
With my sister.
Day 2 of watching old cartoons with my sister. Today we settled for Ratatouille. I was really young when I watched this cartoon. I couldn't entirely remember the details but I knew I've seen it once I saw the title whilst going through what cartoon to watch today.

"If you focus on what you've left behind, you'll never be able to see what lies ahead"

Ratatouille is a 2007 animation produced by Pixar. Now to be honest I don't know the difference between Pixar and Disney or whether they're related. Are they related? Pardon my ignorance.

PLOT: Now, the concept of this cartoon is amazing wild and weird at the same time. The story follows a rat,Remy. Remy was completely different from the usual kind of rat,his friends and family. He adored the human way of cooking and he also adored the chef, Auguste Gusteaus. Gusteaus was a renowned chef in Paris. He's known for his amazing restaurant,Gusteaus which produces one of the best dishes in Paris. Remy snuck into houses to watch him on TV. He was particularly popular for his book, "Anyone can cook". This spiked the interest of Remy and made him believe he could actually be something in the human world. Remy had a thing for flavours,the ingredients of food, components. What made up every beautiful dish and made it taste and smell exquisite. Opportunity knocks at his door and Remy finds a friend who can just make him practice what he loves doing. A human friend.

Like I said earlier, the concept of this cartoon may sound or look funny. But for a 2007 cartoon,man was it worth it. I loved the story of the cartoon. It casually reminded me that anyone can be anything. In a blink of an eye, someone's life can completely change and that's literally another concept of "hope". Although,who would have thought a rat to be a better cook than most humans!? A literal rat! Not to be racist or anything, I mean.. I found it silly and funny watching the story of a rat at first but it wasn't a toddler animation. It was a cartoon. A standard animations anyone can watch and enjoy.

I maybe be babbling all sorts of crap there.


Ratatouille is a really amazing animation. I really enjoyed watching it. It easily stomps The Brave and I'm saying this cause my sister loved it too. A 9 out of 10!


A Rat to be a better cook than some humans ..

No wonder they're so fat😂😂😂

I do remember this film and I absolutely loved it😍


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