My Unwinding Activities - Games, Music and Movies


An adage says all work without play makes jack a dull boy, I do say to myself also, all work without play makes Mojtee a dull girl. I believe 'play' in this adage is talking about resting, one can't be working all day and expect that the body will function well, it's not possible! Resting is important to the body so that it will regain its potency for another round of work that's coming ahead.


I love myself so much that's why I don't joke with my resting period, well some people think taking a nap indicates resting but to me, ordinary sitting down without doing any stressful activities is a form of resting. Though I'm not a napper, when I notice that my body isn't responding effectively to work then I will pause for a while to calm myself from stress.

We all know our mobile phones can be termed as human companions, it's of great use to me also for unwinding, I have some go-to apps on it that I make use to relieve myself from stress and it works like magic for me.

picture mix of my games from my phone

Playing games for the feeling of excitement.
Playing games had been part of my life since childhood, my Parents trained me and my siblings with video games and the likes. We aren't allowed to play outside the house, so the only way to get us busy was through playing of games. My Dad usually buys Whot cards, Puzzle, Ludo and video games that make use of cartridges where we get to play Super Mario, Mortal kombat, Soccer etc.

So this makes me fall in love with games and as technology advances my love for games never diminished. I love the excitement I get when playing games, so presently my favorites games are Naija Ludo, Maths puzzles, Word search and Guess the phrase. Even if I lose a game, I don't get discouraged, I'll play it over and over again to win; and when I win, I'm always excited. Playing games is fun for me, it helps me relax and also helps to sharpen my brain.

Listening to music
Listening to music helps me relax my spirit, soul and body. Most times when I'm relaxing, I listen to old genres of music to cool myself off. It's always pleasing to me when I listen to songs from Celine Dion, Whitney Houston, Shania Twain and the likes, I also have favorites Nigeria Artist who sings excellently as well. Music from the 17's and 18's does a lot of magic to my soul and I usually enjoyed.


My music player is divided into different sections to suit my listening pleasure but mostly, I listen to soul music at night to calm myself and also learn the lyrics correctly without any form of distractions. Most times I slept off at night while listening to music and I love the feeling because it helps me cool off.

Watching Movies
I don't watch all kinds of movies most especially horror movies. But when it comes to k-drama then count me in, I love Korean movies of all kinds be it city or village settings, I also love watching Nigerian Premiered movies too.

So watching movies is part of my go-to app as well, I download it myself after going through the movie reviews and watch it at my convenience. Watching Movies helps me relax very well because it keeps me glued to the screen in anticipation to see the outcome of what I'm watching.

The above three go-to apps can never be tiring to me at all because they are my antidote to stress.

This is my entry to JuneInLeo prompt Day 2. You can click this Link for more instructions.

Thanks for visiting!

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I think it's really nice that we have some of these board games we grew up playing on mobile phones now. They can't be like the real thing, but it is something at least. Is there something like an online multiplayer mode for the Naija ludo?


Is there something like an online multiplayer mode for the Naija ludo?

Yes, you can play it with your friends