RE: Men In Black (1997) | Nattosheru Review [ENG/SPA]


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Yes, I didn't know about the comic either, but it seems that it's not the same. From what I read, the movies are better since the comics add things like demons and such.

I really liked the technical, computer-generated visuals along with practical effects, makeup and animatronics, since at that time CGI was not as well developed as can be seen in the next two films in this franchise. But personally, these practical details give this film a special, nostalgic touch.

By the way, it seems that the thing about the girl in the morgue and her not appearing in the second part is something related to the script or the story itself which, as you can see, changes some details in the second part. Well, it's just my guess, but the way this movie ends and the way the second one starts gives me the feeling that they didn't expect to make a three-part saga with this film.

Thank you very much for your support and for your great comment. I'm glad you liked it, I've been talking about science fiction movies since the end of last year (and I still have a lot left to talk about).
