Aragne no Mushikago - Spiritual Insects, Mysteries And Many Deaths Full Of Doubts. [ENG -ESP]

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After watching several anime movies that could be considered independent something I have been able to verify, the stories of anime and movies can be a complete madness, a story that after watching it you are left wondering what you saw and no matter how much you think about it you can not find practically any answer to the story, no doubt some mangakas get very creative with their stories, although in the end it can always be curious to see this kind of works and try to think about what the author was supposed to be thinking when he created it. Recently I saw a strange horror movie that turned out to be a prequel of another one, on this occasion I decided to watch the first movie to complete the story, although in the end there were many doubts, this movie is called Aragne no Mushikago.

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In this story we see again the disturbing building that I already showed you in Amrita no Kyouen, although this time our protagonist will be Rin a young girl who apparently was deceived with an ad to make the contract for an apartment in a new and very nice building in pictures, But in person it is very deteriorated and with an aspect that undoubtedly causes you a great discomfort and terror just by entering, because of her shyness she decides to simply live in this building and everything will trigger a series of very unfortunate events, paranormal and undoubtedly very strange and without that you can get much sense.

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Only the industrialized and deteriorated aspect of the building is enough to create bad feelings, to complement it we have that the few residents that are seen seem to have a mental problem and it seems that they are attacked by insects, soon it is discovered that these insects are spiritual insects that seem to be beings that can be in both worlds at the same time and our protagonist can see them.

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Everything is also presented with a series of mysterious murders in the area and seems to have no idea who is responsible, soon we discover that these murders have some relationship with the building and the mysterious spiritual insects that Rin can see and no doubt cause great terror, they are also visions that could be considered hallucinations and it is not clear if they happen in the real world or just happen before the eyes of rin.

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Trying to give an explanation of this story without many spoilers is almost impossible for the simple fact that it is a story that after watching it I did not know well what was the background and origin of everything, what was the real ending and what was the meaning of everything seen. Like its prequel film there seems to be a strange and apocalyptic world with the strange creatures that seems to be seen only occasionally by Rin.

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As the story progresses we see how more elements are involved in the story such as part of Rin's past and the reason for his anxiety and some of his childhood problems, paranormal elements by showing us some aspects of the spiritual insects and a possible cause related to the strange deaths around the place, even showing how everything may also have some origin due to man and certain secrets hidden from the general population. Many elements that are narrated in an accelerated way and that counting only with a little more than an hour of film many are left in intrigue.

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The animation of this film is quite peculiar, it is an independent work without being made by a big animation studio, so you can not ask for an amazing quality, many scenes remind me of the classic horror video games of decades ago that used 3D models to generate even more concern in the viewer, Perhaps the most objectionable point would be the eyes of the protagonist in some scenes, it is always common for the eyes in anime to have a fantastic quality and detail, but in this film they end up being very disturbing at times, they have a somewhat disturbing style and seem to be an added image to cause even more discomfort in the viewer.

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In spite of everything, Aragne no Mushikago manages to have some quite beautiful and visually attractive scenes, especially in the details of Rin's character where her drawing is quite simple, although pretty. Another aspect that I found somewhat annoying was the amount of characters, there are many characters that barely tell you their name, they appear for a specific scene and then have no relevance, plus in this kind of movies you can intuit that everyone dies, likewise some deaths can be very ridiculous and using the power of the script. In the end it is an aspect that they improved in the prequel by not including so many characters, anyway, Aragne no Mushikago is an interesting film that generates many doubts and at least has disturbing scenes that are striking for any horror film, but if you expect to perfectly understand everything that happened, you will not get it.

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All Images Are Screenshots Of My Monitor

Mangaka: Saku Sakamoto
Animation Production: Saku Sakamoto

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1. Source2. Source3. Source


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Luego de ver varias películas de anime que se podrían considerar independientes algo he podido comprobar, las historias de los animes y películas pueden ser una completa locura, una historia que luego de verla te quedas pensado que viste y por más que lo pienses no le encuentras prácticamente ninguna respuesta a la historia, sin duda algunos mangakas se pone muy creativos con sus historias, aunque al final siempre puede resultar curioso ver este tipo de obras y tratar de pensar en que se supone que estaba pensando el autor cuando la creo. Hace poco vi una película de terror un poco extraña que resulto ser precuela de otra, en esto ocasión decidí ver la primera película para completar la historia, aunque al final fueron muchas las dudas, esta película se llama Aragne no Mushikago.

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En esta historia volvemos a ver el perturbador edificio que ya les mostré en Amrita no Kyouen, aunque en esta ocasión nuestra protagonista será Rin una joven muchacha quien al parecer fue engañada con un aviso para hacer el contrato de un apartamento en un edificio novedoso y muy bonito en fotos, pero que en persona resulta muy deteriorado y con un aspecto que sin dudas te causa una gran incomodidad y terror con solo entrar, por su timidez decide simplemente vivir en este edificio y todo desencadenará en una seria de sucesos muy lamentables, paranormales y sin dudas muy extraños y sin que le puedas conseguir mucho sentido.

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Solamente el aspecto industrializado y deteriorado del edificio es suficiente para crear malas sensaciones, para complementarlo tenemos que los pocos residentes que se ven parecen tener un problema mental y parece que están atacados por insectos, pronto se descubre que estos insectos son insectos espirituales que parecen ser seres que pueden estar en ambos mundos a la vez y nuestra protagonista los puede ver.

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Todo se presenta también con una serie de asesinatos misteriosos por la zona y que parece no tienen idea del responsable, pronto descubrimos que estos asesinatos tienen cierta relación con el edificio y con los misteriosos insectos espirituales que Rin puede ver y sin dudas le causan un gran terror, además son visiones que se podrían considerar alucinaciones y no se sabe bien si suceden en el mundo real o que solo pasan ante los ojos de rin.

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Tratar de dar una explicación de esta historia sin muchos spoilers es casi imposible por el simple hecho que es una historia que luego de verla no supe bien cuál era el trasfondo y origen de todo, cual fue el verdadero final y cuál era el significado de todo lo visto. Al igual que su película precuela parece haber un mundo extraño y apocalíptico con las extrañas criaturas que parece solo lo puede ver Rin ocasionalmente.

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A medida que avanza la historia vemos cómo se van involucrando más elementos en la misma como lo es parte del pasado del Rin y la razón de su ansiedad y algunos problemas de su infancia, elementos paranormales al mostrarnos algunos aspectos de los insectos espirituales y una posible causa relacionado con las muertes extrañas por el lugar, incluso se muestra como todo puede también tener cierto origen debido al hombre y ciertos secretos ocultados a la población en general. Muchos elementos que se van narrando de forma acelerada y que contando solo con un poco más de una hora de película muchos quedan en intriga.

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La animación de esta película es bastante peculiar, se trata de una obra independiente sin ser hecha por un gran estudio de animación, por esto no se puede pedir una calidad asombrosa, muchas escenas me recuerdan a los videojuegos clásicos de terror de décadas atrás que utilizaban modelos 3D para generar aún más inquietud en el espectador, tal vez el punto más criticable seria los ojos de la protagonista en algunas escenas, siempre suele ser frecuente que los ojos en el anime tenga una calidad y detalle fantástico, pero en esta película terminan siendo muy inquietantes por momentos, tienen un estilo algo perturbador y que parecen ser una imagen agregada para causar aún más incomodidad en el espectador.

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A pesar de todo, Aragne no Mushikago logra tener algunas escenas bastante bonitas y atractivas visualmente, en especial en los detalles del personaje de Rin en donde su dibujo es bastante sencillo, aunque bonito. Otro aspecto que me pareció algo molesto fue la cantidad de personajes, hay muchos personajes que apenas y te dicen su nombre, aparecen por una escena en específico y luego no vuelven a tener relevancia, además que en este tipo de películas se puede intuir que todos mueren, del mismo modo algunas muertes pueden resultar muy ridículas y usando el poder del guion. Al final es un aspecto que mejoraron en la precuela al no incluir tantos personajes, de todas maneras, Aragne no Mushikago es una película interesante que te genera muchas dudas y al menos tiene escenas perturbadoras que resultan llamativas para toda película de terror, pero si esperas entender perfectamente todo lo sucedido, no lo conseguirás.

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All Images Are Screenshots Of My Monitor

Mangaka: Saku Sakamoto
Animation Production: Saku Sakamoto

Separator Images:
1. Source2. Source3. Source


Then I will not understand it haha I have not understood plots a little less complex, less this one haha even so, I was very impressed by its animation, I had never seen a design like this, a little disturbing in a way haha

You're right, the eyes of the main character are peculiar 😲


hahahaha I think part of its appeal is that you stay even longer than the movie lasts, thinking that it just happened and really that it's the origin and result of everything :D.

true despite being a low budget development the result is amazing :D


The fact that the film is from an independent studio makes it quite interesting, I think it's good to see new visual proposals and this film has a lot of that. And yes, when there are a lot of characters in a short story it can be annoying, especially because they have no development.

Thanks for sharing this interesting review. Regards!


it is impressive the stories and especially the visual quality that we can see in not so well known and probably low budget movies, although I must admit that the story is very complex for my taste, it is still very striking everything :D

Greetings :D


This movie seems so disorientating 😂😂😂😭


hahahaha actually yes, in a moment they come out and mention so many things that you don't know what to think and how to connect it all xD



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