I am someone who is always active. Always on his toes. Staying at a place, without being engaged always feels to me like I'm being compressed. I might even begin to feel unwell. It's that bad.
For about five days now, I've been at home. In one of my previous posts, I mentioned that I was at the village for a funeral service but would be leaving(not to mine, but to my parents place in the following days). I did not. I think I spent about two weeks there when I had only planned to stay three days. I'm just a village man, always moving about, catching up with my people.
I got back here on Tuesday and have been stuck indoors. Every morning, afternoon, evening, everytime, I look for a reason to want to step out and see the environment rather than just stay home. And everytime I go out, it's only a few minutes before I find my way back home. The place is an estate sort of, so it's pretty not the walk-about, sight seeing kind. And there's an uninterrupted power supply so you don't find people outside much.
While at the village, I fell ill and took medications but I've been feeling unwell since after two days that I was here. It's not malaria or anything like that. I know, everyone at home knows too that it's because I've been quite inactive unlike me. Very bored.
I resorted to thinking, just calculating and putting pieces together until there was nothing to think of anymore. However, there are things i always do when I am bored to my bones. For the most part, they help.
I sleep. This works sometimes but for how long can I sleep?
I eat. Yes, I have this thing where whether I am tired, angry, happy, even bored, I eat. Call me the chief croon of "whatever it is, eat first o." Food is good. Although I don't eat much, my portion is usually small, but I embrace eating when I'm bored.
I binge watch movies. I've been seeing some series back to back in the past days, that you can only imagine how far I have gone. Movies help with boredom that before I realize it, time has flown by.
Importantly too, I hold discussions. I'm always up for good conversations and I pride myself as someone with great communication skills. The people at the house with me barely have the time for that. We do hold very fun discussions whenever we do, though.
I work. By my second day here, I already told my siblings that I might just go to one of my bosses that I previously worked for and take up the tasks I once held. I don't exactly need the money, I just want to be busy and not be bored.
I couldn't stand it anymore. So, I took my bag yesterday and bundled myself to some other part of the city. I'll be going on to visit as many relatives, friends and places as I can. I be professional waka-waka. Although I wasn't feeling too strong and I had a headache, I picked myself up yesterday to start my movements. I could link the headache and other symptoms to my being immobile.
I don't fare well with staying immobile or being bored. I always find a way out by doing any oof the above things. They do the magic.
I hope you found this interesting. Thanks for stopping by.
I watch movies whenever I'm feeling bored; movies have a way of brightening our mood and reducing boredom, as you mentioned in your post. Then engaging in discussion that part helps a lot, I think this part is even more active because you put the brain to work.. nice post.
For those used to the daily hustle, staying still is truly torture!
My dear active people can't just stay at a place, as long as it takes away boredom that good