My first shortfilm


I had never considered making films until recently.

In fact, when people ask me, I don’t know how to define myself because I like photography, cinema, and journalism.

Sometimes I switch between each one, which sometimes frustrates me because I’m not as consistent as I’d like to be.

However, when I manage to do it and see the result, I feel encouraged to continue.

This was my first fiction short film, called Merit…what?, and it talks about meritocracy, set in a classroom where different students spontaneously debate the topic while waiting for a peculiar teacher to arrive.

This project went through two iterations, the first being inefficient in terms of production. As a director, I made some mistakes, which I still make, but I learn from them and improve.

Here are some frames from the short film, directed and written by me.

I am grateful to the team of artists who helped make it possible.



Merito... (1).00_00_20_17.Imagen fija007.jpg

Merito... (1).00_03_26_39.Imagen fija004.jpg

Merito... (1).00_04_09_45.Imagen fija005.jpg
