Dejar el mundo atrás| Ojalá nunca suceda esta locura| ¿Estará sucediendo? [ESP/ENG]


¿Qué estará pasando actualmente con las películas? ¿Será que no hay presupuesto, o ya no queda mucha creatividad en los directores? En fin, a esta película la sitúan en el lugar de honor de hacer fluir la ansiedad. ¿Será que pasará todo esto con la tecnología? ¿Será que esto está pasando y no nos damos cuenta?

Debo confesar que ni todo lo que pasa en nuestro país, me hizo sentir tan desconcertada; como esta trama. La protagonista solo quería unas vacaciones con su familia, salir de la rutina, poder gastar un poco en distraerse. Me cuesta tratar de hacer una reseña de esta película. Imaginen que todo en el mundo se descontrola, los aviones aterrizan en cualquier lugar, la tecnología se hace nuestra enemiga, perdemos comunicación y lo que pensamos que es ya no es más que algo sin sentido. Dudar de todo y no poder hacer nada, cuando crees entender la película, se va el internet y crees que puede pasar lo que están viviendo los actores ja,ja,ja.

He tratado de estar más activa viendo películas, siento alivio al no tener que ir al cine y ver estas películas, sería desconcertante ver a estos tremendos actores, ya se les nota el pasar de los años, eso se respeta, pero que sentirán al trasmitir tanto enredo.

Sigamos tratando de tener y hacer las cosas con equilibrio. Se le quitan las ganas a uno de salir de vacaciones. Luego me cuentan punto de vista sobre esta trama. Creo que solo fue una mala jugada de mi imaginación. ¿Será que lo soñé?


What is going on with movies these days, is it that there is no budget, or is there not much creativity left in the directors? In short, this film is placed in the place of honor of making anxiety flow. Could it be that all this is happening with technology? Could it be that this is happening and we don't realize it?

I must confess that not even everything that happens in our country made me feel as disconcerted as this plot. The protagonist just wanted a vacation with her family, to get out of the routine, to be able to spend a little to distract herself. I have a hard time trying to review this movie. Imagine that everything in the world goes out of control, airplanes land everywhere, technology becomes our enemy, we lose communication and what we think is no longer anything but meaningless. Doubting everything and not being able to do anything, when you think you understand the movie, the internet goes away and you think what the actors are living ha,ha,ha,ha can happen

I have tried to be more active watching movies, I feel relieved not to have to go to the cinema and watch these movies, it would be disconcerting to see these tremendous actors, you can already see the passing of the years, that is respected, but what will they feel when transmitting so much entanglement

Let's keep trying to have and do things with balance. One does not want to go on vacation. Then tell me your point of view on this plot. I think it was just a bad play of my imagination. Did I dream it?

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Estas son las que me gustan jajaja 😂, estoy esperando verla en algún momento (cuando las niñas estén dormidas) sino como respondo tanta duda jaja sería lo de nunca acabar.


Ja,ja,ja porfa cuando llegue la parte de un sonido horroroso pendiente de bajar el volumen. Debemos cuidar nuestra salud mental, es una línea muy angosta entre la cordura y la locura. A cuidarnos. Siento qué para los que piensan que este mundo está loco, será un alivio ver que puede estar peor.


With the number of movies that are produced daily, you don't expect to get a 10/10 from every film.
Even I am finding it a little difficult to understand the movie going by the review😅
And am trying to not imagine the world go out of control. It's somewhat rattling. Haha


It was really disappointing, so we can never say we know everything. My words were: "if Julia Roberts works, this must be a great movie". The scene where the teenager's teeth fall out is disgusting. Thanks for stopping by @supernova004


I'll take this as a cue from you to not bother seeing the movie. Thank you😅


I remembered a friend who says that he doesn't say anything so that others waste their time and money too, you have to see it ha,ha,ha,ha


When I first saw the actors, I got very much interested in seeing the movie so I downloaded it, my expectation wasn't met, cause everything happened in the blue, they should have told us how everything started, the curse of the war. The reason for the war but nope nothing like that.
Too bad they didn't even provide a solution for the war the movie just ended like that.