Hijos de Perra / Strays (2023): Movie Review

Alejandose del concepto clasico de las peliculas de animales que hablan, donde muchas suelen ser de drama, esta cinta llega con una comedia muy oscura que me hizo reir por momentos, ademas de tener algunas referencias muy llamativas a otras con tematica de animales, como la razon de estar contigo, que mas alla de tener una cameo de Dennis Quaid, vemos a un Golden Retriever en la feria de la ciudad narrando como se conocian su dueño y una chica, aunque con un transfondo muchisimo mas oscuro.

Moving away from the classic concept of talking animal movies, where many tend to be drama, this film comes with a very dark comedy that made me laugh at times, in addition to having some very striking references to others with animal themes, such as reason to be with you, that beyond having a cameo by Dennis Quaid, we see a Golden Retriever at the city fair narrating how its owner and a girl knew each other, although with a much darker background.

Pero mas alla de todo esto, trae consigo un mensaje muy fuerte, el abandono de nuestros amigos peludos, pues nuestro protagonista es maltratado constanmente por su dueño, viendo como desde su inocencia lo idealiza como un buen humano, asi como al resto de sus compañeros en la aventura, que de una forma u otra, fueron desplazados, o en el caso mas extremo, abandonados a su suerte en las calles, viendo tambien la crudeza de lo que significa estar en una perrera aislado de forma cruel.

But beyond all this, it brings with it a very strong message, the abandonment of our furry friends, since our protagonist is constantly mistreated by his owner, seeing how from his innocence he idealizes him as a good human, as well as the rest of his companions. in the adventure, that in one way or another, they were displaced, or in the most extreme case, abandoned to their fate in the streets, also seeing the harshness of what it means to be in a kennel isolated in a cruel way.


Poster - Imágen

Sinopsis segun FilmAffinity / Synosis according FilmAffinity:

"Reggie, un border terrier ingenuo y optimista hasta la médula, acaba abandonado en las despiadadas calles de la ciudad por su dueño, Doug, aunque totalmente convencido de que todo ha sido un malentendido y que su adorado compañero de vida nunca se desentendería así de él. Pero cuando se topa con un locuaz y malhablado boston terrier llamado Bug, un perro vagabundo que adora su libertad y que cree que lo de tener dueño es de perdedores, Reggie por fin se da cuenta de que vivía inmerso en una relación tóxica y empieza a ver a Doug como lo que de verdad es: un tiparraco despreciable y desalmado."

"Reggie, a naive and optimistic border terrier to the core, ends up abandoned on the merciless streets of the city by his owner, Doug, although totally convinced that everything has been a misunderstanding and that his beloved life companion would never ignore him like that. . But when he runs into a loquacious, foul-mouthed Boston terrier named Bug, a stray dog ​​who loves his freedom and believes that having an owner is for losers, Reggie finally realizes that he was living in a toxic relationship and begins to fight. See Doug for what he really is: a despicable, heartless bastard."

Fuente de la Sinópsis

La historia del largometraje es sencilla, Reggie es abandonado por su dueño, mientras el piensa que estan jugando a la pelota, y luego de conocer a Bug, que lo salva de unos perros matones, este le muestra el mundo de los perros callejeros. Luego de ir a un parque, conocer al resto de la pandilla y disfrutar de una noche de sobras, logra interiorizar lo malo que fue su dueño, proponiendose como meta quitarle a su objeto mas preciado y querido, su pene, iniciando una nueva travesia a casa.

The story of the feature film is simple, Reggie is abandoned by his owner, while he thinks they are playing ball, and after meeting Bug, who saves him from some bully dogs, he shows him the world of stray dogs. After going to a park, meeting the rest of the gang and enjoying a night of plenty, he manages to internalize how bad his owner was, setting himself the goal of taking away his most precious and beloved object, his penis, starting a new journey through home.



En su intento comico del viaje del heroe, Reggie se da cuenta que merece y es mas de lo que el pensaba, salvando a su amigo de Bug hasta de un aguila, y entre abuso de sustancias y una fiesta del horror, va poco a poco forjando su caracter y curando sus heridas, hasta que al final termina perdonando a Doug, su dueño, teniendo todos el final que se merecen, y con una escena de cierre que termina siendo muy satisfactoria, jajaja.

In his comic attempt at the hero's journey, Reggie realizes that he deserves and is more than he thought, saving his friend from Bug to an eagle, and between substance abuse and a horror party, he gradually goes forging his character and healing his wounds, until in the end he ends up forgiving Doug, his owner, giving everyone the ending they deserve, and with a closing scene that ends up being very satisfying, jajaja.

El guion fue de lo mejor, hay ciertas cosas que son vistas desde lo que seria la vision de los perros y su entendimiento, como que el chocolate esta hecho a base de las heces de los perros, pues ni los caninos pueden comerlo, y los humanos siempre recogemos su residuos en bolsas, como si fueran una especie de trofeo, pero tambien tiene un lenguaje fuerte y con muchas groserias, por lo que pienso que no sera del agrado de todos, mas aun recordando muchos momentos de comedia fisica y algo asquerosa.

The script was the best, there are certain things that are seen from what would be the vision of the dogs and their understanding, such as the fact that chocolate is made from dog feces, since not even canines can eat it, and Humans always collect their waste in bags, as if they were some kind of trophy, but it also has strong language and lots of rudeness, so I think it will not be to everyone's liking, even more so remembering many moments of physical and somewhat disgusting comedy.



El aspecto visual de la pelicula inicialmente puede llegar a incomodar un poco, la movilidad de la boca de los canes al principio no era muy buena, pero posteriormente se hace algo sin mucho peso, y pese a que tiene pocas escenas en CGI, el acabo final roza lo regular, sin mas. Mas alla de los cameos previamente mencionado, tambien hay uno muy bizarro, ya que Sofia Vergara se encargo de darle voz a Dolores, el mueble, la amante de Bug, que en sus alucionaciones termina dejandolo por el aguila que lo ataco previamente, personaje que conto con la voz de Quaid.

The visual aspect of the film can initially be a bit uncomfortable, the mobility of the dogs' mouths at first was not very good, but later something is done without much weight, and although it has few CGI scenes, the end ending borders on average, without more. Beyond the previously mentioned cameos, there is also a very bizarre one, since Sofia Vergara was in charge of giving voice to Dolores, the furniture, Bug's lover, who in her hallucinations ends up leaving him for the eagle that attacked him previously, a character that I had Quaid's voice.

En conclusion, esta cinta es divertida, con algunas escenas grotescas y de comedia fisica, que pueden no llegar a ser del gusto de todos, pero aun asi tiene buenos momento, un mensaje que no se convierte en el centro de la trama, cuenta con actores de gran talento, como Will Ferrell o Jamie Foxx en el protagonico, con otros cameos ya mencionados, y momentos como la intoxicacion con los hongos son muy oscuros, por lo que tiene un poco de todo y la recomendaria a personas que les guste la comedia negra.

In conclusion, this film is fun, with some grotesque scenes and physical comedy, which may not be to everyone's taste, but it still has good moments, a message that does not become the center of the plot, it has very talented actors, like Will Ferrell or Jamie Foxx in the lead role, with other cameos already mentioned, and moments like the mushroom poisoning are very dark, so it has a little bit of everything and I would recommend it to people who like the black comedy.



Mi calificación para esta película / My rating for this movie:

6.0 / 10.0


Seeing the world through the views of animals gives us something to look forward to. Plus the actors used for the voices, definitely I know brought out the comedy aspect of the movie. Thanks for sharing your review of this movie.


Thanks for your words, the comedy is good, but it's not for everyone, meanwhile I think that seeing the world in this way is the perfect form to understand, I like it's message.