Becoming a Power Ranger

The first thing I thought of when the word "omega" came to mind was a character in one of the Power Ranger series I used to love as a kid. Going through old videos from the series brought back a lot of memories and how I used to feel watching such shows. At one point as a kid, my ambition was to become a power ranger. That obviously didn't happen, but when I think of it in some sense, I somehow became a power ranger. I'll explain.

You see, in one of the short snippets I watched, there was a sixth ranger that was so special, he basically stole the show. Usually, in every power ranger show, there are either (or mostly) five main rangers, or otherwise three, and then there would be a sixth or special ranger that is somewhat different and special. That's who the omega ranger was. He was somehow way more powerful than the red, blue, green, yellow, and pink ranger.

The Omega Ranger was so strong and powerful, and even had way more sophisticated technology than any other ranger, that he could take on enemies on his own and flawlessly win. He was confident of that and somehow arrogant about it. He said to the others in the snippet, "I don't need you guys." And that was the end of the snippet, but in another snippet, he was patrionizing rather than condescending to his teammates, the other rangers. He said, "It was thanks to us all."

Both snippets were from different times in the show, but I needed not to watch the entire series to remember what happened, or at least understand "the point." The Omega Ranger had gone through some life lessons that made him realise at one point that we all need one another at some point in this life. And that was part of what the Power Ranger shows were about, aside from the entertainment.

Leadership, teamwork, service, hope, faith, humanity, responsibility—to mention a few—these were the virtues that all of the Power Ranger series mostly taught. It goes way deeper, but my point here today was how such shows managed to teach people [or mostly kids] life lessons in the form of entertainment. And the truth is, they somehow lie somewhere in our hearts.

So somehow, I grew up understanding to some degree what it means to have hope, to serve humanity, to truly be a leader, and that with great power comes great responsibility, not just by listening to my parents and learning from my experiences, but by even watching TV shows.

So even though I never had super powers or ever owned morphers to morph me into the power ranger forms, it's safe to say that I still managed to become a power ranger.

Oh, and mistakes, yeah, I make them sometimes. I made one yesterday and quite a lot in the last year alone, even though I could have known better, being a "power ranger," heh, but that's life in it's entirety. That's what makes us human. The human experience isn't perfect, but we always grow and evolve.

By the way, the show was Power Rangers S.P.D. [Space Patrol Delta], and it was my favourite.

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Every human makes mistakes even the "the power rangers". They make mistakes but they go back, figure out what went wrong learn the right way of doing things and come back to whoop all the "demon ass".

This is a life lesson we all must imbibe. When you fall, learn and dust yourself back up again.

You were right though about the power rangers movie teaching us life lessons, tht is very true and it seems like I passed on those genes to my daughter who absolutely adores power ranger movies. We have watched so many that I lost count already.

Happy Sunday Jay


It's like Becky watched Power Rangers o. Eh ehn?

But you're on point! Indeed, "When you fall, learn and dust yourself back up again."

I'm glad your daughter is enjoying Power Rangers too. I just hope she's into the classic ones and not the kind they are doing now, but I wonder which one her favourite is anyway.

I hope you are having a great week.


Yes Jay, my girl loves watching power rangers and her favorite is power rangers wild force 😁 (she keeps putting it on replay) maybe I will just throw away the CD.

My week is going great. Thanks Jay


I used to think red Power Ranger was the most powerful one and I always wanted to be the Ranger but Later, I understood it was not the most powerful one. Still, I love the red one.


The red ranger was always my favourite, but I actually liked the blue ranger more in S.P.D. He had a more interesting superpower.


jeje que recuerdos, no me los perdía! buen post!

hehe what memories, I did not miss them! good post!


Your review recalling my childhood era. I wanna be a ranger pink.


You don't say! Do you remember any of their superpowers?


It's amazing how shows like Power Rangers can leave such a deep impression on us, even teaching us life lessons. Even if we don't have superpowers, we can all be heroes in our own lives, supporting others and growing through our experiences. thanks for sharing your memories!


Word, friend! We can all be heroes by being better versions of ourselves and supporting others. Glad to know you were a Power Rangers's fan