Neo’s Cleaning Service (2022)


Sci-Fi Short Film Neos Cleaning Service DUST.mp4_snapshot_13.21.926.jpg

A few posts ago, I pointed out the literary connection between the present and the future. Today I leave the cineastic link of extrapolating the present to the future…

The demonic Coronavirus Hoax has clearly shown how the financial plutocracy intends to depopulate, starting with the oldest and weakest. What will it look like in the near future if we do nothing at all? Here is the answer offered by a young and talented filmmaker…

“Neo’s Cleaning Service” by McFloyd Nguyen

The story follows Tim Bauer, a status-craving young man who is currently competing for promotion against his peers at Neo’s Cleaning Service - a privately-owned cleaning company that specializes in the social and individual cleanup of deceased or recalled citizens who reside within the Greater System. Tim lives in a society where every citizen is told to believe in The Atrium, an elderly utopia where all seniors would be relocated to upon their retirement. In reality, all seniors are secretly abducted and executed by the SSS (the System’s Secret Service) after their retirement or recall date.

On a daily basis, Neo-Cleaners like Tim are dispatched to former residences of senior citizens after their departure to the Atrium, commencing the disposition of their belongings and preparing the home to welcome a younger class of citizens. One day, Tim goes to the house of a recalled senior to perform routine clean-up. However, Tim runs into Paul, an expired senior who is still alive and well. Duty tells Tim to report to Paul to the SSS, but the more Tim learns about Paul and the story of his belongings which are about to be scrapped away, the harder it is for Tim to retain his belief in the System. Little does Tim know that the encounter with Paul is no mistake, as Paul has an unfolding tragedy of his own for Tim to witness; one that would forever change Tim as a person.

Director & Writer:
McFloyd Nguyen

Maike Androsch

Julian Larach
Steven J. Oliver
Irmak Uzun
Robert Artz
Allen Perada

“Neo’s Cleaning Service” at YouTube. Duration: 14:59

“Neo’s Cleaning Service” at Bastyon. Duration: 14:59


Think how would you like to spend old days…

* * *

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Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 178 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!


Not bad

What hit the most for me:
The fact that they all live past each other

Just as in our modern society one needs to be busy
Habe no time
Only for some obligatory, but throughout each year well planned family events which are also more like a job, than coming together in joy..

Which also reminds me of modern gamers
Playing their games like a second job, instead of like a game, fun
Modern mind can't stop, free time is used to make the math for the new meta build of their character or to bombard it with TV

@tipu curate


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