Escuela de rebeldes.Reseña y Opinión [Spanish][English]




Otra de mis películas favoritas que refleja la difícil tarea de la educación fue Escuela de Rebeldes. Un proyecto del año 1989 que destaca al igual que Diario de las calles la complejidad del mundo docente.

En esta historia en particular el profesor retirado Jason Clark regresa años después a su querida secundaria pero ya transformada y sucumbída por las drogas y la violencia. Clark al igual que la anterior docente aplica métodos de enseñanza ortodoxos y autoritarios, pero a pesar de ello logra devolver a la escuela el respeto la paz y el deseo de aprender cosas nuevas cada dia.

Estas son películas que a pesar de ser proyectos viejos y con pocas animaciones y escases de escenografía logra transmitir interesantes mensajes que hacen que los que empezamos la docencia la amemos cada dia más. En lo personal siempre que puedo disfruto de la entrega y reflexiono acercs de muchas cosas a las cuales nos enfrentarnos siendo estudiantes o profesores.

Esta es otra de mis recomendaciones para los amantes o no del difícil mundo del aprendizaje.

Contenido de mi propiedad



Another of my favorite films that reflects the difficult task of education was School of Rebels. A project from 1989 that highlights, like Diary of the Streets,, the complexity of the teaching world.

In this particular story, retired teacher Jason Clark returns years later to his beloved high school but already transformed and succumbed to drugs and violence. Clark, like the previous teacher, applies orthodox and authoritarian teaching methods, but despite this he manages to return respect, peace and the desire to learn new things every day to the school.

These are films that, despite being old projects with few animations and few sets, manage to transmit interesting messages that make those of us who start teaching love it more every day. Personally, whenever I can, I enjoy the delivery and reflect on many things that we face as students or teachers. This is another of my recommendations for those who love or not the difficult world of learning. Another of my favorite films that reflects the difficult task of education was School of Rebels.

A project from 1989 that highlights, like Diario de las Calles, the complexity of the teaching world. In this particular story, retired teacher Jason Clark returns years later to his beloved high school but already transformed and succumbed to drugs and violence. Clark, like the previous teacher, applies orthodox and authoritarian teaching methods, but despite this he manages to return respect, peace and the desire to learn new things every day to the school.

These are films that, despite being old projects with few animations and few sets, manage to transmit interesting messages that make those of us who begin teaching love it more every day.

Personally, whenever I can, I enjoy the delivery and reflect on many things that we face as students or teachers. This is another of my recommendations for those who love or not the difficult world of learning.
