Blumhouse's Fantasy Island

Getting in the spirit of Halloween me and Aimee decided to watch some horror movies; we're going to aim for a film a night until the end of the month, and on Halloween night we'll most likely just have a movie night - maybe some kid friendly films with Kaleb until he goes to sleep and then move onto scarier ones.


Fantasy Island

We scrolled through the Netflix Horror section, and came across this one. We'd never heard of it before, but the teaser trailer at the start kind of caught our attention and we decided to give it a go.

I figured it was going to be a low budget/ B-Movie, kind of thing, but it wasn't. Apparently it was a box office success when it first came out and to be honest, if that's the case I can see why.

The film starts off with a woman being chased through the woods, and she is captured. From this, we kind of get an idea of the tone of the film. After this scene we're introduced to a bunch of characters who all arrive on this scenic island where everyone's fantasies can come to life.

I kind of suspected that it was going to be a weirder film than it actually turned out to be, but it wasn't, it was just a good "Horror Film" with a heavy emphasis on each characters past.

Strong characters get us hooked, mysteries about each one - and the island in general - keep us engaged, and some good plot twists throughout keep us guessing.


Twists and Turns

I kind of like how each character gets equal amounts of time to shine, and each one is incredibly different, meaning that each persons personal fantasy is different.

Each person has their own regrets, which leads them to seek out certain things, some want revenge on people from their past, and some just want to party and enjoy themselves that way - which is another way for them to escape their pasts.

It comes together to become a very enjoyable film, and some of the twists throughout are very well done, to the point where you don't guess what's coming next.

I wouldn't exactly call it a horror movie, but it is an enjoyable movie and there are a few moments that kind of keep you on the edge of your seat.

All in all, it was a good film to kick our monthly movie marathon off with and more than anything it was just an enjoyable movie with a good cast of characters.

There are no particularly famous actors in this one, which I kind of liked, but there are certainly some familiar faces.


Really enjoyed the movie! If you haven't and are a fan of the franchise you should give Saw X a watch!


Oh, that's one for the list man, I haven't seen it, but did watch a few of the first Saw movies around the time they came out


I reccomend you watch the other saw movies first as there are some call backs and cameos in Saw X!


I like that you mention that it's not “classic” horror, but it does have moments of tension; that may be perfect for those who enjoy a good story without being bombarded with scares every five minutes. Good input!


Cheers, yeah it certainly wasn't scary scary, but there were some good moments and edge of your seat parts to the movie that had me routing for the main characters

We both really enjoyed it


La vi en la promoción de la plataforma de Netflix y me llamó la atención, asi que será mi próximo objetivo, gracias por recomendarla. Por lo que describes, de seguro no decepcionará. Saludos.