Anime Baki The King of Souls. Waiting for When to Release Again

Good evening, happy browsing for writers and lovers of old cartoon anime and the latest updates, but still interested in the short film Baki, which seemed very short and was also in great demand several years ago, or comic writers who don't have new ideas, such as travel. Baki's teenager, after winning the name as the ruler of the streets, is like the journey of his father who is also an ordinary child who becomes a spear in the war at that time.

And where there are also several sessions that seem to disappear, it's not very clear in each of Baki's journeys. However, there are interesting things and also a moral message from the small story which slightly boggles my mind when following some of the episodes which are relatively short and, maybe there are still additions from several trips to a Baki as a conqueror of kunfu and street karate.

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I really like anime films that have character value and an interesting journey value for an article or also a small exposure for me. but I'm waiting for a new character from the Baki anime that maybe the author of a children's book or novel can do again.

I really like Baki's character, where a schoolboy lives independently and can be scared by his friends because of his strength. and really look forward to this anime film being made or re-released.

How about you there, I'm sure if you see some of this anime's journey it will make you feel at home there.

Best Regards
By @lingkar-photo
