RE: Engagement is the Name of the Game!


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Yeah man, way to call us all out. What a dick, wanting engagement on a social platform 🤣

Right now my favorite podcasts are S2 Underground and the Mikhaila Peterson Podcast. Been listening to both of them on LBRY, as I've ditched YouTube and other social media. They're not really on the same spectrum, but that's okay. Spice of life and all.

I've definitely been guilty lately of the "squeeze out a post just to keep the rewards flowing" mentality, and have been total shit at engagement, even on my own posts. Maybe I'll start working on that.


I am trying to get a post every day this month, but that @hivebuzz badge, and not the crypto, is my primary motivation. I want to see if I can achieve it without just scheduling stuff using PeakD.


That's a lofty goal. I don't think I've done that since steem. I'm more active the last bit because work is more forgiving since I moved to an easier department. I love having time at work for non-work things. Makes it more rewarding.

Guess it'd be easier to write a post a day if I wrote on a more diverse range of topics. I've been liking your anarchism group, so maybe that'll be a goal I go for soon.