FREECHAIN - teaser trailer // Hive Documentary film


Free Chain Poster DARK 8 Mart.jpg

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The first teaser trailer contaning footage from our first 3 interviews is finally going live. I want to thank everyone involved for their time and we hope to deliver something that we can all be proud of.
This video will be used to attract external attention and hopefully a number of high profile names in crypto to add to the film.

The film maker intention is to create a film that will appeal to the masses and portray the cryptocurrency space in a hopeful and easily understood manner. The film will then be entered into film festivals since the film making team has had significant success there in the past, and it will be presented to streaming services for maximum reach.

Unlike most recent crypto documentaries that cover the negatives of crypto, we intend to show the hopeful side, our fundamental beliefs and explore the value of "community".
Not every crypto-documentary needs to be about lives ruined. It can also be about the positives, about community and overcoming adversity.
The film is 2 parts generally about crypto and 1 part about the Steem/Hive split. The film maker will use the Steem/Hive story as an example of a crypto community upholding the core principles of this space.
Pinpointing where value actually resides.

Currently outside the core team working on this film, we have an amazing animation team working on the film. I have observed their work and my assesment is extremely positive. Stock footage is used in the initial teaser but large parts of the film will be animated adding to the artistic value of the film. Interviews will be used in tandem with animation and narration.

Remember, we are not only making a factual coverage of the events, we are making a "piece of art". Something with dramatic value that can be viewed by everyone and anyone outside the Hive ecosystem without difficulty of comprehension while yielding an emotional response.

At this point in time I would like to invite everyone to join our discord channel, follow us on twitter and on Hive.
Please reblog this post and make it seen by as many Hivers as possible. As is with Hive, the success of this film will undoubtedly rely on your support.

▶️ 3Speak



5 years this has been happening to me, it started here, around people that are still here. Homeland security has done nothing at all, they are not here to protect us. Dont we pay them to stop shit like this? The NSA, CIA, FBI, Police and our Government has done nothing. Just like they did with the Havana Syndrome, nothing. Patriot Act my ass. The American government is completely incompetent. The NSA should be taken over by the military and contained Immediately for investigation. I bet we can get to the sources of V2K and RNM then.


Wow it's so weird to see people from the chain in a documentary.
Makes it strangely more real and less digital.


That is the point. Making it all as real as we felt it at the time.


Ya this is why we needed to take my advice and ignore the pandemic fear and do local hive meetups like every fucking week and act like a godamn company lol


wow the hype is real !!! wen netflix contract ?


Netflix on my mind. My mind on Netflix. 😉


Our chain is as diverse as it can get so we should be greenlit instantly.


Oh yeah? Youd think we would win the ESG prize and angel funding by now.......when we are actively donating and using treasury funds ro drill well water boreholes in Ghana in Africa.... and fixing wells in Nigeria...slappin hove stickers on em like were the nee UN wuality control fixit crew for all earth.....selflessly helping people in other countties who then post content and earn us money showingw e actually believed in them.....indonesians...philipinos...afticans... .venezuelans....we do pound for pound per capitah the most and best high quality charity work thats profitable and cteates jobs than any blockchain or any company any organization anyncharity in history..

But no one wants to help us ....

What i mean is if you gave hive the funding terra or dogecoin had omg wed have ended hunger in so many nations by mow and increased living conditikns.... i mean elon could follow my white paper and add starlink as a telos and hive witness that sells data as resource credits and hp....

. ...but hive is held back from coinbase... ... and any mainstream twitter recignition (because theyre so scared of lookijg at the futiristic mirror )

Dude sorry to admit but @walden from venezuela the angry drunk was right..... there was and is a conspirscy to hold back steem and hive and it has to do with @ned and @dan s government military and cia style intel community inqtel saic connections ...yes dan and @stan worked gor lockheed... northrop and saic know....the government company that helps create civilian tech from military tech?

Yeah..... i made a flow chart .... hive is from steem which is from old 2014 hive cia havking software with front ends and immutable data transfers that was used to assasinate targets or extract data fromnover seas .... wikileaks vault 7 and 8 HIVE ! same RED HEXAGON LOGO! hah

I mean why did grimes join which joined and then she start dating chelsea manning from wikileaks after bteaking up with elon musk on my birthday after replying "sique" to my fan art i posted on her discord....only to bteake up with elon again moving out....and naming her SECOND mystery child with the richest man in the world "exa" like i came up with here #eckza ahahahaha


You all have no idea whats about to happen

Ahaha like wtf tho

Is anyone gonna make a documentary to at least explain how fun steemit will be?

Its obviously old nsa cia software that TRUMP and his obama admin allies had released in time for steemits 2016 launch with ned and dan

And truth social is now like using some sf company called HIVE ai ahaha ahahaba

And truth social has telos color purple and a big hourglass like my sand token and remember my mom is friends with genreal flynns sister who i briught to steem and hive @barbararedgate

So when elon joins steemit and trump joins hive ill get to say hah i told ya so


Draw 20 cards or lay off the substances


i have a higher reputation than you buddy.

and sorry but everything i said made sense


"I have higher rep, muh", yeah all right, it seems you are a lost cause. Hola back when you solved world hunger through Hive.


lol you never started your cause. and yeah we are solving world hunger with hive, if only people like you would do more to promote hive itd go faster lol

u seem butt hurt

i said i have higher rep than u to piss u off cuz its pointless and doesnt mean anything lol

i bet im taller than u too lol


lol whatever i still upvoted u

heres 100 LVL so u know theres no soft feelings



What expansion of DnD are you playing?


its called NIFTY WIZARDS its on WAX


We should have a very long Shotgun Interview College as Special Material. This Chain is Beyond Diverse, we are the model view of a global citizen community.


Interestingly even though I had an account, I missed all this due to not yet having met my Hive friends, who showed me exactly how wonderful this place truly is ♥️

@dreemsteem @wil.metcalfe have you seen this?

Reblogged (which I rarely do 😲)



hehehe ...I hadn't seen the trailer yet!!! thanks for sharing! 🥰



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Amazing work done @lordbutterfly and the rest of the filmmaking team! The teaser looks epic. The crisp shots and voices of the people telling their tales. :')


Y'all fuckin smashed this out of the park so far. I cannot wait to see this in full!


Super awesome job and absolutely a story that needs to be documented and told.

Then not to mention the hive movie as well!!!! Made by hiveans's for hiveans.

Definitely worth a share and my vote on this. Thank you very much for your hard work and I can't wait to see even more.


How Hive came into being is a story worth telling. I am excited about watching the whole documentary.


Looks really cool and techie! I am looking forward to this film and hope it will succeed with its reach as well!


OMG!!! All I see is Dans we shouldn't be call #HIVE the name should be #DAN😁😁😁. From Hive leaders to Hollywood megastars, that is the way.


Its Dans only :D


true... creepy... makes me wonder... what's their real name!?


Awesome teaser, looking forward to see the rest and hope I can help out now that I'm "back" with my activity.


Hive is even more fun with a drop of acid. No wait... that came out wrong. 😅


You got the drops? Those mfers sold me the tabs.


got the dropz right here, wheres my green?


Cool! Hope the english subtitles will be available for translations! 👍


Oh shit here we goooo! So excited to see the film. The trailer is already so good, can’t wait!


This looks like it’s going to be even better than I originally expected. Nice!!!


this. looks. epic!!

can’t wait to see this. such an awesome job sir.


looks awesome, can't wait for the release :)


Did anyone record the meetings with justin?


Stunning, I mean, it looks like an epic Blockchain story that could create a really interesting insight into the concept of Hive.


Very impressive. I like the path you are choosing to make it more relatable to others outside Crypto.


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Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:

Hive Power Up Month - Feedback from May - Day 15

impressive and very motivating!, I hope that this leads to an excellent investment among the great leaders of the crypto world and I am sure that several of them will be speechless to learn all the time they have lost to start using Hive. I predict very good times for our beloved block chain

Great job and I hope you continue to produce such interesting content.



Lets tell the world about us! Am loving the teaser, great work.


is that blocktrades? :D I alwas thought he was like in his 20s 😂😅

great teaser btw!


Hey. Who says hes not! 😃



I can confirm I'm not in my 20s anymore.


you have just destroyed an image in my mind that I have fostered for over 2 years. shame on you! And also thank you for being on Hive and all of the work you have been doing! :)


this looks so well done, i can't wait to watch it


This is going to be amazing to watch! I don't know much of the back story with steem and only got heavily involved with Hive almost a year ago now. I have to say it's one of the most welcoming web3 platforms there is! So much potential here and I'd love to get to know how it was born.


This is getting me excited.
Can#t wait to watch it :)


wow, this is amazing work. Good for you.


The birth of Hive blockchain... in a film? Looking forward to it!


Wow... This is so beautiful.

Not every crypto-documentary needs to be about lives ruined.

So true. Countless lives have also been changed for the better by cryptocurrency. Besides, fiat had also done a lot of damage to lives and we don't see so many documentaries highlighting it...


Looking good already. I think this is the crypto documentary the world needs to see. It can show that communities can build something amazing. Well done.


Remember back when everybody hated you?

Seriously though, this looks like it's going to be epic!


I can remember a few people that were really loved. Memories long gone.. I stuck around. 😉

Thx man. :)


Looks like an amazing film, I can not wait to see it 😃


This is awesome! Thank you for all your hardwork! <3


Man, that looks way cooler than I expect it!

Good job buddy!


Very professional and beyond my expectations! 👏👏👏


Wow. It looks so very polished and professional. And I mean that in a good way! Top notch Butterflying! :OD


Looks very professional.

I am interested in getting to see the faces of users on here.


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Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:

Hive Power Up Month - Feedback from May - Day 15

Kewl. My instinct always told me to stick here on Hive. The big picture gets bigger and bigger. Imho Hive is the best approach atm for a new era in humankind. Nothing more, nothing less. 😀


Love this! Everything looks so professional and next level! Can't wait to see more of it!


This teaser is truly a teaser! Onchain becomes more real. I already love that there will be a positive portrayal of the crypto space in a way that the masses will be able to understand. I am looking forward to it!!


I am looking forward to this. The trailer really hits home.


I feel this comment.

It's like oh these are the guys I was talking with?

Although Justin was kind of a dick and interrupted me..... I hope we can get some anti-sun artwork shared on the documentary!


Pinpointing where value actually resides.

How about promoting the teaser on Twitter and other social medias ?


Waiting for this documentary to come out.


Living through it sucked but we got to the other side and two years later we are absolutely thriving...

Thank you for sharing this amazing post on HIVE!
  • Your content got selected by our fellow curator @priyanarc & you just received a little thank you via an upvote from our non-profit curation initiative!

  • You will be featured in one of our recurring curation compilations and on our pinterest boards! Both are aiming to offer you a stage to widen your audience within and outside of the DIY scene of hive.

Join the official DIYHub community on HIVE and show us more of your amazing work and feel free to connect with us and other DIYers via our discord server: !

If you want to support our goal to motivate other DIY/art/music/homesteading/... creators just delegate to us and earn 100% of your curation rewards!

Stay creative & hive on!

This is going to be top notch, I can just feel it. I mean just look at the quality, looks too damn good.



Definitely awesome and professional... Gorgeous!


Yes sirrr 🥃


I have a feeling this and the hive movie is going to be huge splashes ..

Hive movie industry?


If we can just get the word out, get some more action and views from the other parts of the crypto realm, then almost anything is possible for Hive, no doubts there.


That's absolutely why I've been supporting the hive movie really hard and helping them out.

Not only was it pretty crazy to live through and be a part of but it's even crazier getting to be a part of this movie project.


Damn, seems like a lot of time and effort has been invested behind this movie project.


As well as the community backing it...

Awesome job


Wow! It's good to here. Being a newbie myself I think I have lot to learn and know. And I think this documentary will help me in that case. Very much looking forward to it.


Woow, great intro there.
Very professional and gentle. Hope to see more people, like us.

Bravo i hvala vam puno.
Pozdrav iz Srbije, iz Banat-a.


Someone get this up on NETFLIX!!!


Why not just get it up on her own platform first and see how many viral views we can get...

If you release it here we can comment vote and have all sorts of fun on these threads here in our own ecosystem.

Its going to be big and then just wait until it goes out across the world to the mainstream...


Well done! Can't wait to see the whole film :)


WOW! This is simply crazy! Ciao from Italy :)


This is great, this is one way we can take crypto to the world, a way we can change the narrative. It's a welcome development


Putting a name to the face. I must say that the documentary kept me glued to my system for close to 60 seconds. I am quite eager to know all what this is all about


Nice, can't wait to see the full documentary.


you know sometimes I tried to explain this expierience out there but could not feel any empathy in return, not that I wanted it but what we witnessed on this forked blockchain is one of the most truest democracy act I have felt and I hope everyone can feel a similar expirience of expression down the line. Looking foward to the full one!


@lordbutterfly you better get that hive steem eos trx documentary out before elon twitter thing fizzles out or blows up and elon buys steemit from @justinsunsteemit or worse ....elon just starts posting on steemit as a fucking experiment.... hes gonna find out

Its inevitable now

Dont let elon push justin sun and binance czs bullshit narrative that hive is full of darknet hackers who somehow stole from justin sun lol

We need like that guy on youtube who just went over elon and the eos guy from dosney mighty ducks brock pierce


If we dont start hiring these people to objectively make videos about what happened to steem and hive...NO ONE will ever know and youll be bulloed by the school bully and end up in juvenile hall after the bully completes a crazy false flag on us


Why you said that Elon Musk starts posting on Steemit?
Which one is his account?


Ill bet you all money that @dan larimer and @ned scott know Trump and Elon


I wouldnt bet on it lol but I would really like to have @dan in this.
So in case @dan is reading this, I have sent an inquiry to B1 and a few other places.
If we can get in touch, your input would be extremely valuable. Not only on the Hive/Steem split but the robust 2/3s of the film that try and explain the mentality of crypto users and where the value truly resides.


I absolutely cannot WAIT for this to be released. Love the trailer & the high quality. This is a story that is worth telling & I have a feeling it's going to have a powerful impact!

Awesome job so far!! I will be waiting with supportive pixie dust! ;)



I can't wait until I can watch this. Thank you for sharing.


The King sends blessings for success and a small bit of........



I saw the trailer yesterday. Looking forward to seeing the entire film and sharing it with my family. I believe this will more adequately explain what I am doing here than anything I could say myself.
Thanks for using ListNerds to direct me to this.


Im very exited to see this! Cant WAIT! O_O! Congrats from Venezuela


So sooo cool. Looking forward to it 😎


Yeah love it! This is just wonderful!


The trailer does not seem real to me. Dont really type long codes or rushing against time/others etc.


It's going to be amazing seeing the steem/hive allstars in a documentary - this is going to give HIVE a LOT of exposure! Bring on the INVESTORS!


This is another step up of more people discovery about hive and most important talking the positive side about crypto not negative about it ,kudos to you all , maximum respect


A story of rich victims. A story of wolves in sheep's clothing. You people are sick.

Here is a story of a real victim YOU all almost killed. Literally, with your wicked down-vote system.

This is the story of @cryptopie. A young dialysis patient from the Philippines living a life of suffering mostly bed ridden waiting to die. He blogs about god, life, and his struggles. While blogging on Hive to save up for a life saving surgery to have his appendix removed. Top witness @themarkymark decides one day to zero out his earnings permanently for no apparent reason. Cutting @cryptopie off from life saving rightfully earned income.

Fortunately @cryptopie had at the time just enough saved for his surgery. If the attack came a month or two sooner, @cryptopie would be dead now. These actions have been allowed and supported by @blocktrades and other top people on Hive. The implementation of the downvote button is pure evil and used to harm others in the most heinous of ways, among many other things. Please visit @cryptopie's blog on Hive to see for yourself.

Want another example of the rich and pure evil elite on Hive abusing the needy for mere sport...

Let's have a look at @projecthope. A group that does charitable work for people in poorer countries and are in need of hope and help. Zeroed out by the same top members of Hive including one in this very video! Again organized and supported by @blocktrades, @gtg, and other top witnesses.
This group was led by @crypto.piotr simultaneously down voted off the blockchain. When politely asked for the reason is the response supported by the top witness on the Hive Blockchain. Totally sick. Know what you are dealing with people.

After five years on Hive/Steemit. I've finally become aware of such evil controlling this place, and have since moved to down-vote free Blurt. A Second less publicized fork of the Steemit blockchain. For those who started on steemit, your wallet has been copied there and you can log in and join with your Steemit keys. You can reconnect with myself and @crytpopie in a safe and friendly down-vote free environment on Blurt.

Click here to join!

Click here to learn more!

Learn how Hive is a totally centralized platform here

Learn how Hive is destroying itself and driving investment towards Blurt here

Find out who is in full control of the Hive blockchain here


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Post with the most upvotes of the week.
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Freechain? Really? I don't think so... Take a look at my profile and prove me otherwise...


Oh dang the editing is looking slick! The slow zoom out on some shots really looking amazing, I love that blue filter you applied also.

Good job bro!


This is gonna be a great movie to watch. Brings the whole experience to life. Great work!!


Nice Teaser! It's awesome to see everyone on-chain on film :).

ps; Is the typography definite (asking for a friend)?


Wooow! This sounds amazing!!


Sjajno, bravo! Skoro sam caskala sa @vikisecrets i rekla mu da mi je pala na pamet ideja za Hive slogan (dok sam radila nesto skroz nevezano :)). On mi je predlozio da ti kazem i rekao za ovaj film. Nisam u toku sa diskusijama koje se vode na temu promocije Hivea tako da nemam predstavu da li ova ideja moze za nesto da posluzi, al sta mi tesko da kazem :)
OWN (your acc)
CONNECT (with others and participate in development)
BE(E) (free to be /a part of the elite project / free in a decentralized world... whatever goes with to be :))
U prvoj verziji poslednje je bilo earn


@lordbutterfly Why not mention "Hive" somewhere in the title, like "Freechain – Hive emerging from the Steem Blockchain War" or something like that?


We arent making a film solely for Hivers nor is the sole focus on the Hive/Steem split. We are trying to make it for general audiences. Theres plenty of Hive in the film and the title is referential to what happened.
This is not a shill piece for Hive as no one would watch that nor would anyone want to pick it up on that premise alone.

We want to draw in audiences on quality first and use the Hive story as the climax.

Consider what Hex is doing with their documentary. (Since someone mentioned it today).
Not to call it disgusting, but that is a typical shill film where the focus is on telling everyone how their coin pumped, with Richard flexing like something akin to a middle eastern dictator.
Self gratification is not what wer aiming for.


Proud that I saw it happening... 😎


I think this will be a revolutionary work.I don't know what percent of world population know what is hive/steem/crypto but I am sure after this flim happens, people gonna pester here to collect honey from different part of the globe In numbers .For years, the sound was piping in my ears. Now it's gonna make visibility.We,newbie are awaiting it.!LUV


Love the idea ... A big fat GOOD LUCK!


Wow this super cool. It's great so see our big bros in the blockchain in a documentary. This make it more real.


This is fantastic! I don't know the faces in the trailer - can some one enlighten me?


Wow, I just read this! It's shaping up to be an epic documentary!


Sounds amazing! I am really hyped to see more ...
Thats great and I will make a post of it ;-) WoW !!! I am flashed 👍🤙✌️
Send you amazing greets from Austria


Can't wait for the real thing to come. The quality of the video, the sincerity in the words spoken.. I need more.
It all looks realistic, and less digital.


So cool! Can't wait for the release. That would be amazing to get it on Netflix.


Watch our hivefest presentation. 😉


Hello! Can't wait, too. Where is it? Is it available online?


Yes. Find me on 3speak. In my videos you will find it.


on hive fest you talked about appearance and sentences/messages to put at the end of the film.
Is there an electronic way to submit anything, like for example our principality project, a micronation in the blockchain with goals in real life ?



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This is so groundbreaking and exciting!!! Blockchain can change the film industry, we need to get more film creators on hive‼️


I dont understand why HIVE is not as popular as other chains. To me it is the most real, down to earth, community friendly one... thanks for your amazing work.


I think about that a lot too. kind of strange right?


Yeah, I dont really understand. Youtubers talk about ADA's community for example.. But do they have blogs, apps, rewards, curation's systems etc?


The hive is growing slowly, as per my knowledge. Maybe Hive is not ready for global adoption yet (on a huge scale ). everyone is trying their best to promote hive I am sure in a few years we all will see the results. lets hope for the best.