Give me Village Movies


Greetings people!

Nollywood movies

If you're conversat with Africa Magic on DStv, there's an African Magic subchannel meant for Nollywood epic movies. That's the channel I love to put for my colleagues at work to watch always because the movies there are better compared to the urban it relates to us.
But whenever the Manager of our company comes and sees the native/supernatural/occultic/comic movies on the screen, he gets angry and changes the channel to the urban channel, where all they know is movies about cheating partners. So we ended up terming the manager as someone who loves infidelity stories.
That's how it happened in my previous workplace


I'm not trying to diss the Nollywood urban movies, please; I'm just pointing out my preferred scenes.

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Why I prefer the village settings in Nollywood movies

  • It tells the culture

One of the major reasons I love village movies is how they show the rich culture of the particular tribe used in the story.

For the deep costumed movies; it shows how life was in the early days, how they survived before technology, how the gods lit up their paths, as well as how the gods chopped a lot of sacrifices, which those people believed deeply in.

For the modernised village settings where zinc-roofed houses are used, it shows the current state of some rural areas in the country and how life is currently there.

During those days when I was keen on Nollywood movies, I learned a lot about cultures and their different beliefs.

  • The comic ones are top-notch

Who remembers the early days of Aki and Pawpaw?What is Osuofia?
Comic movies in village settings have a way of hitting the peak point; those hilarious scenes purge out uncontrollable laughter....Maybe it's because I grew up in the village.

  • It tells myths and superstitions

I'm someone who has a great interest in mythical things, and I always want to know more about how a particular tribe believes in the existence of a particular mythical structure. These village settings have more of these movies.

I saw in a movie that when a twin dies, his or her spirit hangs around on earth to wait for the time the other one dies before they ascend together to the underworld. I don't know how true this is, but I like the belief.

Foreign movies (Kdrama, Bollywood, and Hollywood)

  • For Kdrama

I so much love their village-type movies; their type of clothing, their rich historical storyline, and the clashes of swords. We can't just overemphasise the sweet features.
I'm currently watching The Six Flying Dragons

  • Bollywood

I've seen both the city and village settings of Bollywood movies, and I'll go for the village settings. The feature of kdrama is just the dance difference here.

  • Hollywood

When writing this particular spot, I paused and asked a guy beside me about his preference for a Hollywood village or city setting, and guess what? He mentioned Rambo!
Mehn! American village war movies hit differently.

Thanks for reading.

This is in response to Hivenaija prompt.

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha


Virtually all the film's by Aki and Pawpaw brought me so much delight and joy whenever I watched them, and it was mostly the ones set in villages that were most memorable. It is why I appreciate good films shot in villages.

Thank you for participating!


Oh yeah.
I'm glad to see someone on same lane with me🤸.

Thank you boss


Village movie abeg!

It's helps to promote our culture.


Yes ooo!
It seems we are many that like village movies to the city settings.

Thanks for reading