Hablemos de: Memoir of a Snail (Opinión)
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Tenía bastante tiempo sin compartir contenido en esta comunidad, realmente tenía tanto sin ver alguna película que realmente causara impacto en mi, así que que mejor para volver que esta película: Memoir of a Snail, esta película me comenzó a salir en tik tok, mucha gente aclamándola y hablando de su tipo de animación, que como notan es Stop Motions, a mi este tipo de animación la verdad se me hace un arte en su totalidad, por eso este tipo de películas me encanta y siento sincera, siento que no hay película de este género que sea mala, porque lleva tanta dedicación, que no lo harían por una idea mala. Así que sin más que decir hablemos de Memoir of a Snail.
Sinopsis: La vida de Grace desde su nacimiento ha sido algo complicada, pero con ayuda de su hermano, las novelas románticas y su amor infinito por los caracoles tenía una vida linda, todo empieza en decadencia desde la muerte de su padre, es en ese momento cuando Grace poco a poco busca la manera de enfrentar el mundo “sola”.
Grace Pudel y Gilbert Pudel, son gemelos, su vida desde que nacieron ha estado llena de altibajos, su madre murió cuando los dio a luz, Grace nació con labio leporino, desde bebé estuvo sometida a innumerables operaciones, pero su hermano estuvo siempre ha su lado, hasta donó sangre para ella sin importarle morir (no sabía que su sangre se regeneraba y era capaz de sacrificarse por ella), ellos eran polos opuestos, Gilbert era bastante pesimista, en cambio Grace siempre veía el vaso medio lleno, todo era optimismo.
Sufría bullying por mucho tiempo por su “cara de conejo”, pero Gilbert siempre estaba ahí para defenderla, en cuando a sus padres, su madre murió dando a luz, su padre quedó en silla de ruedas gracias a un accidente, a demás tenía una enfermedad que a veces dormí tan profundo que sus hijos tenían que despertarlo con aplausos para que su cuerpo recordara respirar. El día que para ellos era el más feliz, terminó siendo el peor de todos, comenzaron yendo al parque, disfrutando todos en familia y terminó con su papá durmiendo para siempre.
Los hermanos fueron separados después de la muerte de su padre, es aquí cuando comienzan a ver la vida un poco más difícil, se sienten bastante solos y tienen la esperanza de en algún momento volverse a reencontrar, Grace tuvo un poco más de suerte que Gilbert con la familia que les tocó, los papás adoptivos de Grace casi nunca estaban pero consiguió consuelo en Pinky, una señora mayor con bastante historia, en cambio Gilbert le tocó una familia numerosa, enfermos por la religión, al punto de parecer un régimen militar. Es ahí cuando poco a poco comienzan con su búsqueda para encontrase de nuevo y superarse a ellos mismos, no viviendo tanto en el pasado.
Esta película me parece al principio bastante deprimente, no lo digo en el mal sentido sino en una perspectiva más realista y es, las cosas no siempre salen bien y no todos corremos con la la misma suerte, a veces hay personas que reciben golpe tras golpe, pero esto no quiere decir que así va a ser siempre nuestra vida, a veces solo tenemos que cambiar de perspectiva y dejar de lado lo que no nos deja ser libres. La animación es una obra de arte, adoro los detalles, se ve realmente el amor que le pusieron a esta producción, toca temas súper fuertes de una manera profunda, realista y cruda que te hace conectarte desde el momento cero con la protagonista, deben verla, vale totalmente la pena.
It's been a while since I've shared content in this community; I've really had so much time left. any movie that really made an impact on me, so what better way to go back than this movie: Memoir of a Snail, this movie started appearing on TikTok, with many people cheering for it and talking about its type of animation, which as you can see is Stop Motions, to me this type of animation is truly an art form in its entirety, that's why I love these types of movies and I sincerely feel that there is no movie of this genre that is bad, because it takes so much dedication, that they wouldn't make it for a bad idea. So without further ado, let's talk about Memoir of a Snail. - - -
Synopsis: Grace's life since birth has been somewhat complicated, but with the help of her brother, romance novels, and her endless love for snails, she had a beautiful life. Everything began to decline after the death of her father. It was at that moment that Grace slowly looked for a way to face the world "alone."
Grace Pudel and Gilbert Pudel are twins. Their life has been full of ups and downs since birth. Their mother died giving birth to them. Grace was born with a cleft lip. Since she was a baby, she underwent countless surgeries. However, her brother was always by her side. He even donated blood for her, not caring if he died (he didn't know his blood regenerated and was capable of sacrificing himself for her). They were polar bears. Opposites: Gilbert was quite pessimistic, while Grace always saw the glass half full, all optimism.
She was bullied for a long time because of her "bunny face," but Gilbert was always there to defend her. As for her parents, her mother died in childbirth, her father was wheelchair-bound due to an accident, and she also suffered from an illness that sometimes left her sleeping so soundly that her children had to wake her with applause so her body would remember to breathe. The day that was supposed to be their happiest turned out to be the worst of all. They started off by going to the park, enjoying themselves as a family, and it ended with their dad sleeping forever.
The siblings were separated after their father's death. It was at this point that life began to seem a little more difficult for them. They felt quite alone and hoped that they would eventually reunite. Grace was a little luckier than Gilbert with the family they had. Grace's adoptive parents were rarely around, but she found solace in Pinky, an elderly woman with quite a history. Gilbert, on the other hand, had a large family, driven by religion, to the point of seeming like a military regime. That's when they slowly begin their quest to find themselves again and surpass themselves, not dwelling so much on the past.
This movie seems quite depressing to me at first, I don't mean this in a bad way but from a more realistic perspective and it is, things don't always go well and not everyone has the same luck, sometimes there are people who receive blow after blow, but this doesn't mean that this is always going to be our life, sometimes we just have to change our perspective and let go of what doesn't let us be free. The animation is a work of art, I love the details, you can really see the love that was put into this production, it touches on super strong themes in a deep, realistic and raw way that makes you connect from the very beginning with the protagonist, you should see it, it's totally worth it.