Bad but not worse


I am not a big fan of children in lead roles but sometimes everything else is so tedious you might as well watch some slapstick fantasy with the obligatory kid-as-a-king storyline.


The Secret Kingdom

Sometimes I get bored of the background Youtubes then plop on some movies or series, if they are any good I might even watch.

Fast and the Furious X and John Wick 4 were so boring as even as background shows I did not finish either of them.

So twice burned I put on something I won't expect much from. Truth be told I also put it on because I saw it is from Australia and I did not know they were capable of making movies so had to see.

Not bad. I don't know what their budget was but if there was cringe it was from the dialogue and general acting. Beyond that it looked very good, for that you need to thank modern computing I think.

The story is actually rather good even though they likely kept it surface level for sake of a PG rating.

If this was rewritten more like Pan's Labyrinth or Donny Darko style then it could even gather a cult following.

Needless to say I actually started watching completely near the middle so there is enough story, creativity and humour to keep a person interested. Albeit some things that the plot tries to make seem all mysterious just isn't but it is still fun.

There was one thing I did not see coming though and it could be that I was not paying attention which is fair enough given I do about five other things at any one time.

However just for that twist it made watching the full movie worth it and is why I think if this was re-done it could really beat Fast X and John Wicks ass.

All in all a fun little fantasy from backwards place like Australia nonetheless.

Posted using CineTV
