The Best Picture-Meme-Roasts from Stephen Colbert's The Late Show #11


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Who else watches The Late Show With Stephen Colbert? Guy is really good, and this show of his is one of my favourite things to watch. With time I came to really notice this recurring thing he does which I'm calling "Picture-meme-roast" because I don't know what else to call it.

The Late Show is a show where Colbert makes jokes about the news and stuff, Google's Knowledge Graph puts it like this:

Using his sharp wit, Stephen Colbert shares his views on a number of trending news updates. Later, he invites guests to engage in candid conversations and presents musical performances.

So this Picture-meme-roast stuff is something he does when introducing a person he's about to talk about, the picture of the person is displayed on the screen and he says the person's name after adding something funny and roasty about the person. The funny stuff usually has something to do with what the person is doing or how the person is looking in the picture. Really great stuff. For example, he'll say:

Alabama Congressman, and Man who gets his haircut at the Lego factory, Mike Rodgers:



Louisiana Representative Mike Johnson, seen here just as the edibles are kicking in:


I love it every time! 🤣 So, I've decided to be making compilations of the best ones. This is the sixth collection I'm making, read the first here, the second, the third, the fourth, the fifth, the sixth, the seventh, the eighth, the ninth, and the tenth.

So here are more:


Italian Prime Minister, and Mom considering making a break for it during the intermission of the Frozen Musical:



Australian Billionaire, and adult Ron Weasley that the police pulled from the river:



Another Trump lawyer, and guy thinking "Oh, they mean 'Jail Jail'." Kenneth Cheesebro:

(Dude's name is "Cheesebro" for real 🤣)


Trump lawyer, and Aunt leaving a scathing Yelp review about the family barbeque, Sydney Powell:



Louisiana Congressman and gumball choking on a gumball:



Acting speaker, and star of Old Sheldon:
(If you know Young Sheldon, this one would break your ribs 🤣🤣🤣)



New York City Judge, Arthur Engoron, seen here in his audition photo for The Golden Bachelor:



Outgoing chairman of the Joint Chiefs and Subway rider seeing a Mariachi Band get on his Train Car:


The End

🤣🤣🤣🤣 Which was your favourite?

All pictures are screenshots from The Late Show, like I said.

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The first one is my favorite. All of these are very funny though! Maybe I'll catch Colbert's show sometime.


Heheheh. That's my fave too, and there are about 3 more very good ones.

You should catch the show, it gives you the news mixed with humor. That way you're not bored listening to talks about politics, policies, and events.


The show of this guy must really be fun to watch truly actually. 😊


Haha! Very funny photos, though I missed hear from Stephen Colbert the story behind each photo. It seems the show is quite fun to watch, I will check it out.


I haven't seen their shows yet nor have I seen their comedy but the way you are telling all these people are very interesting so I also try to watch their comedy and watch their news and then you. I will let you know how I like it.


Kenneth cheesesbro is the funniest , the dude face look like wisdom's smoking face