sido crueles porque a la vez son muy humanos y justo eso sucede en esta historia, si te ha encantado la representación de este Dios en otras franquicias donde se le muestra bondadoso y heroico, considero que en esta entrega conocerás un Thor más real, uno que de verdad ama las batallas y más allá de eso, adora masacrar.

  • El Exquisito Gore

Un gran punto a favor para Twilights of The Gods es su nivel de violencia que se desborda como tripas a través de una herida abierta en el abdomen.

  • El Sexo Desenfrenado

Zack Snyder adora representar el sexo en sus trabajos, es un tributo a los cuerpos olímpicos de esos Héroes y Dioses que siempre quiere representar en sus historias, solo que de una historia a otra lo que cambian son los nombres pero siempre nos mostrara su forma de tener sexo. El punto es que me agrada en este formato de animación el buen Zack pueda mostrar más de ese sexo desenfrenado y vulgar, esto es algo que en cine no pudiera mostrarnos en todo su esplendor pero en animación sí y te invito a disfrutarlo.


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The Witch, Source of Image

  • Points to Criticize of the Series

Something that I consider that Zack needs to develop more is the writing of his stories, he needs a lot of help from the writers and always in this structure of Choral or Group Heroes there are so many characters that it is difficult for the story to be natural. There are many scenes where you can see how forced it is for a character to join the adventure.

By relying on complicated stories of little known mythologies, the scenes where they try to explain the origin of these mythologies will probably lose the viewer, some fail and the audience may be left out of history, in this case what I recommend is to watch the scene again, in my case up to three times to understand the conflict, tragedy and battle that I want to raise because the idea is not to see blows and already, the idea is to learn mythology and this although I criticize, becomes a plus because the viewer acquires a healthy knowledge of ancient cultures with this Netflix production.

With this I end the review of Twilights of The Gods, I hope you are encouraged to see it and if you have already seen it or want to see it, tell me in comments what you thought or your expectations.

  • Puntos a Criticar de La Serie

Algo que considero siempre le falta en desarrollar más al buen Zack es la escritura de sus historias, necesita mucha ayuda de los escritores y siempre en esa estructura de Héroes Corales o Grupales son tantos personajes que se nota le cuesta la historia sea natural. Hay muchas escenas donde se ve lo forzado de que un personaje se una a la aventura.

Al basarse en historias complicadas de mitologías poco conocidas, las escenas donde intentan explicar el origen de esas mitologías muy probablemente pierdan al espectador, algunas fallan y la audiencia puede quedar fuera de historia, en este caso lo que recomiendo es volver a ver la escena, en mi caso hasta tres veces para poder entender el conflicto, tragedia y batalla que me quieren plantear porque la idea no es ver golpes y ya, la idea es aprender mitología y esto aunque lo critico, se vuelve un punto a favor porque el espectador adquiere un saludable conocimiento de culturas antiguas con esta producción de Netflix.

Con esto doy finalizada la Review de Twilights of The Gods, espero te animes a ver y si ya la viste o quieres animarte a ver, dime en comentarios que tal te pareció o tus expectativas.

I dedicate each and every one of my posts and videos to my little dog named princess, we called her chiquito, she is no longer with us but from heaven she will see that her existence was valuable and the most beautiful thing that will exist in my heart and soul.



Gif of Tenor Source


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Yeah! He really touched on the subject that we don’t always talk about. The gods are nothing but humans and Thor is NOT a hero. Thank Marvel for making him look like one.


Yes, many stories of gods have been deformed, Thor is practically candy and a product for children when in reality the Gods are the opposite .... are cruelty and terror itself by the way they subdued humanity. They can be placed as heroes but we must always remember that many loved the massacre, war and death. That is why they were adored... for the fear they inflicted on human beings 😱


The human psyche is a dark web on its own. lol. We take the ugly and call it beautiful. Just like with these Norse gods lol


I do love a good Greek mythology that brings the truth to most of the idolized heroes. Thank you for sharing!


Greetings cinetv guys😃, Those gods were not so kind at all, including the one that currently rules in the most dominant religions of the planet, they were purely seeking worship and tribute.... and for nothing else were we humans useful 😅😅


I haven't heard of this movie.
It is true that Olympians and gods oriented movies abd series are coming out more frequently in these recent years...

It's quite thrilling


voy a buscarla para verla, me gustan los diseños de los dibujos y me llama la atención la historia, gracias por compartir! 💕


¿Una película animada de dioses mitológicos hecha por el gran Zack Snyder? Interesante. 🤔


jjajajaja vaya a verla muchachon, esta en Netflix y al menos a mi me agrado bastante 😀