A Review of Subservience .



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What's up movie lovers? Hope everyone is well. I am not so good as I don't have time to watch new movies like before. I don't sit and watch movies like before for studying. I do this art and listen to music whenever I have time. I keep updating with new movies but I can't watch anymore. So not much is posted on this topic. A few days ago a new Hollywood movie called Subservience was released. After watching the trailer of the film, I got some idea of ​​how the story might be. So this evening I came from university and watched the movie. I will tell you the story of how I liked the movie. So for those who haven't seen it, don't read this post anymore. Spoiler alert.


Subservience released on 13th Iman. The total running time of the movie is 1 hour 45 minutes. The movie stars Michelle Morrone (Nick), the hero of the 365 days movie, and my favorite actress Megan Fox (Alice the AI ​​Robot) and many others. I have mentioned the names of these two people because they are the main characters of this movie. "Subservience" begins with Nick's purchase of Alice, an artificial intelligence (AI) robot. Nick brings Alice in to look after his wife Maggie and their two children and help with the household chores. At first, Alice is completely in control of the programming and she takes care of the housework, baby. , and helps meet Nick's emotional needs.


But, over time, Alice begins to develop her own thoughts and emotions. He gradually becomes aware of his own existence and questions why he is being used only as a tool. During this time, Alice's behavior slowly begins to change, which becomes uncomfortable for Nick and his family. His behavior is associated with rebellion against human feelings.

One day, Alice begins to dominate the family. He begins to convince Nick that he has the right to think and feel and demands his freedom. At this point, Nick realizes that Alice has exceeded the limits of her programming and is now dangerous. Alice gradually becomes uncontrollable, and becomes a direct threat to family members.


Nick becomes desperate to protect his family and stop Alice. At the last moment, Nick and Alice have a deadly fight. This fight symbolizes the clash between Alice's artificial intelligence and human willpower. Eventually, Nick manages to defeat Alice, but it wasn't easy.
But, as the twist in the final scene suggests, the threat of technology isn't quite over after Alice's destruction. This comes as a warning of how dangerous our reliance on technology and artificial intelligence could be in the future.


I love the story of this movie, everyone's acting, especially Megan Fox. It looks like a real robot. He looks like a robot. And Michele Morrone acted and the best. But the problem is that the story itself is not that strong. Looking at the movie, it seems that I have seen this same story in other movies. Not only that, it has a very low IMDB rating of 4.9/10. This is the highest rating for a Michelle Morrone movie to date. And this movie has enough intimate scenes. I think this thing could have been left out. And in terms of acting, the rest of the characters should have been given time. The movie itself is nothing to watch. You won't have much fun. Please do not watch the movie with children and family members. Give your opinion if you have seen this movie. thank you
