RE: Dilly Dally , this and that


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That's an interesting concept 🤔

But some doctors are total lunatics and don't know what's what...

And then less privileged folk who can't afford to become Dr's... well... same same.

The thing is... and here's the thing... you really have to have endlessly endless meetings between actual live humans for a proper democratic vote to be constructive and genuine.

With debate and questions and answers and scuffles and, and... it's a LOT of mission.

Admin everywhere.

Easy with smaller groups but tough with big ones.

Perhaps we should be reversing things again. Going more "tribal". Micro nations...

Tribal gatherings around fires. With a council. And marshmallows. And drumming please. 👍🏻

I think decentralization is a fucking fine start.

And I don't think it's the systems that are the problem. Still. We gotta level up. Or we will break any system we build.

Just our nature.

Or our forgotten nature. Because I think we're supposed to work together far better as a species...

Maybe we need to aim for radical personal individuation now. This kinda lives more the the whole concept of decentralization?

As in... a vote is pointless despite any education a person may have if they're afraid to actually use it authentically anyway?

Also. Fuck politics. Again. I'm sure we can all just treat everybody the way we'd like to be treated? That's not complicated at all.


It might not seem complicated but in a general point of view, humans as a species does not have any unified goals.

Thus corruption, murder and theft.

If we had common goals and worked towards them our resources would be used less wastefully.

But as it stands there are Billions who live their life to perform meaningless functions so they can replicate children that would then continue to perform meaningless tasks without any real progress.


Hell yeah.

Sign me up. If we have same goals. :)

It's far more fun navigating this whole life thing with kindred spirits 👍🏻