"Favourite Five" #6 featuring Geoff Rowley, Chris Colbourn (Cookie), Ryan Thompson, Jante – 5:36, Vivien Feil & Soy Panday


I'm such a nerd when it comes to skateboarding, a REAL NERD! I dedicate lots of hours weekly digging new skaters, watching skate videos and reading about skateboarding!

I know lots of homies don't have that much free time to do this but all of us skateboarders love watching dope videos so I'm starting "Favourite Five", a weekly blog highlighting my personal favourite five skate parts/videos that came out the past week!

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This was probably the best week in a good while in terms of new high-quality skate videos and it was so tough to choose which ones I'm gonna feature in this post but here goes...

Geoff Rowley’s "FREE DOME TO SKATE" Video Part

Geoff Rowley needs no introductions! He's an absolute legend in the skateboarding community who has been killing it for over 30 years now and he just released his new video part called "FREE DOME TO SKATE".

This part shows why Geoff is one of the most respected street skaters out there! At the age of 47 he is still attacking every ditch HARD and sends full-speed and full-style! One of the best dudes to ever do it!


P.S. Got those "Flip Sorry" goosbumps when I saw Tom Penny and Mark Appleyard in this part. All legends

Chris Colbourn's "Flower Suit" Pepper Part

Chris Colbourn or "Cookie" is one of my favourite skaters of all time! I just love the unique way he approaches spots, his fast feet and his trick selection!

Every new "Cookie" part is like a blessing from the skate gods and this one is no expection! Cookie hammered famous spots with NBDs and skated unknown spots in such a creative way!

Fastest 5 minutes of my life! Enjoy

Ryan Thompson's "Texas Three Step" Three Part

The third and final part of Ryan Thompson's "Texas Three Step" project is online and oh boi Ryan absolutelly slayed every spot in his path!

Not much to say about this one, only thing I NEED to say is that you MUST WATCH THIS, no joke! And if you haven't watched the previous 2 parts of Ryans "Texas Thee Step" you should watch them too, he is SO GOOD!

P.S. What a dope idea to release 3 parts in one week! I think no one has done this one before, respect to Ryan and Roger skateboards

Jante – 5:36

FINALLY some fresh Gustav Tønnesen footage, so f*cking refreshing!

Gustav and the crew skated the super-rough streets of Lisbon and Fritte Söderström, imo one of the best European filmers was there to capture the action!

Lots of banger tricks like Gustav's Sw Bs Feeble to Sw Fs Feeble line and Martins full-speed Noseslide line but the best part in my opinion was the filming as well as editing! Fritte has skills for days!

PREMIERE: Vivien Feil & Soy Panday in Magenta's "Just Cruise II"

The French are known worldwide for their taste in style and same applies to French skateboarders! Both Vivien and Soy know exactly what they have to do to look good on their board as well as where to do it!

Filming/editing is top-notch, spot selection is sick and their approach to skateboarding is definitely unique. Magenda videos never dissapoint!

That's it for this week everyone! Hope you enjoyed watching those parts/videos! Let me know which one was your favourite as well as link any dope skate videos you digged this week at the comments section bellow, always on the look out for new video parts/videos!

Much love and...



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all videos very good but Jante's – 5:36 was the one I watched twice


Yeah man, it was brilliant! Editing and filming were SO GOOD, same for skateboarding