Storytelling in Animation with Life almost looks the same???

Good night, friends making love, animation wherever you are. It's great that I can be in context tonight, where tonight I want to tell a little about the animation and also the story in the fairy tale.

Sometimes there are some things from an animation that look real or also the scenes presented by the owner of the animation are extraordinary, but I have another story than that.

In this animation, I understand some skills or an oddity from my daily life, namely an extraordinary struggle or research that I can take and I am picking it up now.

How many things I myself am not sure will look real but This is an animation as well as stories that are very enthusiastic for me at this time.

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Cinema UP is a story that is very enthusiastic in my opinion where this is a very unique and also interesting story of a child who becomes an enthusiasm for a journey of life itself where the child grows old and has important roles from each his life at that time.

A boy and girl who grow old have an interesting journey where a grandfather is still loyal to his wife's child but there they have an important role in which their dreams can make a home in a but above a mountain that is below you can see the waterfall.

Before that fact happened a grandmother left her grandfather and her dreams also faltered at that time but there was seen a boy who had just owned and owned and the important message from there that I can take is a desire and progress for life in the future.

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I really like the story where I recommend this animation for the future but this is a printer or a desire from viewers or readers everywhere.

Sunderland when I want to convey some continuation of this animated Cinema Up, I hope you like it and visit a Cinema TV where the public is always which one, right?

Best Regards
By @lingkar-photo


I love Up! It has great messages. Beautiful movie. I watch it every time it is offered in so many.