Perfect Addiction - A Movie Based on a Web Novel

I just finished seeing this movie and all I could think is sharing it for others to go check it out as I think it is a movie worth seeing. What better time to review a movie than when it just ended and I hold my phone to start writing about it haha. This movie wasn't recommended to me by anyone, I downloaded it when I saw the poster and read what the movie might be about.

It's one of my poorest way to get attracted to a movie but this has made me see movies that I'm so happy I did and some have succeeded in becoming part of my favourites. I won't say this movie is one of those kinds of movie that I appreciate so much of downloading but I don't regret having it downloaded.

Image from Imdb

The movie is from a book series and I paused for sometime to think if it'd be preferable I read the book or watch the movie. I decided to go for the movie first since it was right before me and I went there because I needed a movie to see. While I was downloading, I couldn't help but fantasize how the story would go from what I had read in the storyline. It was definitely the kind of movie storyline I'd love to see but not with the display of physical strength.

Yeah, the movie is more about Physical Strength display.

I started the movie and it was all fights, training and loving between two characters, the main lead (who's a female, Sienna) and a supporting lead (who's a male, Jax). It was obvious they got closer and feeling love from fighting together (the lady training the guy). I found the movie intriguing with the fact that the girl is so good at boxing, fighting but she placed herself as just a trainer in the beginning.

But it got more interesting and intense when Sienna so called lover boy who she's training began to cheat on her with her sister... What a sad turn around! Her move after that incident is what got me hooked on the movie till the very end.

Sienna recruited a new guy who she thinks would beat and win her ex (Jax)... More of a revenge and self discovery for the rest of the movie.


Image from Imdb news

While she was training the new guy, Kayden, I learnt a lot from the two characters. Being blinded by revenge, one fails to see what one really wants and is capable of but one thing was clear, Sienna was good at what she does just not appreciate or showing it off enough to be at her best with it.

Being with Kayden, she tried to make him open up to him but was failing to let herself open and discover what she really wants until the last fight of the movie.

You'll have to see the movie to get the whole gist, I would say the female caught my attention the most and she was awesome on her role. I don't know how reading the book would have been better or not but I'm sure I'll love to explore the lead character more as books do more explanations which helps with our imaginations.

My personal thoughts on the movie

Trailer from YouTube

I've said a lot about what I liked in the movie already but I think the movie missed some scenes or let me say, it didn't give everything that I as a viewer would want to see especially with the part of the lead's sister who started dating a guy who dated her sister. It's kinda incomplete to not know how it started and ended in the close of the movie.

I also feel the second guy who was trained to beat the cheating guy, Kayden didn't do enough on his part like showing what his life was like before he met the lead girl, Sienna. And again, there are also incomplete scene like showing the bride of the Brent even after the wedding.

Another point I tried hard to figure out while seeing the movie is how it is really about Perfect addiction until I saw how Sienna, the lead character was so addicted to Jax but realized it and fought to be more of herself and love truly.

It's a good movie, love the lessons learnt and every scene with the fights and training, I think the essence of the movie being made and not just the book written was achieved in my own opinion. Do check it out and let me know what you think too.

Maybe reading the book first would be better but for me, I'm glad I saw the movie. Will have to check out the book too and know if the movie was really unnecessary or not haha.



Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 159 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!


Yes I've watched the movie, it shows the human nature of loving others more than ourselves. Going all in for others as though it's their right and also allowing others take advantage of us in the name of love


Exactly and that's very bad, it would have ruined her life completely if she had not realized it early enough


The movie make sense die, I watched it long ago na, I felt the heavy punch the girl received on her face that landed her in the hospital lol, it was a crazy 😜 one, this movie is epic and awesome 😎


Lol that end blow was epic! 😂
I literally thought she'd die but remembered she's a lead and lead almost never dies in a movie 🤣


I haven't watch the movie and I think I just found what will keep me busy over the weekend thanks for this beautiful movie review


I've read the book on wattpad 6 years ago or something and I've been looking forward to watch the movie but I didn't even know it was out already 😅


Oh wow! You should see already then, it's out... Cool that you've read the book unlike myself 🙂


The book is really nice, I read it a long time ago on wattpad, it’s part of the “Perfect series” it’s book 2 I guess.


Wow you've read the book too, that's cool
I hope I get to read it soon


I haven't watched the movie till now but it sounds interesting. I have read about the movie and it's enough for me and I am not going to watch the movie because I have a long list of animation to watch. So there is a little possiblity of mine to watch the movies.


Haha enjoy your animation movies, maybe you'd review them to us when you're done?


maybe you'd review them to us when you're done?

I tried it several times but I feel a little bit hesitant and writing a review seems difficult for me. I will try it for sure.