Two Ways to Screw Your Hive Account .:. Walk & Talk Series


I'm happy that you supported this type of content with your votes in the recent poll, as that gives me motivation to continue doing it! (btw. if you didn't vote, please go to this link and cast your vote for the content that you would like to see more on my blog)... It's not an easy task to record these videos, especially as I try to do them in just 1 cut, without "reading the line"... That kicks me out of my comfort zone, and pushes me to focus on 1 topic, trying to add value to viewers in the shortest amount of time possible...

Walk And Talk.jpg
Created in

Whenever I would create a video from the Walk & Talk Series, I would also write a (long) post around it which should be a description, but many times it would be a written post on the same topic with additional thoughts! I realized that by doing that, I take value from the video itself and many people don't even check it out, while it can find different messages... So, I will do this time differently...

The short description says... During my 5 years on HIVE, I saw many people coming and going here... Some of them would quit just because they got bored, some would leave as they expected more, and for many different reasons... Among others, I have spotted TWO types of struggles here on HIVE that sometimes people don't realize and can't objectively explain what happened and what they did wrong...

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The first type are people who come to the platform with high expectations, but without the will to create quality content... When I say "quality content", I mean a non-low-effort post... So, they are throwing 2-3 sentence posts, or 1 image post, for a certain time until they realize that they made a mistake... In one moment they began to create valuable posts, but then... (check the video 🙂)

The second type of Hivians is those who can be even Red Fish or Dolphins on HIVE... Some innocently fall into the trap of one specific HIVE whale that can deceive you... What you will hear in the video about this are my assumptions about how that certain whale "works", and take that with a reserve as I can be wrong...

That will be all about the topic in the description of the video! Don't forget to check it out here! It's only 11 minutes long...

Thank you for your time,


Liotes Divider Blue.png

👉 Vote for Liotes HIVE Witness HERE 👈

Don't forget to follow, reblog, and browse my Hivepage to stay connected with all the great stuff!

You can also find me on InLeo .:. Twitter .:. LBRY


For the sake of those that I also want to watch the video, (I will withold the name of the curator)

This curator is not really a random curator. I think he maintains a habit, upvote some group of people randomly for like a year and let them be, and they're left wondering what they've done wrong. What they don't know is that the curator only decided to shuffle the list of the people he curates.
Your video was interesting to watch, and I wish people can watch more, rather than throwing comments without taking the time to watch.

I don't really weigh the quality of my content, I just feel they're fair enough and sometimes educative (except for my random health complications rant)

As for the first group of people. I read the post of this guy who said he was tired of Hive because people rarely commented on his post. Someone commented and asked if he also did the same and he wasn't sure. I think he got tired that his expectations weren't met and decided to power down everything and go. Expectations with effort can ruin people.


This curator is not really a random curator. I think he maintains a habit, upvote some group of people randomly for like a year and let them be, and they're left wondering what they've done wrong. What they don't know is that the curator only decided to shuffle the list of the people he curates.

I suppose that I didn't do my job well explaining in the video, so thanks for doing it here in the comment section! 🙏

I don't really weigh the quality of my content, I just feel they're fair enough and sometimes educative (except for my random health complications rant)

You are doing great with your posts! Whenever I comment on them, I see a bunch of other, meaningful comments which means that people like the content and that it is engaging!

I read the post of this guy who said he was tired of Hive because people rarely commented on his post. Someone commented and asked if he also did the same and he wasn't sure.

Yeah, I heard/witnessed that many times... People expect to drop posts every day, without doing any engagement, even on their own post's comments... And that question was on spot... You expect that others do an effort and check your content, but you don't want to do it... and you expect results? 😃

Was talking about that many times... That HIVE isn't FB, IG, or anything similar... it is a 2-way street, where engagement is mutual!

THanks for checking out the video and for your kind words about it!


I suppose that I didn't do my job well explaining in the video, so thanks for doing it here in the comment section! 🙏

I suppose you did, I just saw a lot of other contents he curated and arrived at the conclusion I had..

You are doing great with your posts! Whenever I comment on them, I see a bunch of other, meaningful comments which means that people like the content and that it is engaging!

I hope I can do better with my engagement too. Having a young family to juggle often makes it harder lol.

Yeah, I heard/witnessed that many times... People expect to drop posts every day, without doing any engagement, even on their own post's comments... And that question was on spot... You expect that others do an effort and check your content, but you don't want to do it... and you expect results? 😃

Yeah, the guy made reference to Facebook and how Facebook caters for his content. Unfortunately Hive is just a different kettle of fish and for someone who had on the platform over 2 years, I thought he'd have known by now.


Some people think that they can earn money on HIVE just the way they copy-paste posts on the other social medias.


Yeah, that happens a lot... Unfortunately, sometimes that does work with some automatic upvoting bots, which gives a bad image as it looks like we support low-effort posts... But luckily, that doesn't happen a lot...

And the problem is when people realize that copy-paste will not work in the long run and change the way of doing things here... But, it can be too late as their "valuable" content will become invisible because of previous attitudes...


I'm laughing about your busy road! I think I saw one car.
Thanks for sharing this wisdom. Engagement and making friends is so important!
I went out for awhile this morning and by o'clock it was so hot I had to come in to get out of the sun.


I'm laughing about your busy road! I think I saw one ca

Hahahahaha... I spent over 10-15 minutes before clicking on the record button as there were so many cars on that small road... lol... And when I clicked, only 1 car was passing by... So, now it looks like I was lying... 😂 🤣

Thanks for sharing this wisdom. Engagement and making friends is so important!

It's important to share our experiences... I know that people will make their OWN mistakes, but still, it could help someone...

I went out for awhile this morning and by o'clock it was so hot I had to come in to get out of the sun.

Summer is coming and coming back from the beach will be around 11 AM... lol... As it's insupportable to be outside between 12 and 5-6 PM...

I hope you will have a great weekend!!


I think you are right, there are quite a few accounts I remember from my early days who were always getting some big upvotes each day, regardless of the content and yet had no engagement what so ever. It is good to try to earn on Hive, but it wont last long if you dont produce good content and the good news is there are many curators looking for good content each day if people want to meet half way.


Exactly! It is always the same issue, we got comfortable in our "bubble" seeing those nice upvotes, and instead of trying to improve, we stay in the same place all the way...

Note to me: I may not say to my son that learning will not stop when school stops... 😂 Without learning, exploring, and researching, our lives serve for nothing...


Sometimes I wonder if appreciator deliberately upvotes mediocre content just to sow discord, I'm pretty sure it does, I think the owner of it is into that sort of thing.


I don't know how it exactly works and I am often a conspiracy theorist 😃, but in this case, I don't think that it has some secret agenda behind it... I would agree with @josediccus's observation...

But, we are all just assuming things... :)


Very insightful vlog posting!


Thank you very much! I'm glad that you liked it!


You're so right on the low effort really is easier to find new user creating good post.than old one that messed up and you ignored. The quality post is so important from the very beginning... I almost made this mistake but had mentors from @ecency and new friends I made encourage me and I think I'm doing much better.. because of the lessons I realized if I'm not going to create quality, I might as well not post at all.. so at first I never miss a day posting, nowadays I post if the content is going to be very good and I'm seeing it positively affect the earnings so I'm happy for that


We all have made mistakes and will make mistakes... As HIVE is a social media network, it is important to "listen" to how others react to our content and have feedback on it... Not in a way to "fit into the narrative", but in a way to try to raise our quality, and maybe inspire others, or motivate them to do better...


This is an advice I certainly won't forget in My journey on HIVE


To be honest, we would all like "that" whale to vote for us every publication. 🤣 But I prefer to get fewer rewards in the short term and continue building my community of readers and, why not say it, friends. That's what fills me with Hive. 🤗


Oh, I have nothing against big upvotes! They are always welcome... But, even if I would receive them, I would still try to do better with the next one... Or, maybe I wouldn't... lol... Money corrupts people, and makes them worse... so, who knows... 😃


Money corrupts people, and makes them worse... so, who knows... 😃

That’s why I always say that I don’t want to be a whale. 🤣🤣 Orca is my goal for the next years. 😁


I look at it as a challenge... Give me the money, and I will try to stay "an ordinary guy" 😂


I wonder how many would still be posting on Hive without the rewards, high or low as they are. I probably would, since I have a pre-Hive blogging experience where rewards were a chimera most of the times. I liked to say what I had to say then as I do now, and engage with people as well.

I know at least a few others who write here not directly motivated by the financial reward of blogging, since they reveal from their posts a very good situation both in the real world and in crypto, so a few dollars plus or minus to them every day would not make a difference.

The situations you described are real and they happen. As someone who likes to engage with others but I do occasionally (often, lately) find myself in the position of being too tired or too focused on other matters to comment, I understand why engagement fluctuates, even for the same person.


I wonder how many would still be posting on Hive without the rewards, high or low as they are. I probably would, since I have a pre-Hive blogging experience where rewards were a chimera most of the times. I liked to say what I had to say then as I do now, and engage with people as well.

That made me think too... And I got to the point that we would probably launch a Liotes tribe and move LEN into the curation thing... 😃 That would be a challenge... :)

And regarding the post's topic, it wasn't that much about engagement (this time), but more about the usual "get rich quick" scheme and what goes with it... plus, the "fake image" that whale upvotes create in people... Many times, newbies can't understand that most upvotes are coming from real people (they could be automatic, but someone did the work to set them up), and the mentioned whale is doing a randomize upvotes... Which doesn't help when it happens on low-effort posts... It's like encouraging shitposting...


Are you sure the said whale auto-votes? Maybe it's a combination of manual and automated.

I know for sure they also manually vote because I received one vote from them in recent history, but only one. That didn't repeat. 😀

You are right, I have noticed certain accounts that are regularly upvoted by them, and, given the vote size, if they lose such a vote after a while they'll probably wonder what happened, when in fact it may be nothing that has to do with their content or them personally...

Author rewards often drives the type of content the author creates. It's a type of feedback, but quite unreliable. More reliable feedback, as you also said in your video is the one from meaningful comments. But comments don't always add to the payout (unless they get voted on), and if that's what people are focused on, then they will give more importance to the unreliable feedback given by the fluctuating author rewards.


As I said in another comment, I think that @josediccus explained it the best in his comment on this post... He did a better job than I did in the video... :)


Sadly it's the lack of purpose in life. It always starts in you if you grow your personal development things will be better for you. I'm almost 2 months on Hive this past week I've learned so much! I think we touched this on your podcast I forgot I'm old😀.I'm not an expert on giving advice but I can try. On day one you joined Hive just reflect back did you grow? Did you learned? Do you have more value? If most of the answer is no go to the mirror and say I will change now!


Yeah, those are some nice questions that everyone should ask... From my experience, people tend to NOT think... it is boring, and it could be painful to self-reflect... When you realize that you didn't move forward, it could destroy you... That's why people like reality shows on TV, watch sports all day, or do other ridiculous things, just to avoid thinking and taking responsibility...


It's the easy way out because of the hardships in their reality. If they can just see the outside of the Matrix. Follow the rabbit hole 😀



Thank you for the, I mean very informative video. !LOLZ

I only said disappoint cause that is what came to mind at the start, which got me thinking, imagine if I followed the advice of a whale? Would I be helping them at the expense of messing up my account and not focus on my own objective?


Now all whales are like the one that I described in the video... Some of them are great with awesome ideas, but some are "rotten apples" that have no idea what they are doing and have no idea of the power that they have... And we know that saying when you give power to the wrong hands...

Would I be helping them at the expense of messing up my account and not focus on my own objective?

Well, that is happening a lot... Many people are "selling their souls/ideals" to get better upvotes from whales... Forgetting the real purpose, or why they came here in the first place... Or, like you said, "focus on your objective"...

All that creates a "herd movement" and not a leadership movement... and the herd is always the best for...

Cheers! Have a great weekend!


Now all whales are like the one that I

You mean, Not !LOLZ

All that creates a "herd movement" and not a leadership movement...

In my experience, most people are not leaders and more often than not, those playing a leader role are more or less answering to their funders and not exercising leadership qualities. C'est la vie! “In the Midst of Chaos, There Is Also Opportunity” (Sun Tzu) And I must say, there is no shortage of chaos. We may be at a tipping point for the next revolution. France has been a good leading indicator of revolutions.

Back to my Hive experience, I got a few down votes from one whale for telling him to stop blaming others for his losses and error in his ways. The guy tells everyone that they just have to show up everyday and publish shit and in time you can publish more shit about great earnings from upvotes and earn even more votes for gloating about being a whales. It's a #TooFuckeh system. An error in the system. Just like the error in the system that decided Trump would be a great leader for USA and a great example for all democracies in the world.

From what I can tell, with being here for just over a year, Hive is much more than publishing a long post. I see patterns of long postings that get well rewarded and I don't see much value. It takes me a long time to create a blog. I am sure I am not the only one. Why create a long blog when it is not necessary? What is wrong with providing short content more frequently if that is what a project needs to succeed? I see long blogs that are not much different than a previous long blog that gives the same information 3 or 4 different ways in the same blog and they are well rewarded. As I learn more, I see patterns from the voting bots, curation trails and Hivers that power vote each other. It's not the content that is valuable but the upvote reward system itself. Ah well, I am still collecting data and learning.

One day, I upvoted my own post to see if it had an impact in offsetting a downvote from an overly sensitive whale. In less than a minute I am reminded that you should never upvote yourself because some whale will down vote you. Another time, I provided an opinion about the current man made famine in Gaza and the blog author told me not to comment on his blogs or he would down vote me. Ah well, as long as people exist there will be flaws in systems. Not being a pessimist as much as a realist.

Enough rambling. Thanks again for allowing me to exercise some grey matter. !ALIVE


You mean, Not !LOLZ

lol... darn spellchecker... 😂

Thanks for exercising your grey matter! I had a discussion this morning about HIVE, and in general, all this is still a big (or small) experiment... It's not an easy task to create a decentralized social media network... It looked easy from the "outside" and when it was launched, but as with any other experiment, issues come to the surface when it is "practiced"...

I suppose that the best way to look at it is that nothing is set in stone, and anything can change if there is a consensus... Like you said in the comment regarding revolutions... critical mass is the one that pushes for changes... It's not the one who is doing them, but it is the one who makes it happen... With bigger or smaller impact, that's another story...

Thank you for your time!


I think both are valid. Honestly, I think that nobody is guaranteed to upvote you and trying to take that for granted is bad. In the end, I agree with your conclusion that if you are getting people to respond and actually read your posts, then you are doing something write. Making sure to engage with them is always nice to do.


Feedback is crucial... Feedback from a living person, who learned something, which gets some value, or has been entertained...


Hey, Ph... nice to see again, after so much time!

A huge hug from amico.



Hey, Amico!
Long time no see! How are you doing? I hope that the family is OK!


Everything ok, thanks!
Right now, I'm visiting the Marche Region: it's AWESOME! 🥰


Hmm I actually feel that the responsibility lies more on the voter/curator instead of the person posting. I think it's really up to the individual to decide whether he/she wants to write "good content" or just "spam", but as voters, we should exercise our right to vote responsibly.

Personally, I do have some "low effort" posts e.g. zapfic stories which are usually just 50 words. I do it for the fun, and as a mental exercise to hone my creativity, and I am totally fine if these posts don't get much upvotes. I still do them when they organise it, because I just want to participate in the Freewriters community's activity. Maybe I am fortunate that I have a day job which pays my bills, and Hive is more of a hobby to me, and definitely not an income source (looking at the votes for my posts, lol!). So I am not so "strategic" in terms of trying to hunt for upvotes.

P.S. I am not sure if I am the only one. I realised videos on Hive posts/3speak takes extremely long to load for me. It was quite bad today. I think it took more than 3 hours (no kidding!) to load this 11 minute video, so the video plays for 5 seconds then pauses for a few minutes then plays for another 5 seconds and so on. It's the same with the weekly Liotes videos as well but it's the worse today. I don't have issues with other websites or if I am watching Youtube. So am not sure what is the issue, is it with Hive/3Speak's server or something or some node issue?



You are right about the "responsibility" of voting, but we can't pick who will vote for us or not, and how will some curators think... The second example was just a heads-up to not be caught in a trap of big (almost random) upvotes and fall asleep... 😃

I was doing something similar to you... For example, instead of your zapfic, I was doing Actifit posts... As much as I was doing them differently, with photos and story, they didn't attract readers and they did a counter effect to my main account and topic... Everyone had an assumption that Actifit posts are shitposts and that the rest of my posts are the same... Because of that, I moved my Actifit posts to another account, but due to lack of free time, I stopped doing them... Not sure if that helped or not to my main account, but I began receiving more comments on my other posts...

In the end, I wouldn't say for myself that I'm trying to hunt for more upvotes, but rather to be more visible with the ways of thinking and spreading the word about the good sides of this chain... That's the main reason for running the HHHLive show too... To gather the community, and to make HIVE bonds stronger... IMO, that's the only way how this chain can survive...

Regarding 3Speak, I have checked the video loading and it works completely fine... I tried some other videos and they worked well too... It was working fine the last few days, too... Maybe it has something with the GEO location? I have no idea, just guessing...



Yeah I tend to give more benefit of the doubt to people. I think some people are just using Hive as a platform to document their daily activities, like a journal or something. Some of them (not all of course) are not doing it to get "cheap votes". Then there are those who are building their account to grow their network aggressively. And most of us are in between. I think there's room for all of us to exist.

Thanks for checking on the 3Speak. It's not something that bothers me a great deal, just a small inconvenience. :)


Then there are those who are building their account to grow their network aggressively. And most of us are in between. I think there's room for all of us to exist.

Oh, of course, there is room for everyone! That's the beauty of HIVE! For example, I'm not an Instagram type, but Liketu is doing an awesome job on HIVE... And I have no idea about it... It's like a completely different world... But, it's great that everyone can find their place here!


😄 I have seen those low effort for the sake of posting so often but gets highly rewarded. I guess, you know it happens and the fact that they also rarely engage and comment make me seethe sometimes haha


Well, I suppose that your example is those "old accounts" with automatic upvotes, which is a "bad example" for those that I was writing about... lol... They saw those posts and thought that they could do it too... 😃

Sometimes, I think that the "worst" enemy of HIVE are those automatic upvoting scripts... :)


snake oil salesman.jpeg


I never liked this selling point. Sounds like something a snake oil salesman would say and unfortunately, a lot of people get confused by something like this. The incentive is to create as many shit posts as possible to earn as much as possible, as quickly as possible. Just like your mentors did with you " post, post, post... every day... once per day. Figure out what curation guilds and whales want to see, and make posts that follow the magic formula.

One of my favorite web3 concepts is "value-for-value". The idea of giving value in one form to someone and receiving value in another form in return. A two-way street like you mentioned in the comments below. It's great that we found HIVE so early.
We're in a token distribution phase on HIVE, but in my opinion it needs to move to a model where tokens are given to those who provide value: by running nodes, providing a service, etc.


Yeah, I agree with you 100% regarding the "HIVE marketing" and what is even worse, I thought that way of looking at HIVE is the past, but it looks like it's not... I see onboarding campaigns with the same approach still running, and not by newbies, but some "more experienced" Hivers... 😞

Figure out what curation guilds and whales want to see, and make posts that follow the magic formula.

That is a huge problem that nobody wants to address... People jumping in niches where they will receive big(er) upvotes and where they have no idea about the topic... While some other niches suffer as they have no support... I remember the time when HIVE (or old chain) was full of crypto talk, which was also bad... But, in one moment, all support for that content disappeared and went into foodies, traveling... Don't get me wrong, I like those topics, but we should have some kind of balance...

IMO, the only way to solve this issue is to give back power to people, to individual, manual curators, and that's kind of a topic for many posts that I recently did... It is a long shot, but I will continue talking about it... As it is beneficial from many angles...

We're in a token distribution phase on HIVE, but in my opinion it needs to move to a model where tokens are given to those who provide value: by running nodes, providing a service, etc.

Speaking of that, I was thinking about the issues on HIVE, and one of my conclusions was that we have a problem as our HIVE whales are also our Top witnesses, and our HIVE developers in most cases... That's not a good combo... There is no "counter-balance", which leads to monopoly, bad token distribution, and governance problems...


It's funny I'm come across this. I have been here since 2017. Yeah, might be on and off but my heart and souls was never away whenever my husband would take all my gadgets and lock it up in a vault because am obsessed of (Steemit)/Hive.

People think it's such a rewarding feeling when you get bombarded with comments (Steemit time), you could hardly load the page and go to the bottom of the page. It wasn't fun anymore, it was a burden that I had to live and traumatize.

As per the content. That's a debate between the left and right can never agree on. That would depend on the curator. Of course for me, quality over quantity, but I would take my time to help that person and leave a friendly advice on how they can swim in this vast ocean. We can only advise but if the person is not willing to make a change then we must move on to the next fish.

I could write a lot but I'd rather read some comments here.



Interesting point of view... I have no problems with comments on my posts... I like to reply to people who spend time on my content... Maybe I don't get as many as you, but I'm happy to see them...



I don't have too much free time, given that I have a full-time job, to devote myself to maximum engagement with communities. I don't know if it will affect my account (the 2nd scenario you mentioned).


I wouldn't say that you get into the 2nd scenario as you are not on the list of tha specific whale... :) I see people who are think they are "doing more than maximum" in different communities, with a lot of spam comments, which isn't too helpful either...


Hello ph1102!

It's nice to let you know that your article will take 10th place.
Your post is among 15 Best articles voted 7 days ago by the @hive-lu | King Lucoin Curator by hallmann

You receive 🎖 0.1 unique LUBEST tokens as a reward. You can support Lu world and your curator, then he and you will receive 10x more of the winning token. There is a buyout offer waiting for him on the stock exchange. All you need to do is reblog Daily Report 330 with your winnings.


Invest in the Lu token (Lucoin) and get paid. With 50 Lu in your wallet, you also become the curator of the @hive-lu which follows your upvote.
Buy Lu on the Hive-Engine exchange | World of Lu created by szejq

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