Revisiting Aliens (the film) so many years later

A friend of mine recently sent me a meme that sheds a lot of light on one of everyone's favorite characters from the film "Aliens" who is played by Bill Paxton.


I think that most people kind of viewed Bill's character of Hudson as being a bit of a loose cannon with not a great deal of being capable of under pressure. His famous ad-libbed line of "game over man, game over!" and the frantic way in which he shouts it and then saying "I don't know if you just saw that, but we just got our asses kicked!" He still remains a classic character but this meme says a lot in his defense.


These were all things that I managed to overlook when watching the film the first 20 times or so that I have seen it, but this meme inspired me to go back and watch it again and I was able to see Hudson in a very different light. His character was instrumental in the eventual success of the mission despite the fact that out of all the marines involved, he does in fact seem the most whiney and out of control.

Another thing that me and this friend got to talking about when we were speaking about one of our favorite Sci-Fi films of all time was the topic that is all too frequent in modern films: Diversity.


While most of the cast is white, there was a badass hispanic gunner, a black sergeant, and also a female lead protagonist. The bad buy that is there to screw over the entire operation is a white guy.

Today this sort of setup would seem like something that Netflix or someone else was trying to shove down our throats in the name of having a diverse cast but back when Aliens was filmed there were exactly zero people that would have complained had the entire cast been white males. The cast in *Aliens" wasn't chosen to meet some sort of quota, they were chosen because they were the best characters for positions and the actors and actresses were chosen because they were the best people available to play the characters.

So much in the cinematic world has changed since then. These days a lot of us have gotten to the point (well, I have) that I am just waiting for when Netflix is going to introduce a black Viking lord in a part of history where no black people lived in those lands, or when they introduce an all female team of badasses that somehow manage to overpower all of the people in their way, most of the time which will be white men. Any time I am watching something on streaming these days, I am not at all surprised when a completely unnecessary gay love story is introduced into it as well. I'm not saying that gay love stories should never be presented in films or tv shows, but the way that it is done today, this sort of thing will be introduced into stories where a love story isn't even necessary for the show at all, straight or gay. A good recent example of this would the The Fall of the House of Usher.

The cast of *Aliens" was absolutely perfect is what I am trying to say here and none of it was forced upon us, that is part of the reason why it is such a fantastic film. Nobody complained when Ripley was the lead despite being female, because the world wasn't concerned about such things at the time. These days it seems like there are certain diversity boxes that every show and movie needs to tick before they even concern themselves with whether or not they actually have a decent story on their hands. Thankfully, there is some level of public backlash about this and it appears to be somewhat in decline.

Anyway, I didn't mean to get all political there for a minute but the main thing I am trying to say here is that Aliens is still a fantastic film all these years later and maybe you should go and have a look at it again with both the renewed impression of Hudson and the fact that the cast was very diverse even though there were no standards at the time that dictated that it had to be that way.



Aliens is one of the best sequels I've seen and regarding your reasons to see it again, I can only say that after reading your review, now are also my reasons to see it again.

Regarding the diversity of the cast, in the first film there is also diversity, although it is true that in the second film it is more noticeable than in the previous one.


After the unexpected and crazy success of the first one, it couldn't have been an easy job to try to do a second one. Many times sequels can be so bad that it actually ruins the memory of the first one. This film didn't do that for sure and it remains one of my favorite sci-fi movies of all time.

I believe it to be the best in the Aliens series.


Another film I have never watched lol. Just one of those films I never got around to seeing I suppose and came out when I was in the Army and had no time or money.


I know I probably say this to you a lot but this time I really mean it: This is a piece of cinematic history and you really should make it a priority to get around to it.


Lol. Yes I have a few to catch up on and I seem to have missed a few over certain years due to other stuff in my life and you are unaware of what has been released. The army years was like a prison sentence with only set times being allowed out and you had to have special permission to escape so watching a movie was not exactly a priority. Streaming services have only in the last decade made catching up that much easier and only now can you see how much you have missed.


well if you were living your life instead of watching films I'm not going to argue with you about that. I think that I spend way too much time doing digital stuff and should probably get more involved in life instead. Sorry to hear about your military stuff but I know a ton of people here in the States with very similar stories and even some whose lives were seriously screwed up by PTSD. At least you managed to avoid that!