How old are you youngster?


Are you old enough to consider yourself a mature person? Because for some time now I have had the uncomfortable hunch that many, if not most here, must be all too young. And this is undoubtedly reflected in the type of content they are creating and in the way they interact and engage here with others all over within the platform.

However, I am going to give to some of you the benefit of the doubt. Because definitely, not everyone here has to be that young. But before you say anything to convince me otherwise. First, I am going to put you through several tests and ask you some key questions that, if answered correctly, maybe you'll be able to dispel some doubts as to how mature we could consider you. Are you ready to answer them?

Ok, let's start with this question first:

¿What is this?

Alright, let me give you a clue to help you out a bit. If you are really an old soul you must know very well what is this right? This was something that was used in the early 70s to separate the soul from the body. And if ever it was used on you, you surely must remember that the only thing you could say once it did its miraculous job on you, it was: ¡Blow mom Blow!

¿Nothing? ¿Doesn't ring a bell at all? ¿Have you never ever seen such an instrument of torture like this?

Uh-huh! Aah! Ah! just as I imagined. You are one of these youngsters I'm talking about. You were certainly not one of those who saw the movie The Exorcist when it was released in theaters the first time. Yeah, did you watch this movie on a giant screen in Technicolor and Cinemascope and not on VHS, DVD or through YouTube?

Of course, your mind can't be the same if you didn't see this classic for first time in a movie theater with a giant screen and the air conditioning at maximum than to see it wrapped up lying comfortably in your bed through your small television screen.

That's why I think you are a youngster. And probably only a console video-gamer too. Because I bet you never played those early mindfucking computer games of the beginning either. Those with the true ability to alter, modify and change your mindset to become a mature content creator today. "Turn on, boot up, jack in"

"Who controls the pictures on the screen controls the future and computers. Let people control their own mind thru the screen”

Mind Mirror

Or do you really prefer to stay for ever into a kinda Hypnospace Outlaw 90s internet simulator in which players only act as Enforcers & Volunteer Moderators who scour this Hypnospace's surreal network of weird blogs and wonderful content just to hunt down wrongdoers while also keeping an eye on their rewards, avoiding mind viruses and SJW adware and downloading a plethora of apps that may or may not be useful for no one?

Hypnospace Outlaw

Well, if that's the case. You can't guess what that torture instrument in the first image of this post is. Do you still want to read interesting things that change your mindset and make you mature? And above all, you like the old little freebies like the ones I've already been giving you through this article? Then, just click here, download the book and keep reading! Perhaps it's the only way you can know yourself better and mature enough to actually improve your content in the Hypnospace.

Leave a comment. Share your experiences and feedback. ¡Be part of the conversation!


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Cranky Gandalf

