Kudos To Elsa Pataky —Review Of Interceptor (2022)


Source: Fair Use

I still have some films from 2021-2022 that I downloaded on my PC and have not watched yet. As I was tidying some folders yesterday, I came across this film hidden away somewhere. How did I miss it? And it features Elsa Pataky as the lead cast! I settled down and devoured it immediately.

I understand Interceptor (2022) is Matthew Reilly's directorial debut. The film begins with some details as to the timing Russian nuclear missiles take to deploy and how long it takes the two interceptor bases to stop the missiles before they explode on American soil. The main interceptor base, Fort Greely in Alaska, is under attack and the soldiers killed by terrorists.

Source: YouTube

In another scene, U.S. Army Captain J. J. Collins (played by Elsa Pataky), is on a helicopter, flying to the second interceptor base, SBX-1, located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. She's anxious because she had been trolled and bullied for getting her superior, who sexually harassed her, fired.

As soon as she lands and checks in, her superior commander tells her to take her sidearm and report to the command centre as they just got wind of an attack on Fort Greely. SBX-1 is the only line of defence left against terrorists looking to launch nuclear missiles to destroy cities in the US. It turns out the terrorists are already in the base and the fate of the country's survival rests on Captain JJ's shoulders. Will she succeed in keeping the terrorists away from the command room and successfully intercept any launched missile?


This is the first film where I see Elsa Pataky in action! I admired her performance in the Fast & Furious series and thought this lady deserves her own film where she's the lead. Seeing her in this action thriller is fascinating.

Interceptor is a fast-paced action thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat. The plot is not a bad one—it's a straight up, oldies kind of action movie. Some bad men take the interceptor base hostage and try to disable the missiles so they can wipe out an entire country. They confront a one-woman team who wouldn't let them and against all odds, she wins.

The execution or storytelling of a plot is what matters in a movie and I can say, director Matthew Reilly did good with this one. The shine is on the two lead actors: Elsa Pataky and Luke Bracey, the protagonist and villain respectively. About 90% of the film takes place in one scene—the command centre of SBX-1 and these actors are convincing in their performance.

Although there are some plot holes, I still love the action sequences and fight scenes. They reveal the potential in Elsa Pataky regardless of what some pessimist critics say. I agree some scenes are implausible such as when the countdown was on and Elsa swung across bars to get to the launch button within two minutes. It's just humanly impossible but that's why this is a movie. Viewers see implausible scenes all the time in James Bond and Tom Cruise movies and they don't question it. So why criticise Elsa's stunts in this one?

I also like that there are references to sexual harassment and gender inequality in the military to give the plot more flesh. They are social issues that everyone is familiar with.

I think Elsa Pataky did great in her role as a badass army captain. With two or more action movies in her repertoire, she'll take her place among other badass female action actors in the industry. The supporting cast did great as well. I was surprised to see Chris Hemsworth acting the part of a salesman and find it funny.

Overall, I enjoyed this film. It's fast-paced, action-packed and entertaining.

Thank you for visiting my blog.

Other images are screenshots from the movie

Posted using CineTV


A good review! I am glad you enjoyed this movie regardless of its negative reviews on the internet. I love this movie and I also agree with you that Elsa Pataky's performance was impressive. She protrayed her role strongly. I enjoyed this movie it was fun and thrilling for me. The antagonist really underestimated Elsa and it ended badly for him.

!discovery 41


I was unhappy about the negative reviews. It's like some movies are rigged to fail by critics', which is not right! I think Elsa did great in this one and hope to see her in more action movies. Thanks so much for your support. 🙂 !PIMP


Interceptor? On my way to trying it right now!
Amazing rec btw


Thanks. It's a cool film. You'll like it.


I haven't seen this movie, but it vaguely reminds me of Tomb Raider and its female protagonist Lara Croft.

Although there are some plot holes, I still love the action sequences and fight scenes. They reveal the potential in Elsa Pataky regardless of what some pessimist critics say.

I like that you're able to find the positive aspects of the movie among its shortcomings. I recently saw a movie with the intention of writing a review (I even made notes), but it was bad, so I couldn't bring myself to review it. Has that happened to you? Or do you review them whether good or bad?


I love Tomb Raider, the one featuring Angelina Jolie as Lara Croft, I mean. I saw the reboot where Alicia Vikander played Lara Croft and I didn't like it so much.

...it was bad, so I couldn't bring myself to review it.

😂 I know what you mean. I've watched movies there were terrible and wrote my review stating so. I'll say, go ahead and put your review out there! It's your opinion of the film. !LUV