Justice League Crisis on Infinite Earths Part-2 Review .


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Hi guys, what's up? This time I am here with the review of Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths - Part Two. The movie releases on April 23, 2024 . Part 1 of this animated movie is posted on my blog You can see if you want. There I tried to detail what happened in this part 1. Major spoilers ahead, so proceed with caution if you haven't seen it yet. I'm going to review it right away. Now, I'm not necessarily going to do all the spoilers, but I'm going to talk about the movie, you know, so if you've seen it, it probably helps. I will try to express here what I liked and what I didn't like.


Let's start by addressing the big question: if you ask me if I like it better than the first part, the answer is no. The first part sets a high value, the second part many times below it. It's not terrible, but it's definitely a step down from its predecessor. If you expect the same level of excitement, you may be disappointed.


One of the main problems with this installment is that it feels like not much happens. It doesn't have the same sense of urgency and tension as the first part, despite trying to maintain the same pace. A significant portion of the film is devoted to the backstory and setup of the third act, which may leave viewers feeling short-changed.


Talking about the backstory, this movie is a bit light. Exploring Supergirl's relationship with the Monitor adds depth to her character and sets up some key plot points for the future. Likewise, the psycho-pirate origin story adds intrigue to the narrative, though it feels rushed at times. Anti-Monitor's reign of terror continues. We see the heroes face relentless shadow monster attacks across reality. This part throws some serious punch, raising the stakes even higher. The animation for the large-scale battles is fantastic, especially the sequences with it.

However, the lack of action and focus on internal conflicts between the protagonists may leave some viewers wanting more. For a film set in the multiverse, there's a surprising lack of characters, which feels like a missed opportunity. No victory comes without sacrifice. The movie does some emotional gut punching, with the loss of some beloved characters. But there are also moments of pure heroism that will cheer you up. The final battle against the Anti-Monitor is visually stunning and truly epic.


On a positive note, the Anti-Monitor's design is suitably terrifying, though opinions may differ. And the return of John Constantine, voiced by Matt Ryan, adds some excitement for the third installment. We finally get some answers about the monitor and the whole crisis. The movie tells about the Monitors' past and the true origins of the Anti-Monitors. There is a surprising revelation involving Pariya that adds a whole new layer to her character. It's a great twist that will have fans talking.


Overall, Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths – Part 2 is a mixed bag. It sets up some interesting plot points for the next installment, but it doesn't deliver the same level of excitement as the first installment. It's worth watching if you're a fan of the Tomorrowverse, but manage your expectations accordingly . If you've seen part 2 let me know what you think in the comments.

