Watch Drama My Demon, 80 Percent Impossible Romance

Hello everyone, how are you? I hope you are all right. Not long ago, I finished watching a Korean drama entitled My Demon. This drama's rating is not that good. Because I am a person who watches ongoing dramas, that's why I finished this drama well.


This drama tells the love story of a demon named Jeong Gu Won and a human named Do Do Hee. After I watched it, Jeong Gu Won and Do Do Hee were bound by past fate. In his previous life, Jeong Gu Won was a rich man and fell in love with Do Do Hee. I forgot the names of both of them again in the past.

Jeong Gu Won is hurt because the government killed Do Do Hee. Do Hee was targeted by the government because she had a cross necklace. With dark eyes, Jeong Gu Won killed everyone in the place because he had killed Do Do Hee. In the past, caste was an obstacle for the two to unite. Do Hee is a dancer (entertainer) who is not suited to marrying a nobleman.


Reasons for Watching this Drama/center>

Fiction Stories

You know, life is already realistic enough. The story is a fun story for me. Moreover, the story of this drama is beyond reason. Why? Why, because this story is the story of a handsome devil who falls in love with a beautiful rich woman. With all its power, many things can bemany things can do. When Jeong Gu Won fell in love everything was very easy to make.

Starting from providing food, clothing, and other things, Jeong Gu Won is very easy to provide. It's just that in this drama, Jeong Gu Won cannot use his power to block fate, namely death. Jeong Gu Won can't make someone die. In this drama, Jeong Gu Won is a devil whose job is to tempt humans to grant human wishes but there must be reciprocity, namely that he is no more than 10 years old.


Packed with Comedy

I know, the actor Jeong Gu Won has never done comedy. The reason for watching this drama, is I want to see a little comedy. Amid election information in Indonesia, it feels like comedy is a spectacle that I have to follow. But, unfortunately, this story only shows a little comedy. This comedy-drama packs very little punch. I only see comedy in terms of, the silliness of a man falling in love. That's all, even so, I enjoyed this story.


Impossible Love Stories

This story is impossible. In the real world, it is impossible and impossible to exist, a devil is handsome and can be seen with the naked eye. The devil, in the world has never been seen. Moreover, romance with humans. A love story that could never exist and happen in the world. This unlikely love story is quite interesting.

Things to learn

80 percent of this story is a romance story. I pick a story that fate cannot be avoided. One cannot reject the fate one accepts. In episode 15, Jeong Gu Won and Do Do Hee are separated. Yes, Jeong Gu Won disappeared because he brought Do Do Hee back to life. As fate would have it, Jeong Gu Won returned to life in episode 16. Do Hee did not become a widow.

Rating : 7/10


About Author

Nurdiani Latifah

My name is Nurdiani Latifah. I currently live in Jakarta – Indonesia, after 25 years I live in Bandung. I am a media staff at an NGO in Indonesia. I have worked in this institution for almost 2 years on issues of women and peace. I had been a journalist in Bandung for 3 years.

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I have seen, it's a very good drama 👌