Something to watch and another to listen


As I was perusing Fmovies to see if there is anything to put on as background noise I saw a familiar cartoon cover.

The Strange Planet cartoons panels use to be a regular feature when I scrolled twitter and I always liked how a lot of the humor is just the over-complexity of naming things after their function. Like someone being sad and you then handing them their comfort square.

The first 5 Episodes are already out and I think they do well enough from the onset but it does seem like they are also just figuring it out as they go. Hopefully, it does keep going because if they can find their groove then it will be a fun quirky show to and perfect for background watching.

On the Music front I have not been listening much of anything really but one that seems to come up a bit and finally got a play is Will Wood.

I think some of the songs can feel kinda samey but overall the guy is solid. I would describe his general sound as an upbeat and oddly the word quirky comes up again. It does help that he does not sound like every other cutesey high pitch bitch boy that seem to be the norm of popularity.

In other news, Tom, Dax and Adam have brought out a collab and it is not bad, although I kept watching for the videography since there were some really clean effects added which just blended well together without being a special effects horror show.

The song is also not bad all though I think it could have been stronger and Tom's insistance of censoring the cussing is irritating as fuck.


Oh is that what they're called? I recognised those alien immediately. I often share their memes and cartoon strips on social media. I'm looking forward to the series! Thanks for the great post!


👍 Yes hoping they don't go ruining it , fingers crossed. !PIZZA