[ENG|ESP] Review : Rompiendo cadenas // Break every chain



Saludos amigos de Movies & TV Shows
Greetings friends of Movies & TV Shows

Hoy estoy por aquí para compartirle una maravillosa película, un caso de la vida real, una historia que nos hace darnos una sacudida y entender en muchas ocasiones como lo que vivimos en nuestra niñez afecta nuestro comportamiento de adultos.
Today I am here to share with you a wonderful movie, a real life case, a story that makes us shake up and understand in many occasions how what we lived in our childhood affects our behavior as adults.


La película comienza donde el protagonista Jhonatan se encuentra hablando en una iglesia con un pastor, devastado, haciéndose muchas preguntas de la existencia de Dios y porque le sucedieron tantas cosas entre la que esta de cuando niño perdió a su padre su mejor amigo, quien le prometió cuando cumpliera años llevarlo a pescar, y lamentablemente el padre enfermo y murió, jhonatan siendo niño le reclamo a Dios porque le hacia tanto daño quitandole a su papa, dudando de su existencia.
The film begins where the protagonist Jhonatan is talking in a church with a pastor, devastated, asking himself many questions about the existence of God and why so many things happened to him, among which is when he lost his father as a child, his best friend, who promised him on his birthday to take him fishing, and unfortunately the father got sick and died, Jhonatan as a child complained to God because he hurt him so much by taking away his father, doubting his existence.

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De adulto se hace policía jhonatan, conoce a una linda chica, se enamoran, se casan, todo iba bien, pero en sus funciones como policía comenzó a ver la muerte de cerca, personas que morían en accidentes, por mala conductas, ver estas muertes de cerca se sumo a ese dolor de la perdida de su padre que aun no había sanado de niños se cuestionaba porque sucedían estas muertes .No entendía lo que le pasaba, no aguantaba tanto dolor, ni lo que le pasaba y comenzó a refugiarse en el alcohol, poco a poco cada vez eras mas frecuentes los episodios de alcoholismo.
As an adult, Jhonatan became a policeman, he met a pretty girl, they fell in love, they got married, everything was going well, but in his duties as a policeman he began to see death close up, people dying in accidents, for bad behavior, seeing these deaths close up added to the pain of the loss of his father who had not yet healed as a child, he questioned why these deaths were happening. He did not understand what was happening to him, he could not stand so much pain, nor what was happening to him and he began to take refuge in alcohol, little by little the episodes of alcoholism became more frequent.

La esposa al darse cuenta que algo estaba cambiando en el pide ayuda a un grupo de la iglesia para que haga oración por el. Llega el primer bebe muy felices todos el boto todas sus botellas de alcohol al basurero. Un día la esposa sale a trabajar y lo deja a cargo del bebe, pero sentía mucha ansiedad temblaba por la adicción alcohol, dejo a la bebe en la sala y fue a buscar las botellas que había botado al basurero siendo mas fuerte su adicción. Pasaron 8 años y el siguió sumergido en el alcohol haciendo muy hostil su vida, y la de su familia. la esposa queda embarazada por segunda vez, con el embarazo ya avanzado pero todavía no apto para nacer, el bebe muere, y jhonatan entra aun mas en depresión. la esposa da a luz . La esposa suplica a Dios ayuda, y aun viene lo peor, jhonatan esta totalmente perdido le es infiel a su esposa. Y viene lo peor para johnatan lo suspenden en su trabajo por su conducta, y bebe aun mas, venían a su cabeza todos ese dolor desde el día que perdió a su papa hasta la actualidad. Camino sin rumbo con la pistola en la mano hasta la iglesia, donde comenzó la película, hablando con el pastor, quien le hacia entender el porque nos suceden las cosas, que el demonio esta alli para aprovecharse de nosotros con las debilidades y robarnos la paz, dándole fuerzas para que reaccionara y no perdiera a su familia, que aun estaba a tiempo. El pastor le dice necesita en su vida a jesus el único que ha vencido el mal. Al final jhonatan hablo con su esposa confesandole que estaba arrepentido que había hablado con Dios por primera vez, y le prometía que iba a cambiar, que iba a ser un mejor esposo, un mejor padre. Las oraciones de su esposa fueron escuchada, lucho por su familia, confió siempre en Dios , y tuvo su recompensa, le devolvió la paz a su familia.
The wife realizing that something was changing in him asks for help from a church group to pray for him. The first baby arrives and everyone is very happy and he throws all his bottles of alcohol in the garbage can. One day his wife went out to work and left him in charge of the baby, but he felt very anxious and trembled because of his addiction to alcohol, he left the baby in the living room and went to look for the bottles he had thrown into the garbage dump, his addiction was stronger. Eight years went by and he continued immersed in alcohol, making his life and that of his family very hostile. his wife became pregnant for the second time, with the pregnancy already advanced but not yet ready to be born, the baby died, and Jonathan became even more depressed. his wife gave birth. The wife begs God for help, and the worst comes, Johnathan is totally lost, he is unfaithful to his wife. And the worst comes for Johnatan, he is suspended from his job for his behavior, and he drinks even more, all that pain from the day he lost his father to the present comes to his mind. He walked aimlessly with the gun in his hand to the church, where the movie began, talking to the pastor, who made him understand why things happen to us, that the devil is there to take advantage of us with our weaknesses and steal our peace, giving him strength to react and not lose his family, that there was still time. The pastor tells him that he needs Jesus in his life, the only one who has defeated evil. In the end, Jonathan spoke to his wife confessing that he was repentant, that he had spoken to God for the first time, and he promised her that he was going to change, that he was going to be a better husband, a better father. His wife's prayers were answered, he fought for his family, he always trusted in God, and he got his reward, he gave peace back to his family.



Pero aun no terminaba todo todavía faltaba una prueba mas , el amigo pastor le recomendó a jhonatan para que todo fuera bien le contara a su esposa que le fue infiel ya que tarde o temprano se enteraría y si no es a través de el seria peor, y asi sucedió la esposa se entero, y se separo de el reprochandole por todo el tiempo que tuvo con apoyándolo mientras estaba alcoholizado. Solo a través de una ayuda profesional que le ayudara a romper esas cadenas del pasado pudieron superar esta situación. Jhonatan tuvo que romper son ese dolor causado por la muerte de su padre, expresando todo el dolor que siente por que su padre no esta y perderse todos los momentos de su vida, de esta manera sano esa cadena que de niño lo tenia atado a un dolor que no expresaba. Ahora jhonatan ayuda a otros policías, personas, a sanar esos traumas.
But it was not over yet, there was still one more test, the pastor friend recommended to Jonathan to tell his wife that he was unfaithful because sooner or later she would find out and if not through him it would be worse, and so it happened the wife found out, and separated from him reproaching him for all the time she had with supporting him while he was alcoholic. Only through professional help to help him break the chains of the past could they overcome this situation. Jhonatan had to break the pain caused by the death of his father, expressing all the pain he feels because his father is not here and missing all the moments of his life, in this way he healed the chain that as a child had him tied to a pain that he did not express. Now jhonatan helps other policemen, people, to heal those traumas.

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Esta película es el reflejo del trauma, dolores, que sufrimos de niños y no sanamos con el tiempo, en muchas oportunidades tenemos la oportunidad de hacerlo, pero en otras ocasiones no, y a veces no entendemos porque tanta amargura, reproches, infelicidad, nuestro comportamiento es el reflejo de lo que vivimos en casa de niños, ya que nuestra personalidad la formamos casi 100 % de niños. por eso es muy importante sanar, y romper con esas cadena que nos atan al dolor, la tristeza, la amargura, para no reflejarla de adultos y sobre todo no afectar a nuestros hijos, nuestra familia. Una película maravillosa que recomiendo para ver en familia.
As an adult, Jhonatan became a policeman, he met a pretty girl, they fell in love, they got married, everything was going well, but in his duties as a policeman he began to see death close up, people dying in accidents, for bad behavior, seeing these deaths close up added to the pain of the loss of his father who had not yet healed as a child, he questioned why these deaths were happening. He did not understand what was happening to him, he could not stand so much pain, nor what was happening to him and he began to take refuge in alcohol, little by little the episodes of alcoholism became more frequent.


I recommend this movie for the whole family, and for yourself.

Les recomiendo esta película para toda la familia, y para uno mismo.

Traducido con Deepl
Separador editado en Picsart

Translated with Deepl
Bookmark edited in Picsart



Se ve muy buena la película amiga, la estaré buscando para disfrutarla ☺️ Saludos


Saludos amiga si muy buena, excelente para reflexionar, te invito a verla. Bendiciones.


The movie seems interesting. It talks about what most of us face in life and the "why me" questions we ask God. From what I can deduce the movie is about what people face in life and their experiences.

I should definitely try it out.
Thanks for sharing @mcookies

Zeegirl 🌻.


Yes, It is a good movie.I enjoyed a lot. Thank you.


Estás películas basadas en la vida real si que llegan al heart.


Asi es amigo, realmente nos tocan el corazón. Gracias por comentar.