The Fictional Essence Of Movies, Crime Or No Crime Actions

The world of entertainment would be incomplete without the movie industries, they have succeeded in creating storylines that are both fictional and non fictional for the sole purpose of entertaining the masses. Yes, that's the point or essence of them making movies. To entertain those who wants to be entertain and I believe we all see movies to get entertained in different ways.

While it depends on the kind of movies to see for one to feel entertained according to choices, there are raised questions, are crime actions in movies necessary? Is it better to have movies free of criminal activities?


I am reminded of a once popular Nigerian movie that acted out a true life's story about a guy that once lived. He was a criminal that did so many bad things but the law couldn't get a hold of him, I see a lot of such stories in movies but one thing is sure, they end up getting served their own medicine. Reminding viewers (the public) that evil actions always have a repercussion.

For me, I think it's fine to have these kinds of actions in movies or movies that portray the life of a human or situation that once happened because the essence of main movies should be to teach the public while entertaining them.

For someone who actually don't enjoy crime scenes in movies, I would not hold back to say that it should be removed from the movies but truth be told, everything with bad sides have good sides too and so, I think these crime activities in movies should be allowed.

What I'll be against is portraying real life criminals in a good light on the movies... I am totally against it, this shouldn't even be allowed at all.


The essence of criminal activities in movies should be to educate the masses of their existence in real life even if it isn't based on a true story. To be honest, I have no judgement against what the movie industry decide to show to the masses, the real problem is those viewers who see these scenes or storylines and see nothing wrong about them, promoting the scenes even more.

I believe a movie industry whose movies are condemned by the masses would not try to release a movie of such kind again. Criminal activities have indirectly taught some simple hacks to use at home but they have also succeeded to teach really bad ways to act for an evil to succeed.

And this is what we should avoid in these movies, we decide to be or do not be what we see in these movies. The characters only play according to their roles, whether crime or no crime, it is our choice as viewers to learn the good out of the bad or only the bad.

In conclusion, we (the viewers) should always keep in mind the fictional essence of movies and that is to entertain while teaching you both the good and bad ways of life, have fun and choose wisely to better your life in reality.

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Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Movies should include the crime activity or bad sides because they spice the things up. I bet if movies stop including that, they will see a significant decrease in their popularity


Lol that's the thing, viewers enjoy watching them so it should continue 😅


I agree with you that the public should know the difference between fiction and reality, because that is the essence of this whole matter. At the end of the day, it becomes an issue of education, if the public is studied, they will realize that what is on TV are only commercial products to promote consumerism.

Capitalism is what predominates in this, that is the world today.


You've said it all, and I'm glad we think the same on this matter. The public should learn to distinguish what they see on screen