Young Sherlock Holmes, a jewel from the year 1985 that you must see.


In London in the year 1870 we find a strict and fascinating Institute called Brompton Academy with many mysterious nooks and crannies, two boys and a girl try to discover its secrets.

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In the city a mysterious hooded militant of a pagan pre-Christian Egyptian occult sect attacks several citizens with poisonous darts, which induces them to suicide. Young Sherlock Holmes begins to suspect that these suicides are not the product of chance so Holmes takes his suspicions of foul play to Inspector Lestrade of Scotland Yard, who rejects him by denying that there is any connection between these deaths.


The film is a reimagining of the works of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, (the creator of the character of Sherlock Holmes), in which we wonder how would be the youth of the most famous detective in the world respecting the essence of the character, even making winks that fit in the later stories of the Victorian detective (the origin of his attire, the magnifying glass, the violin, the cap and the famous pipe of the character). In addition, we are introduced by way of introduction as he meets his confidant friend and fellow adventurer Dr. John H. Watson.


We see how Holmes solves a riddle proposed by a rival of the Institute, both students and teachers are attentive to the actions of Holmes who must search for clues and deduce where a trophy is hidden.

In the Institute is an eccentric retired professor named Rupert Waxflatter, the school has given a space for his inventions, among which is a flying machine. Holmes meets Waxflatter's niece, Elizabeth, and they fall in love.


Another character who stands out for his halo of mystery is the fencing professor Rathe.


Holmes is expelled from the Institute thanks to a defamation by his rival, and while saying goodbye to Watson, Professor Waxflatter is hit by a poisonous dart that makes him see hallucinations so he stabs himself.


Holmes rushes to his aid and the professor before dying whispers the word Eh-Tar to him. Holmes, Watson and Elizabeth decide to investigate and discover the existence of Rame-Tep, an ancient Egyptian cult of Osiris worshippers. Given the clues found, the trio arrive at a London kerosene warehouse where they find a secret subway wooden pyramid, there they interrupt the sacrifice of a young girl.


The Rame-Tep manage to wound them with thorns and escape to a graveyard where they must endure the hallucinations to come.


After investigating in Waxflatter's attic, Holmes and Watson find a drawing of the victims and discover that there is a man named Chester Cragwitch, who is still alive. Holmes and Watson go to see Cragwitch, who tells them that he and five others were in Egypt, and looted a subway pyramid containing the tombs of five Egyptian princesses. As a result a local boy named Eh-Tar and his sister vow to take revenge and replace the bodies of the five princesses.


From a chance remark by Watson Holmes he realizes that Eh-Tar is Professor Rathe. and his sister, Mrs. Dribb, who kidnap Elizabeth, planning to use her as a final sacrifice.

They use,Waxflatter's flying machine, and arrive at the warehouse just in time to rescue Elizabeth and destroy the temple.


Rathe tries to shoot Holmes, but Elizabeth shields him with her body and is mortally wounded. Rathe falls into the frozen Thames River. Holmes moves to another Institute and Watson gives him an antique pipe he bought during the investigations as a parting gift.


An end credits scene reveals that Rathe has escaped. Checking into a hotel in Switzerland, he signs in as "Moriarty".

The film's script is full of surprises, imagination and humor. The direction is well paced and the production fits the era in which the story is told.

The film has some great special effects, whether stop-motion, animatronics, or digital. The most famous, and no wonder, is the knight who emerges from the stained glass windows of the church and comes to life. He was the first character created entirely in CGI. I thought it was brutal at the time.


Throughout the film, the successive events are accompanied by an unforgettable and catchy soundtrack by Bruce Broughton.


The screenwriter of this 1985 film was Chris Columbus, who wrote the screenplays for the first three Harry Potter films and also directed two of them, for this reason I think that watching the wizard's films I felt a deja vu because some ideas captured on screen already seen in the film Young Sherlock Holmes.

The direction is by Barry Levinson, a very good filmmaker who has received several Oscar nominations.

Behind the production of the film is the company Amblin owned by none other than Steven Spielberg.

And in the special effects is involved the company Industrial Light and Magic, and John Lasseter.

The performances are correct highlighting the trio of Holmes, Watson and Elizabeth, Nicholas Rowe, Alan Cox and Sophie Ward respectively, and of course the antagonist Professor Rathe played by Anthony Higgins.

In short, this is a remarkable, magical, fresh, and entertaining film, a joy from the 80s, which today in the year 2023 is considered a cult work.


I say goodbye to the community for now, inviting you to see this extraordinary film, surely you will not regret it, a big greeting to all.

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