Freechain Update number 7589604



How many updates so far? Already this many? Damn... time flies when youre spending DHF funds and not delivering anything.

I kid.

Im not a Hive dev.


Raise your hand if you feel offended. 🙋‍♂😂
Cant wait for the Hive hackathon though. We just need to catch some wild Devkachus willing to do the work for it to happen.


What was this post about again? I get easily confused by colorful moving pictures.




So, the script is done, done. You know how it goes. You write final touches and you send it in to the narrator and it comes back and you tweak it, and you send it out again, and it comes back and its placed into the rough cut and youre not happy 100% with how some things are spoken, and you send it out again... So it goes. Back and forth. This time, we are fairly sure we have the final takes ready to go.
Everything is on schedule to be shown at Hivefest.
The art is being worked on for the animation part and those parts are a thing of beauty. When I see what our artist comes up with sometimes I want to hug him.
Imagine being hugged by me. Butterfly dust everywhere.

Im extremely proud with what the team has accomplished. Ive had a fair amount of input in it all which Im sure will concern many, understandably so.


But, being somewhat of a film connoisseur myself, I feel its special.

Its not just a documentary feeding you information. Its an experience youre being lead on by a full fledged character created for the story which gives the film a very novel look and feel, making it stand out from the lot. Creativity goes a long way when a budget is limited. And our film director has buckets of it.
We approach the story of crypto and Hive from many different angles that all lead to a climax so very familiar to all of you, which I feel we present admirably.

Your judgement ofc will be...


ignored as I cant take criticism and will oppose everything and anything bad you have to say about the film.
What can I say. 😂

Anyways... Hivefest is coming soon and I hope you all bought your tickets.
A standing ovation is only half as enjoyable in a half filled theatre.

And dont forget.



"I am not a Hive Dev" Haha :D

If I will be able to get to HiveFest, awaiting for Bitcoin deposit for my kidney, I might consider to waste my time and watch that whatever it is document, you will probably have to pay me to do that ;)

Playing of course. Why So Serious? ;-o