(ENG/SPA) Character Review: Nami from One Piece of Netflix



Anime or animations and Live Action are really opposite poles that are hard to combine, it's like oil and water, however there are elements that I enjoy a lot and I notice the creative effort of directors, costumes, makeup to create their version of the work using real people, now if something is difficult to represent the anime to real people are women.

Nami is a character from One Piece that in the Netflix series is played by Emily Rude, the first thing to evaluate if I were to sit in the position of director when choosing the casting is that she has her own personality, I would fight for certain essence but if the actress convinces me with her way of being I would still choose her and in this case I just notice that because she is definitely another Nami with respect to the anime.

Los animes o animaciones y los Live Action vaya que son polos opuestos que cuesta combinar, es como el aceite y el agua, sin embargo hay elementos que disfruto mucho y noto el esfuerzo creativo de directores, vestuario, maquillaje por crear su versión de la obra usando personas reales, ahora si algo es difícil de representar del anime a personas reales son a las mujeres.

Nami es un personaje de One Piece que en la serie de Netflix esta interpretada por Emily Rude, lo primero al evaluar si me sentara en el puesto de director al elegir el casting es que tenga su propia personalidad, lucharía por cierta esencia pero si la actriz me convence con su forma de ser igual la elegiría y en este caso justo noto eso porque definitivamente es otra Nami con respecto al anime.



Now the physique is of maximum weight to choose the actress but the original work in which it is based exaggerates its characters to the maximum, Nami of the anime as well as you see her in the image has a voluptuous body and some features of face impossible to take to real, if analyzed in detail it is horrifying because that is the essence of the drawings of this author in manga.

Another thing is that by affection of those who enjoy the anime they get to see her beautiful and at times the same anime softens her features but in essence the drawings of One Piece are not cute, they are exaggerated in extreme and in that process the humanity of the characters is deformed where the author makes his own his way of drawing because it is possible to notice his way of expressing the characters physically.

Ahora el físico es de peso máximo para elegir la actriz pero la obra original en la que esta basada exagera a sus personajes al máximo, Nami del anime así como la ven en la imagen tiene un cuerpo voluptuoso y unos rasgos de rostro imposibles e levar a real, si se analiza a detalle es horrorosa porque así es esencia los dibujos de este autor en manga.

Otra cosa es que por cariño de aquellos que disfrutan el anime la lleguen a ver preciosa y en momentos el mismo anime le suavice sus rasgos pero en esencia los dibujos de One Piece no son lindos, son exagerados en extremo y en ese proceso se deforma la humanidad de los personajes en donde el autor hace suya su forma de dibujar porque si que se logra notar su forma de expresar físicamente a los personajes.



Basically what I want to say is that getting a Nami from the anime to real life is almost impossible but you have to choose someone because the project must continue to explore what can come out of this character in Live Action.

Emily Rudd is beautiful, as you can see in the image she has big eyes which obviously will never reach the exaggerated and atrocious of the anime and after adding her orange hair she doesn't convince me at all as Nami physically speaking and neither as I capture her in her personality BUT she is a Nami that provokes me to see and that's what I rescue.

The version of Nami for this series is extremely cold, she just stands there but she's not being cute, she does transmit a certain aura that at least reaches me and captivates me because it provokes me to see her for as long as it's necessary. If I think she needs to improve her acting skills to bring out more feelings and emotions from the character, there are moments that require sadness and that specific sensation is not conveyed to me.

Básicamente lo que quiero decir es que conseguir una Nami calcada del anime a vida real es cuasi imposible pero hay que elegir a alguien porque el proyecto debe seguir para explorar que puede salir de este personaje en Live Action

Emily Rudd es preciosa, como pueden ver en la imagen tiene ojos grandes los cuales obviamente nunca llegaran a lo exagerado y atroz del anime y ya luego de agregarle su cabello naranja pues para nada me convence como Nami físicamente hablando y tampoco como la capto en su personalidad PERO si es una Nami que me provoca ver y es lo que rescato.

La versión de Nami para esta serie es en extremo fría, solo se queda parada pero no es siendo linda, si transmite cierta aura que al menos a mi me llega y si me cautiva porque me provoca verla el tiempo que sea necesario. Si pienso tiene que mejorar sus habilidades de actuación para sacar a relucir del personaje mas sentimientos y emociones, hay momentos que requieren tristeza y esa sensación en específico no me la llega a transmitir.


What Rudd does transmit as Nami is a look as if she was constantly challenging the rest of the characters and the audience well, as I said the orange hair did not please me and neither did the cut, I think the aesthetic work fails in that aspect, it seems that the scissors were passed abruptly, I think it could be more stylized because the actress is beautiful, since it does not look anything like the anime, I think that taking advantage of her being beautiful and highlighting it would not be bad.

She has presence for the battle, yes she has it, moments friendship that highlighted the courage to overcome adversity, this if I see it in her, the biggest criticism is not her physique because to achieve the physical anime as I said before is complex with such exaggerated artistic bases, then if I can objectively judge the personality to act that is where I see must improve her performance in the spectrum of feelings and dismiss the hairdresser who cut her hair to represent the character.

Live Action have it tough but I have watched several series without watching anime and those Netflix series I liked because of their actors, Nami played by Emily Rudd I Really Like You.

I dedicate each and every one of my posts and videos to my little dog named princess, we called her chiquito, she is no longer with us but from heaven she will see that her existence was valuable and the most beautiful thing that will exist in my heart and soul.

Lo que si transmite Rudd como Nami es una mirada como si estuviera retando constantemente al resto de personajes y a la audiencia bien, como dije el cabello naranja no me agrado y el corte tampoco, me parece el trabajo estético falla en ese aspecto, parece que le pasaron tijera bruscamente, pienso pudo ser mas estilizado porque la actriz es bella, ya que no se parece en nada a la del anime, pienso que aprovechar el que sea bella y resaltarlo no fuera estado mal.

Tiene presencia para la batalla, si que la tiene, momentos amistad que resalto el animo para vencer las adversidades, esto si que lo veo en ella, la mayor critica no es su físico porque lograr el físico el anime como dije anteriormente es complejo con unas bases artísticas tan exageradas, entonces si puedo juzgar objetivamente la personalidad al actuar que es donde veo debe mejorar su performance en el espectro de sentimientos y despedir al peluquero que le corto el cabello para representar el personaje.

Los Live Action la tienen difícil pero he visto varias series sin ver animes y esas series de Netflix me han gustado por sus actores, Nami interpretada por Emily Rudd I Really Like You.

Dedicado todos y cada uno de mis post y videos a mi perrita llamada princesa que la llamábamos chiquito que ya no está con nosotros pero desde el cielo verá que su existencia SI fue valiosa y lo más hermoso que existirá en mi corazón y alma.




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no he visto la serie, el personaje si tiene parecido, solo que la muchachona de la vida real, está muchísimo mas linda. La elección de los actores en esta serie Live action, me parece que han estado muy bien seleccionados, mantienen la esencia de los del anime.