Let's Talk About 3 Series that I Could not Finish Watching

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A la hora de distraerme en muchas ocasiones escojo ver una serie, muy poco voy por películas porque me gusta más comprometerme con una historia más larga y porque me gusta la dinámica de las series. Pero no siempre esas series son buenas y logran engancharme, y está cool compartir reseñas positivas de varias series que vemos a lo largo de nuestra vida, pero también está cool compartir reseñas de series que la verdad no funcionaron para nosotros y hoy estaba justamente pensando en ello así que pensé en este top tres super random que quiero compartir en mi blog.

When it's time to distract myself I often choose to watch a series, I rarely go for movies because I like to engage with a longer story and because I like the dynamics of the series. But not always those series are good and manage to hook me, and it's cool to share positive reviews of various series that we watch throughout our lives, but it's also cool to share reviews of series that didn't really work for us and today I was just thinking about it so I thought of this super random top three that I want to share on my blog.


Vamos a empezar "fuerte" y es que esta serie... yo no la entendí, creo que llegue a ver máximo 2 capítulos y se me hizo muy difícil de ver, porque me dio cringe. Por lo que entendí trata de una mujer y su hija que se van a vivir lejos, el chiste acá que la hija parece ser más madura que su madre. El detalle del "chiste" es que no nada de gracia, puesto que la chica es super insoportable de antipática y la mamá no es muy cuerda, así que no pude ver mucho más de esta serie para saber si vale la pena o no.

Let's start "strong" and this series... I did not understand it, I think I got to see at most 2 chapters and it was very difficult to watch, because it gave me cringe. From what I understood it is about a woman and her daughter who go to live far away, the joke here is that the daughter seems to be more mature than her mother. The detail of the "joke" is that it's not funny at all, since the girl is super unbearably unfriendly and the mom is not very sane, so I couldn't watch much more of this series to know if it's worth it or not.


Si han leído un poco de las reseñas en mi blog saben que amo con locura las historias de fantasía y más si son de vampiros, el caso acá es que buscando que ver encontré esta serie donde Julie Plec fue creadora y pensé en darle una oportunidad. El detalle es que no logré conectar con las protagonistas, la sentí muy niñas, todo un rollo que no entendía y preferí abandonarla, para enterarme luego de que fue cancelada, aunque de esta serie sí vi más de la mitad, no creo que la termine para darle un veredicto final.

If you have read some of the reviews on my blog you know that I love fantasy stories and even more if they are about vampires, the case here is that looking for something to watch I found this series where Julie Plec was the creator and I thought about giving it a chance. The detail is that I couldn't connect with the main characters, I felt it was very girlish, a whole roll that I didn't understand and I preferred to abandon it, to find out later that it was canceled, although I saw more than half of this series, I don't think I'll finish it to give it a final verdict.


Vikings... si hablamos de la serie principal, una maldita obra de arte y una de mis series favoritas en todo el mundo, es demasiado buena. El problema con Vikings: Valhalla, es que tenías las expectativas demasiado altas, precisamente por la serie anterior, y en esta no pude conectar nada con los personajes. No creo que sea una mala serie, solo me aburrió e intente verla dos veces, pero la verdad es que no paso de más de la mitad de la serie, por más que lo intente.

Vikings... if we talk about the main series, a damn masterpiece and one of my favorite series in the whole world, it's too good. The problem with Vikings: Valhalla, is that you had too high expectations, precisely because of the previous series, and in this one I couldn't connect at all with the characters. I don't think it's a bad series, it just bored me and I tried to watch it twice, but the truth is that I don't get more than half way through the series, no matter how hard I try.


Yo tengo un buen radar para escoger series para ver, es por ello que a veces paso mucho tiempo sin ver una serie porque trato de verla si realmente me llama la atención o es el estilo de series que me gusta. Pero no a menudo funciona y es por ello que hay pocas series que no me ha gustado, como por ejemplo las ya mencionadas anteriormente no quiere decir que sean malas, pero la verdad es que no funcionaron para mí y honestamente no creo darle una segunda o tercera oportunidad, simplemente las dejaré ir. ¡Espero que les haya encantado leer mis opiniones en contra de esta serie, me gustó el formato, quizás lo repita nuevamente, nos leemos pronto!

I have a good radar for choosing series to watch, that's why sometimes I go a long time without watching a series because I try to watch it if it really catches my attention or it's the style of series I like. But not often it works and that's why there are few series that I didn't like, like for example the ones already mentioned above doesn't mean they are bad, but the truth is that they didn't work for me and honestly I don't think I will give them a second or third chance, I will just let them go. I hope you loved reading my opinions against this series, I liked the format, maybe I will repeat it again, see you soon!

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I like the idea of sharing things you didn't like or perhaps failed to really get into. I used to do something many years ago with films I didn't enjoy. These days there aren't so many of them, I do start a lot of shows and struggle to get through them, but I think a lot of the time it's my own mood in the moment that meant I just couldn't get into them.

I like seeing the reasons people have, though. It's interesting to see what one person dislikes where someone else may see something they do like.