RE: Learning to ski with The Sylphs (using pinmapple to log location)


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This is so much fun to watch, their joy is infectious! The first time I took my kids skiing, one of them broke their arm! Not quite so much fun...

I did it!

I've been looking for sylphs everywhere, but so far, no sightings. I'll have to content myself with yours.

I did write a poem about them

sylphs of yourself
hover nearby
my heart pounds


Sounds rather like my own story there. It wasn't the first time skiing but i broke my leg at the age of six, trying to do a large jump which was beyond my capabilities. While i am sure this bothered my parents at the time i rather liked having a broken leg with a big white cast on it for everyone to draw pictures on ;)

It is great you are on the ball getting your children started early. People don't realise it yet but skiing will be very important in the future as the easiest way to get around.

Sorry to hear the Sylphs are eluding you still. They will likely arrive when you least expect it...

Love the poem!

Thank you for sharing 🙏