

We have been working hard to bring the Freechain film to completion.
Right now we have a few more tweaks to do to the script, specifically the climax and we hope to have a completely finished film by the end of August, very much in time for Hivefest.

The whole script should be done by Wednesday and from there it will be sent to our voice actor that will record the narrator and the artist doing our art in the film. From there we will be finishing the editing, color correction, sound design etc.

We also opened contact with someone interested in the film that we hope to develop a partnership with. If this bears fruit it would be massive for us. I cant go into more detail, partially because I dont want to jinx it, but also because nothing is formalized as of yet.
Hitting our deadline is also important for that reason, besides the Hivefest premiere.


As mentioned before we will have a part of the film where the community will be introduced.
There we would want as many phone recordings of people from Hive saying in 1 sentence what Hive means to them. 1 sentence that is all.
We would need this to be as DIVERSE AS POSSIBLE to show people from all sides of the world using Hive. Africa, South America, USA, Europe, etc.
Preferably in English but any language will do.
This will be turned into a video mosaic or something similar.


This is not the actual call to action here, because I want to talk to a few whales so everyone that delivers the video gets a few USD in votes at least for their contribution.
So please to pay attention for this.

As we push closer to the finish line I will be sharing more materials and information. This is the scary and exciting part of it all.

Its going to be a fun ride. 😉


completely finished film by the end of October, very much in time for Hivefest.

HiveFest is September :D


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specifically the climax

we all love a good climax, wink wink :)

I'll say it again: this is the best opportunity Hive has ever had to become a well-known social media. So I'm even more excited to see it's impact than for the documentary itself :)


Very excited, thank you for the update.

This is not the actual call to action here, because I want to talk to a few whales so everyone that delivers the video gets a few USD in votes at least for their contribution.

Now this part I don't like. Why do we need to introduce monetary incentive for something where people genuinely have so much to be excited about? Introducing monetary incentives screws up the whole initiative, I imagine you know there are studies that show a link between money motivation and a reduction in creativity and intrinsic motivation, and overall it becomes the same as any other crypto shilling thing - no differentiation. Let it be from the heart, and let whoever does it take time out of their day and does it out of that energy, a desire to share something so empowering and freeing with the rest of the world.


I guess it's getting close to the premiere now, so I hope everything goes as planned. I really look forward to seeing it, but I won't make it to Hivefest this time.