Philomena Cunk; The best of mockumentary and deadpan comedy.

I always see comedians as those that are articulate enough to speak about 'inappropriate things' that an average person may not be open to saying. They pick topics that are wild and they use comical lines and delivery to open our eyes to the truth and ridiculousness of a particular talking point.


What a comedian talks on stage or what they display in comedy skits may not be an accurate representation of what happened, but it's also not something trivial that can be written off as 'just a joke'.

Nope! I mean, you can laugh about the lines, the acts and the delivery, but don't overlook the message in the comedy.

What comedians do, especially the intelligent ones, is to talk about things in a funny way. But, anyone that is diligent enough to read the room will surely understand the underlying message. Don't get it wrong though... I know that some comedians are just mumbling stuff without any deep message and I know I don't have any of those in my list of favourite comedians.

So, which comedians do I enjoy their content?

A lot. Seriously, these folks are not kidding. The industry is being overwhelmed by a lot of popular and talented comedians.

Dave Chappelle is someone I enjoy his content so much and I like how he doesn't think too much about delivering his message, even if someone is going to try and censor him about what he says on stage. Dave is a champ, but get ready for some F-bombs and unfiltered stuff when listening to him.

Ricky Gervais is another dude that serves comedy hot with a full plate of sauce and it's always very spicy. However, you have to be intelligent to get the gist of what Ricky is on about. Haha. He does stand-up, acting, scriptwriting and directing. Check out After Life, a comedy TV show that runs into 3 seasons. I believe this is Ricky's best comedy work, so far.

Bill Burr is another bloke I enjoy his work. The same goes for Trevor Noah and a long list of other comedians.

But, who's my favourite comedian?

Philomena Cunk (Diane Morgan)

Diane started her journey in the comedy industry as a stand-up comedian in the UK. She landed some acting projects along the line and got into the movie industry. Aside from being an actor, she's also a writer and all her piece are edged towards comedy.

Her best and most popular project so far is in the mockumentary series which she did with BBC as a rather interesting character, Philomena Cunk.

Here is an episode from the mockumentary.

History buffs will fall head over heels for this episode. I love my history and I never thought I would be watching something about history without being bored. Well, Philomena Cunk is that lady that delivers any talking point in a manner that will make you anticipate more episodes.

She's always using her 'dumb' but intelligible questions to test the knowledge of her guests. She does it by asking uncomfortable questions which an average bloke will feel too dumb to ask, but what's so interesting about that approach is that it transcends to giving viewers a schoolboy understanding of the subject matter.

The above episode is Cunk on Britain. There are other episodes where she talks about Shakespeare, America, Money, Christmas, Humans, Earth, and Philosophy... Stuff like that.

Her deadpan delivery of the comical lines makes it captivating and I assure you that there are several historical and philosophical lessons to learn from Philomena's quality delivery of her Comedy. I'm also a sucker for British accent. Haha. That's another reason I enjoy listening to British comedians.

Check her out and enjoy her piece.

Thanks For Not Missing Any Full-stop Or Comma.
Thumbnail Image is taken from Unsplash
The attached video is from BBC's official YouTube page.


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After reading this one I just realized that I don't know anyone of them you shared here. I know very few comedian only.
It is going to be a tough one for me to write about comedians 😅.


Haha... I actually know so many comedians who I find hilarious and I enjoy their Content on YouTube.

How about you look into the comedians in your country? Hehe. You may find one who you will enjoy Sharing his/her work with us.


How about you look into the comedians in your country?

I am searching for it. 🤔. I will try my best for it..


Not all comedians have deep messages behind their jokes and gone are the days when Nigerian comedians were fearless. These days, they have dined with the devil and can't even make deep content out of the situations we are going through.

I watch these guys just to laugh and honestly, I don't know these names. I might have come across their content but am not familiar.

You will make me go check them out, I know your choices of things are cool.


Exactly. I always say that the Nigerian comedians of old were creatively expressing strong opinions about topics that nobody dared to talk about. However, it seems like there is an existing censorship on the comedians of this era and most of them are just blowing the horn on high-net-worth individuals.

The comedy I watch are always interesting in a Shakespearean way. Haha. The one I shared in this post is a good example of that.


Hahaha I love mockumentaries! This one I didn't know, I will watch it for sure! thanks for showing me that!


Ahaaa... You will enjoy various episodes of Philomena Cunk. Hehe. She delivers the lines in a very captivating way. I enjoy her piece so much


A lot of comedians are exposing truths that ordinarily no one would dare come out to speak, especially those performing on stage.

I really don't know any of these comedians you mentioned, thanks for exposing me to them😁😁


Haha... Yes oooo. Comedians are now the voice of Truth especially in this era where stuff like transgender, censorship and some political stuff are taking center stage.

It's just a whole vibe to listen to an intelligent and well articulated comedian.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this. Hehe.


Those guys are really doing their jobs, our right to speech might be limited but you see not theirs lol 😂😂..


Haha... Exactly oooo. They get and stage and roast whoever they want. Haha. It's just hilarious


LoL.. I think I will soon join comedy, I want to talk but I lack backing


Haha... Whenever you get started, we will be your foundational audience and push you to the permanent site. Haha


Hahhah.. somebody want them to jail me🤣🤣