CineTV Contest: back to the future Concurso CineTV volver al futuro


I really liked this movie because it is very futuristic, they use technology to go to the future, and there is an alliance between Doc and Martin, Doc is the doctor inventor and visionary, it makes me reflect that you have to have faith in yourself, it happens to him, notice that he has a demonstration to play a song, which by the way I love and the jury does not like it, there is the girlfriend supporting him and that is also very good that there are people supporting you.

There is also a very interesting part that the director tells him that no mac fly has done anything important and he tells him that history can change which indicates that he has high self esteem and faith in himself and in his family, and why not in God.

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Esta pelicula me gusto mucho por que es muy futurista, usan la tecnologia para ir al futuro, y hay una alianza entre el doc y martin, Doc es el doctor inventor y visionario, me hace reflexionar que hay que tener fe en uno mismo, le pasa , fijete que el tiene una demostracion para tocar una cancion, que por cierto me encanta y al jurado no le gusta, esta la novia apoyandolo y tambien eso es muy bueno que haya gente apoyandote.

Tambien hay una parte muy interesante que que director le dice que ningun mac fly ha hecho nada importante y el le dice que la historia puede cambiar lo que indica que el tiene alta autoestima y fe en si mismo y en su familia, y por que no en Dios.

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In the first part we meet Martin's ordinary world, his girlfriend, his dad, his mom, because his dad can't say he doesn't look like me, and then we meet Martin's partner Dr. Brauw, who is making the invention and testing the time machine. Here I identify a lot with Martin because he is recording the facts like a reporter that is his job to record what is going on and that's what I do a lot of times too.

Then Martin interviews the doctor when he is about to make the trip, you can see Martin's dedication to the job since it is at 130 in the morning, also the confidence he has in the doctor since he has to record in front of the car that is coming at full speed.

there is a close up of martin's face next to the father's face which is handled very well since the father covers him and then he comes out in the shot seeing him scared,

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En la primera parte conocemos a el mundo ordinario de Martin, a su novia, a su papa , su mama, pues su papa no sabe decir que no se parece a mi, y entoces vamos a conocer al socio de Martin el doctor Brauw, el cual esta haciendo el invento y probando la maquina del tiempo. Aqui me identifico mucho con Martin por que el esta registrando los hechos como un reportero ese es su trabajo grabar lo que esta pasando y eso hago muchas veces yo tambien

Entonces Martin le hace entrevistas a el doctor cuando esta a punto de hacer el viaje, se nota la entrega al trabajo por parte de martin ya que es a la 130 de la mañana, tambien la confianza que le tiene al doctor ya que tiene que grabar delante del carro que viene a toda velocidad

hay un primer plano de la cara de martin al lado de la cara del papa que se maneja muy bien ya que el papa lo tapa y despues el sale en el plano viendolo a el asustado,

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Now we have the conflict Martin has to go back to the future and find the doctor but he hasn't invented the time machine yet,

There are many positive messages in this script for example when Martin tells his father the plan for him to go to the room with Loreinm he says trust you more if you use more willpower you will get what you want.

Another very good part of the movie is the music when Martin plays at the dance when dad kisses Lorin, that song is spectacular,

As in the theater there are very exciting silences of suspense, as when the lightning passes, where the doctor manages to send Martin to the future.
Curiously, he tells him to look for him in the future, when he will be about 47 years old, the same age I am now,
Teamwork, solidarity, and commitment are very much in evidence.

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Ahora ya tenemos el conflicto Martin tiene que volver al futuro y encontrar a el doctor pero el todavia no ha inventado la maquina del tiempo,

Hay muchos mensajes positivos en este guion por ejemplo cuando martin le dice al papa el plan para que sala con Loreinm el le dice confia mas en ti si usas mas tu fuerza de voluntad conseguiras lo que tu quieras

Otra parte muy buena de la pelicula es la musica cuando MArtin toca en el baile cuando el papa besa a Lorin, esa cancion es espectacular,

Como eb el teatro hay silencios muy emocionantes de suspensom, como cuando pasa el rayo, en donde el doctor logra mamndar al Martin al futuro
Curiosamente le dice que lo busque en el futuro que tendra unos 47 años los que tengo ahora yo mismo,
Se ve mucho el trabajo en equipo, la solidaridad, y el compromiso

fotos son tomadas con printscreen

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