Character Review: Noriko Oishi The Pilar of Godzilla Minus One



Human plots in stories involving monsters, mechs, etc. can be counterproductive to the product because by nature the audience wants to see the monster or that giant robot etc, so the writer has to know how to create the feeling and the director has to direct that actor very well in order to keep the viewer's attention alive until the climax.

In this review I am going to talk exclusively about Noriko Oishi which is a character of Godzilla Minus One that I think is precious in her story, she managed to overcome my barrier of rejection towards unnecessary human plots in science fiction like Godzilla's and give me something I do need, to care about her because I loved her performance, her face, her gestures and her hope that reached me.



  • Minami Hamabe The feelings of the film:

The actress has managed to convey her precious feelings to me and that is very hard to acomplish, in fact I regret that she is not the center of the narrative, I think that if she had more impact and was even the one guiding the story, the film would be overwhelmingly better.

I didn't know the actress, I did some research and she has other works so I conclude that she already has some experience that she has managed to transmit in this interpretation, the greatest power that the actress has is her very soft facial gestures, she can transfer sadness or discouragement as well as hope, in my case I'll stay with her sadness, it is what as a story I saw better raised in her with her character of Noriko.


  • Hamabe preparation for the role of Noriko:

In the video you can see a light interview about how she prepared and I think she has done well, despite not having so many minutes in the movie, she manages to convey the necessary that other characters sincerely did not achieve, it's so much that I wish she had been the protagonist.

  • Points to Criticize of the Character:

Despite the above, its negative aspect is of much weight that I clarify does not fall on the actress, Noriko has a fatal Narrative problem which is the miracles, you really have to have faith and believe in miracles to be able to believe her journey.

This could have worked much better from the point of view of the script and I do not understand why it was not done, it reaches a point of wanting to deceive the viewer so much that it falls into an impossible plot twist which many authors seek, it is the climax that is best cooked but it has to be credible, if this is achieved, I think it is much better for the story.



  • With her face she says it all:

This actress has a powerful quality that is her face, she is beautiful but it takes much more than that to captivate the viewer and she has it, only with her gestures I could transmit a lot, I hope future directors know how to take advantage of this of her because it is a skill that the actress already has, you just have to use it according to the story.

Part of the Character Review WITH SPOILERS:

At the beginning when I saw her with the baby, I said to myself, more unnecessary human plots are coming to fill the minutes of the film with boredom and yes it was like that at the beginning but when we go for the second act, if I see love in her and sacrifice for the protagonist, their sentimental relationship is believable.

Now what is not credible is how she is still alive, at the beginning I am glad and keep my joy that the character was still alive but I can not escape from rationality, I am a slave of it and only a miracle justifies it.

To conclude the character of Noriko serves as a very fragile pillar that barely sustains the film at least in my case because it has few minutes that I would have liked to be more but what there is of her is solid enough for me to get attached to her, with her suffering, her family, her dedication and her patience.

I dedicate each and every one of my posts and videos to my little dog named princess, we called her chiquito, she is no longer with us but from heaven she will see that her existence was valuable and the most beautiful thing that will exist in my heart and soul.




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Minami Hamabe prepared for her role

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Minus one it's a great movie. And sad the history of Noriko