I would do it again


My first thought, when I looked at these pictures, was that this happened yesterday. I mean, it seems like it happened yesterday.

But it's just as if this concert happened only recently. The truth is that there are a couple of years that separate reality from the creation of these photos. Eleven. Well, eleven and a half. A few moments are immortalized, but much more is what I remember. I will try to write that, though I still don't know how well my inspiration will serve me now. I worked today - had lessons, something that I didn't have to do in the version of myself I see here.

Just after this concert, I got an invitation from a music school's director to give lessons at his school. I was not working at that time, which was not that bad at all. It was a few months of complete freedom, being with my son who was still small and enjoying the environment where we just moved several months before this event.


As I had all the time in this world, apart from being on the beach, walking, playing and living carefree days, I also practised the piano. I learned a few new pieces as I liked them. All, at home, for myself. However, an opportunity came to play those compositions for the audience, and at the same time make a good thing for others.

The building you see in this photo is a little church, namely the Catholic Church of the Holy Spirit. It is a modern-style church, made of wood, concrete and metal and it was inaugurated in 2010. The community was paying every month the mortgage fee for the construction of the building and the money was collected voluntarily, or through charity.

I felt the call to do something for this little town and its newly built church. I offered what I could do - perform a concert, an afternoon of classical piano music and the money that would be collected from the tickets give entirely to the community.


They accepted with joy, and I prepared for the concert with the same excitement. We took the digital piano that I had at that time as there was no instrument in that building the day before the concert. I remember the heat of that day... and the metal construction was adding to that. But anyway, I was there practicing and the man who came to open the church for me was praying while listening to me. I apologised for the loud music when I had to play intense chords and passages but he was fine with that. He was happy to listen to my practising time.


The concert time arrived. I was calm - and it was a good feeling. I didn't feel pressure or expectations - we were all there for a good reason. To raise some money for that church and enjoy the music. Bach, Faure, Debussy and Chopin were in the repertory and the audience behaved so well, they focused and gifted me with loud applause after each piece. It was also a great amount of money that was raised - we were happy for this success.


As it usually happens after the concerts, people came and talked to me, congratulated me and we had extra nice moments. What changed in the meantime? The little girl from this photo is already in high school, I have got many wrinkles, grey in my hair and eyebrows, and a bit of weight, I don't have those funny shoes anymore, nor that piano (I sold it and bought a new one) though I do have the dress. And the church is mortgage-free now.


Now I see... this concert didn't happen yesterday. Those eleven years and the changes can be noticed, but if I would decide to do the same again... yes, I would do it, with all the pleasure!



Your heartfelt reflection on this concert journey is truly captivating. The way you vividly describe the passage of time, from the initial moments that feel like yesterday to the transformative 11-year span, adds a beautiful depth to the narrative. Your decision to give back to the community through a piano concert at the Catholic Church of the Holy Spirit reflects a genuine spirit of generosity. The evolution of your life, the impact on the town, and the enduring joy of the experience are beautifully captured in this touching journey down memory lane.


Very good memories from those times. You look so beautiful in that dress, my friend. 😁


It was just the dress, I am sure lol

Gracias 🤗


Not sure about that. 😜

Elegance goes beyond threads.


What a beautiful gesture for that place to hold a concert to help, that speaks of an angel and confirms how beautiful you look in that dress.

People were naturally going to want to greet you and talk to you. What a beautiful memory that seems like yesterday because of the emotion you experienced.❤️


The last decade passed so quickly, I know the time doesn't change its pace, it is just our perception, but anyway, I still have it close, many things from the past. 😇 Thank you @avdesing 😊


And me, many things I lived and it seems like yesterday, the memories are very clear. Hug!🤗


saludos gracias por compartir esa narrativa de tan bella experiencia, todo llega en su momento y la música es un medio que deleita y llega a nuestros corazones 🥰


Sí. Y si la música no llega a los corazones, entonces ya no hemos hecho un buen trabajo, como músicos ;)


Hello friend, how beautiful that great gesture was and in that way to be able to raise that money and be able to get out of that great debt and I am sure that every second there was worth it, also letting yourself be carried away by that rhythm of the piano and giving that piece to all those people who They attended and for the number of years it is a good memory that you will never forget, since you gave a great solution to the problem. Are you currently playing the piano, friend? Thanks for sharing this TBT.


Everyone would do it, I think, as it was an honour to contribute something to this place and the newly built church. Yes, I still play the piano, it is an inseparable part of my life 😉 🎶


What a nice memory, there are moments that are never forgotten and remain fresh in our memory because they mean important milestones in our lives. If I had been in the audience I would have also cheered you on and congratulated you because I really enjoy listening to the piano and I admire those who do it. A warm embrace 🤗🤗


These moments can't be forgotten, that is true. Many good things happened after this concert, so it was worth making an effort, for various reasons. Thank you, and I hope a good weekend is waiting for you :)


Thank you very much 💐💐🤗 This is the first time I see this community and I love it, I have many things to share from lived experiences that I would like to post here. Thanks for your support always, hugs and see you soon🤗🥰💐.


Oh, I am glad you found out about this community now!

Looking forward to seeing your memories then ;)


A very nice gesture on your part. And I'm sure they remember you fondly. You look very young in the photo and the slicked back hair looks great. Grey hair is not necessarily a symbol of old age, but of accumulated experience.What am I going to say about my now almost white hair.
Have good dreams 😌😴.


I think they do remember me 😉
It's not a big town, so more or less we all know each other, from a distance or closer. Grey hair is on its way, haha, so it is positive - more experiences will be accumulated until I reach your nice colour of hair.
Good morning to you, soon 🌞


Nice night my friend. Sweet dreams.😌😴


Beautiful post that speaks of you and your human quality. Sorry, but I had to ask, is this tan still available over there? 😅


The sun that made this tan is available, of course, (hmm, not today as it is cloudy right now) it is just me who has to take forever-lasting vacations and spend my whole days again in the seashore 😁


I am sure that it was a prescious moment for you... music is magic!!


What a warm heart you are! Congrats on your performance and getting involved in such an activity. If only more people were that kind and helpful this world would be a better place ❣️


There are people who do such good things, but yeah, sometimes they forget to make some extra effort for others. What could I offer at that moment was not a huge amount of money but only me - the talent I got and worked on. And it turned out to be a success as where many hands work together, there is no failure 😇


You seem to be a great instrument player and that’s why the head of the school asked you to come train his pupils. It is really cool though and I love the fact that you were able to entertain them in the church too…


Yes, it was a starting point of a new stage. And how cool is that :)


Con mucho respeto por tus fans, seguidores y tu esposo debo decir... qué bella te veías amiga míaaaa 😍

You not only rocked a church but you did it with style, your clothes, hairstyle and shoes were just right even though everything is different by now, but you looked great 🌹💖!!!

What a nice gesture and what nice pictures; your satisfaction must have been great for the work you did helping with that money raised for the church and with the authors you mention, you went all out with the pieces you played 🔥🔥🔥

I really enjoyed this TBT and even though the years go by and we get gray hair and our skin gets wrinkled, when a heart is great, that will never change and you are GREAT 🙌😀💛.... You Absolutely and Classically Rockkkkkk!!!! 👍😉🔥🎹🎶❤️🌟🥂💥💫💯


Con mucho respeto y cariño te debo decir - muchísimas gracias por tus palabras siempre motivadoras, don Fer 🤗

I hope our hearts, though they get broken from time to time, will preserve their innocence, spark and all the love, forever. 🔥

Hahaha, finally the Classically Rock could come to the comment 😂 😋


Another fancy dress gdja :D

The part about weight is made up! :P


Yes, another one :D
I still have this dress, but uh, I am scared to try it 🤣

Hahaha, maybe you just didn't see me well 😋


Hahaha, maybe you just didn't see me well 😋

Yeah, yeah blame on me :P I dare to try it out!:D


Yeah, yeah blame on me :P


I think the dress got smaller, probably because I washed it in the washing machine at a high temperature haha


If it was nice to read your post, it was even greater to live that experience. Those present enjoyed music that touches the soul through your hands, your elegance, and the piano as your ally. Thank you for sharing.


The emotion in your words shows that the passage of time is relative. Now you are just more experienced and mature...ah...and you don't have those shoes anymore....I love them!!!

Do it again...don't let anything stop you. There will always be a place where you can delight with your music and more in these times.

Muy lindo post.


Hmm, yes, there is always a place and occasion to do the same and help others. Well, right next week we (with the choir and I playing with them on the piano) will perform for charity purposes :))

Muchas gracias, @mdrguez 🤗


You're so beautiful, M! 😊



I was, or maybe I am still, just the outside shell becomes a bit different. More experienced (instead of older), as someone said in the comments 😁


Whenever all the people come together in this way and for some purpose, it is very good.


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