Ghostbusters Frozen Empire is an embarrassment to film in general

I don't necessarily claim to be some sort of expert as to what is good film or what isn't but I do think that I have a reasonbly good idea about what it is that is outright an offense to anyone that has ever bothered to be interested in a particular film franchise. Ghostbusters is one of the most well-known film franchises of all time and unfortunately I had the displeasure of sitting down to see their latest entry into what honestly, should have been laid to rest many years ago.


There aren't very many films that I have ever seen that have ever actually made me physically angry but this is one of them and I will admit that it is due largely to the fact that I was alive when the epic Ghostbusters original film was released.

This movie, from start to finish, shits all over the memory of it and attempts to fill it with as much modern day bullshit as possible and shame on you Paul Rudd for ever having anything to do with it as well as the original cast members who were likely paid vast sums of money to sell their souls on the alter of modernity .

The critics didn't enjoy the movie but the audience did. This is the reverse of what we normally see and I can't understand the 83% from audience score. I lose faith in a lot of these online rating sites as time goes by.


This is a rigged rating. It has to be rigged. I never really did trust the ratings here.

This film is an abomination on films generally speaking and everyone should turn their backs, and wallets, on everyone involved in it.

I tried my best to enjoy everything they did with this saga beyond the 80's / early 90's but this is just too much.

I have nothing else to say about this movie other than the fact that it is the dissection of everything that was good back in the day in an attempt to do something "modern" and I am seriously happy that it is losing tons of money for the studios after their advertising budget.

The only hope i can have from this point forward is that China will reject the movie as well so that Sony Pictures will learn to stop mukking about with things that we once treasured.

They try to "do right" by the fans by bringing back all the still-living members of the original cast, even though it seems like Murray kind of phoned in his brief appearance.

I think what is happening here is that they are trying to modernize the franchise while attempting to hang on to old fans and I can't help but feel like they are actually losing both.

I'm not even going to tell you where to watch this... i can only advise that you watch the original film from 1984


I watched it with my kids, their first Ghostbusters movie ever, and they enjoyed the ghosts and everything, so due to their joy, I actually had a good time myself (even though I was quite bored in the middle). But somehow, I managed to enjoy it all, and now my kids want to watch the rest of the Ghostbusters movies as well! :)


well I can see how it would have that sort of appeal for youngsters. I guess I am a bit jaded because I have such affinity for the "classics"


I hated it myself. You are right in what you said. It basically is woke ghostbusters and I thought that was out of the way with the ladies ghostbusters a few years ago. For some reason I did not like the parts Dan Aykroyd and Bill Murray played either and it took ages to get going and when it did it wasn't all that great either. They could have done so much better here.


Another thing is that it kind of feels like everyone is wanting to get into these films for some reason. It's like an SNL for celebrities. I realize that I am being EXTREMELY harsh with my words, but the existence of this film just really peeved me.


No you are right. I hear if Marvel comes knocking them an actor is set for life so they are all trying to get themselves in the shop window. Makes sense.


You have to remember, the first was just a comedy. There was no greater purpose, no intention to start a franchise, no nothing other than making a bunch of jokes. When they decided to do the second, Bill Murray didn't want to do it, feeling that it was just cashing in on the popularity of the first and that it wasn't funny anymore. The others pressured him into it, but he didn't enjoy it and then refused to let them pressure him into doing part 3. Now the studio has taken complete control and they just want money. The original actors only came along for the ride because they are old now, they don't care, and they had tons of money thrown at them so why not.

It kind of reminds me of Star Wars 7 and Harrison Ford only agreeing to do it if they agreed to kill him off. He also always hated the star wars films, feeling that they were selling out and were just doing it for the money, and he had been asking to be killed off since the second movie. With the 7th he decided he'd do it against his better judgement just because it would finally end things and he wouldn't have to field questions about the next movie ever again. I think that is a lot of why Murray agreed to do this recent Ghostbusters.

Posted using CineTV


It kind of reminds me of Star Wars 7 and Harrison Ford only agreeing to do it if they agreed to kill him off.

I didn't realize that this was Harrison's idea. I hated that part of the story and I think this is a widely held opinion.

Thanks for your in-depth response, I learned a lot in there.


You really do test the limits. I saw this and never clicked on it a few months back and glad I avoided it.


hahahaha.... yeah, I suppose that I deserve this. To be fair to the film I was so annoyed after 30 minutes that I turned it off... that doesn't necessarily mean it got better though.