Bodkin - Tv series Netflix.



Forget that pile of shite that was called Irish wish. A romanticized pile of crap that was obviously written by Americans for Americans without setting foot in the country or even using Irish people to for the film.

It was so bad that i couldn't even get to the end. It's a pity because the locations were stunning and it's always nice to watch shows from places that you actually go to.

Fast forward to Netflix latest offering "Bodkin" which gives off a much better portrait of the country and a closer reflection of our lifestyle and character while still being a bit of a exaggeration.

The Netflix mini series is a seven part dark crime comedy.

It's set in the fictional town of Bodkin, a small coastal village in the south west of the country where three people disappeared 20 years previously.

A trio of journalists / podcaster travel to the village in the hopes of creating a true crime podcast on the disappearances but in the midst of their investigation turn up some old information and uncover some old and new secrets.

Set in real Irish countryside with some of the biggest names in Irish tv and comedy the series is a great watch.

You can tell that can tell that it it was either researched really well or written by Irish people from the language used, the obscure phrases and some solid cursing. Most Americans hate the word cunt but over here it's used like hello.


No spoilers from me in this post but it was a good watch that had me wanting binge from start to finish. The cast was 100%, the story line just alright but it was a bit different and the plot twisted and turned along the way.

Plenty of dark humor and some select Irish quirks make for a good watch and since it made no1 on Netflix over here at least has a lot of people wanting to watch it.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Seems "Irish Wish" push a few buttons 😂😅jk... will check Bodkin latter down the week, recently good tv series are lacking, probably is just that time of the year when tv series releases take a break ✌️


I think it pissed of the full country. What a load of shite.
But at least this made up for it. Hard to find new series alright. We just finished this and are looking for our next watch.


Thanks for not spoiling, we've just started to watch it with my girlfriend ;) I guess some of the buck eejits cast are your relatives, ey? Or are you a feckin Jackeen?

Anyways, If you like Bodkin, Flowers might be your pint of Guinness too.


Hate spoilers.
This is more of a well done on the nice tv series blog. To be fair most of this country is related in one way or another. hard to get away form all of the extended cousins.

Flowers isn't on my netflix but can check it our on the firestick. Thanks for the tip.


Thanks for the recommendation, I will put it on my list to watch.


I kind of enjoyed the series. Netflix does drop some good content every now and then these days.


They do some great mini series which suit us. It's just a pity when you get a good one that they don't last longer.


This is a nice recommendation and I love the fact that it is a comedy which will at least keep me away from being bored
Thank you!